Home Gym Workouts!
This video covers a quick and easy bodyweight leg workout that you do at home without any exercise equipment what so ever!
What we’re going to do is a circuit routine of bodyweight squats, walking lunges, and standing calve raises. This will target all the major muscles of the lower body.
Start Off With:
– Bodyweight Squats for 25 reps.
– Walking Lunges for 25 strides.
– Standing Calve Raises for 25 reps.
Repeat the circuit at least 4 times for 100 total reps for each exercise.
You can rest 30 seconds in between each exercise, but try to keep this leg workout fast paced and it will also serve as a cardio conditioning workout as well.
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Give this home gym bodyweight leg workout a try for yourself and then leave me a comment below letting me know how you like it.
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Great video Lee, There are many people who do not exercise because they do not have the time or don’t want to join a gym. These exercises you are showing are a great example that you only need minutes a day, the will to begin, and the motivation to continue in getting healthier and stronger. I am definitly sharing this video with family and freinds. I hope they subscribe to your FREE e-mails for a better future…Stay Strong Herc.
Bryan Holton
Thanks for shifting your videos towards the home workout. I’ve been following you now for a few years and made great strides in the gym thanks to your workout and nutrition advice. Unfortunately, the time demands to make it to the gym became too much so I stopped going in order to focus on some of the things that were lacking in my life. I’ve since been interested in trying to pursue my fitness goals at home on my own time and have been needing some ideas. Arms and abs next?
Keep up the good work!
Nancy Russo
Yes, thanks for showing some basics we can do at home!
This is a great idea for a quick leg workout that can be done at home! I also do this exact same routine before all my basketball games after I stretch, normally just one set of 25 reps for each exercise but my point is doing this before hand has greatly reduced my soreness after games because my legs are nice and warmed up before each game. Great stuff Lee, been fallowing you for 3 years now and your advice has played q huge role in my success, thanks!
While on the road for work, I was able to do one-legged squats right in my hotel room, and got some DOMS from it.
I can normally do regular squats with more than my bodyweight for sets of 10. With the one-legged squats (where bodyweight counts as double), I was struggling with sets of 8 because some of my focus is on balancing, which detracts from the pressing.
Still, it was a great workout.
For those who struggle with squats, it can be done with some kind of hand-hold (like a chair on one side of you) to make yourself a bit lighter.
Backpack idea is a good one! Nice to see full lower body workout that is quick and easy to do almost anytime or anywhere.
Thanks Nelson 🙂
Bryan Holton,
For sure, I’m going to cover home workout videos for all the major muscle groups. I think a Home Ab Workout will be the next one!
Thanks for the tip!
Chuck S
A lot of stairways only have one handrail, but I can do the 2 -legged version with one handrail. The one-legged one I can do with both hands on the same handrail.
Thanks for a nice workout. Love u Lee..
Hey Lee, nice vid. A little concerned about your stair stringers. The throat cut appear to be too deep. You my need to sister another un-cut stringer to it or just replace it with a 2 x 12. Just want you and Trish to be safe especially that you are performing exercises on the stairs.
Did these last night, feeling them today!
Justin lee
Hey lee this is great just one question.. I have always had an upper body that gains muscle faster much faster then my legs, I and my father have always had chicken legs.. I work my leg barbell squats waited lunges, full range calf raises.. Ive seen some results, in muscle gain in my lower body, my legs have gottEn much,stronger though.. Is there any way I can really increase my muscle down there haha.. Please help
Sure, you don’t have to hold the rail. You can just place your hand against the wall or anything for balance.
Yes, you should check out the 20 rep squat routine at:
Thanks for sharing this to us. Keep posting!
Radu Fcsb
Hey Lee,can i use dumbