Bench Press Workout + Build Bulletproof Shoulders!
If you want to continue gaining strength on the bench press, try this Dynamic Effort Bench Press workout. It’s a great way of not only building explosive power but also introducing accommodating resistance into your training – while bulletproofing your shoulders at the same time!

How To Build BIGGER Pecs – Dumbbell Chest Workout
This is my first official workout video for 2019. We’re going to kick it off with a muscle pumping chest workout that you can do at home using nothing more than a set of dumbbells and a bench!

How To Bench Press More Weight With Proper Technique
How Much Can Ya Bench? The Bench Press is one of the the most popular lifts in the gym. And it’s one of the lifts that people use to judge your overall strength and muscle progress. In this blog post you’re going to learn how to instantly increase your bench press with proper technique.

10 Seconds To A BIGGER Chest!
Build a Bigger More Muscular Chest with the 10 Second Timed Flat Dumbbell Bench Press! This is one move that you can use at the end of your next chest workout as a Killer Exercise To Pump Your Pecs
How To Build BIGGER Pecs
Do you want to build a big set of muscular pecs? When your goal is to pack and muscle and fill out your t-shirt with slabs of thick massive chest meat, then you need to train your pecs from top to bottom with a complete chest workout
4 Day Bodybuilding Workout Plan
In this blog post you’re going to get a complete 4-Day Bodybuilding Split Routine that focuses on building size and strength throughout all your major muscle groups. This workout routine can be used by intermediate to advanced lifters
JUMP SETS to Increase Training Volume & Intensity
As you get more advanced in your workouts you need to look for ways to progress past basic beginner weight training and get your muscles to perform more work in the same amount of time either by upping your training volume and / or training intensity. One killer trick for doing this is using “Jump…
4 Super Set Workouts For More Muscle Growth!
A Super Set is when you combine two or more exercises back to back with no rest period between the exercises. Sound simple? Well it is. But there are many different combinations and variations of the Super Set that you can jack up the training intensity of your workouts
100 Rep Pull Up / Dip Workout!
I did something interesting during my “weight training” workout yesterday… And I’m using the term “weight training” loosely because I never actually touched a weight per say. My entire workout consisted entirely of just 2 body weight exercises: – 100 total pull ups – 100 total dips Now while I’m a big fan of including…
Upper Chest Workout Routine
In this workout we’re going to focus on training the upper chest with a complete workout routine that will work the mid-range, fully stretched, and peak contraction ranges of motion
Pec Pumping Chest Workout
Do you want to build a BIG Muscular Chest? If so you’re in luck because in the video clip that I have for you today you’ll get a complete Pec Pumping Chest Workout Routine that you can follow the next time you are at the gym
Build The Upper Chest With The Guillotine Press!
Get Ready To Build A Bigger Upper Chest With The Guillotine Press. The guillotine press is an old school upper chest exercise that was made popular by Vince Gironda (aka The Iron Guru)
German Volume Training – 10 Sets Of 10 Reps
If you are at a plateau in your training or would just like to try something different, you should give the German Volume Training method a try. This is a great program for packing on muscle mass quickly. This was used as an off-season workout to help Olympic Weightlifters gain lean body mass and shed excess bodyfat.
How To Warm Up Before You Workout
What’s the proper way to warm up before a weight training workout? Should you stretch first? Should you do some cardio? Is a warm up really needed? One of keys to having a successful workout is the mental and physical preparation that you do before you hit the gym floor.
Bodybuilding Stretching Routine
Of all aspects of bodybuilding training, stretching is the one part that is most often ignored by most guys. It is just one of those things that seems to get pushed off to the side as not that important. Well, one thing you probably didn’t realize is that when stretching is properly integrated into a weight training program it can actually SPEED UP YOUR MUSCLE GROWTH!
How To Do The Reverse Grip Bench Press
If you are stuck in a rut with your bench press gains. Then give the Reverse Grip Bench Press a try for the next 4-6 weeks to help spur on some new muscle growth!
Complete Push Up Workout That You Can Do At Home…
Push ups are great extra exercise that you can add to any workout routine to help speed up growth in the chest. So if you find that your chest is a stubborn muscle group for you, then simply doing a couple sets of push ups everyday can help spur on new muscle growth because you are regularly flushing blood and nutrients into your pectoral muscles.
Upper CHEST Workout with Dumbbells & Cables
When it comes to building a big muscular chest, there are 2 common problems that most guys run into, and they are:
1) Developing The Upper Chest.
2) One Side Of The Chest Is Bigger Than The Other.
So that’s why I’ve put together a specific chest workout video that will address both of these issues.
What we’re going to do in this workout is target exercises that work primarily the upper pecs.
CHEST Pumping Circuit Workout!
Who else wants a big muscular chest?
It’s a safe bet that pretty much every guy who has ever picked up a weight would like to have a well developed chest.
The chest has always been regarded as one of the most powerful muscle groups in the body and it’s usually the top priority with most workout programs.
How often have you seen a program written out that started like this…
Day 1: Chest
Tarzan’s “JUNGLE MUSCLE” Workout!
Picture this… You are out in the middle of a lush green jungle, you are totally relaxed and asleep in a little thatched palm roof villa just off the beach, the soft gentle breeze is blowing in off the water, the sun is rising over the horizon, and you are gently awaken to the beautiful…
FREE Muscle Building e-Book!
Do You Have Stubborn Muscles That Just Refuse To Grow, No Matter How Hard You Train Them In The Gym? That’s why I’ve put together my Muscle Specialization Training Guide. This is a FREE e-book that covers unique muscle building specialization moves for each and every bodypart
Advanced Push Up Workout
I’m a huge fan of doing push ups in my workouts… They help to build up the chest, increase strength in all your pressing exercises (i.e. bench press, shoulder press, etc.), and they also help to strengthen your core from balancing and holding your body in position. However, as you get more advanced in your…
My Very First Muscle Up!
I just set a new personal record in the gym the other day! You see I’ve been working on doing a “Muscle Up” for quite a while now. And just the other day I finally was able to do my very first Muscle Up! If you are not familiar with a “Muscle Up”, it’s basically…
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps Workout
This 3 day bodybuilding split routine can be used by all lifters, from beginners right up to advanced levels, with good results. Day 1 is the Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps workout
Time-Volume Training…
Guest Blog Post From Nick Nilsson – The “Mad Scientist” Of Bodybuilding. Time-Volume Training is one of my favorite “no brains required” methods for building muscle and strength like clockwork. When you do this style of training, you know EXACTLY what weight to use, how many reps to do, how long to do it for…
How To INSTANTLY Increase Your Training Volume & Intensity
As you get more advanced in your workouts you need to look for ways to progress past basic beginner weight training and get your muscles to perform more work in the same amount of time either by upping your training volume and / or training intensity. One killer trick for doing this is using “Jump…
Lee’s # 1 CHEST Workout Tip…
Lee’s # 1 CHEST Workout Tip… If you were to ask the average guy at the gym what body part he’d like to develop the most. You can bet that the CHEST would rank pretty darn high. In most cases it’s a toss up between wanting to build up the Chest, Arms, or Abs as…
New Chest Workout Video Posted
Hey it’s your muscle building coach Lee Hayward here and I just posted up a new workout training video for you to check out. In the video I’m working out with my friend Brent, he was one of the 21-Day Fast Mass Building test subjects. We go over a big basic chest building power move…
How Much Can Ya Bench?
————————————————————————————————————— Have you ever wondered why people are so obsessed with the bench press? It doesn’t matter if you are at school with your friends… On the job with your co-workers… Or at the gym with your lifting buddies… Everyone want’s to know: “How Much Can Ya Bench?” I used to wonder what was the…
Available For 36 HOURS ONLY!
I have something really cool to share with you at: http://www.BlastYourBench.com/36-hour-promo You see my good friend Mike Westerdal and I are hosting a special VIP “Mass & Strength Building” phone coaching call this Tuesday @ 9:00 pm Eastern Time and we want you to join us! Now just in case you’re not familiar with Mike…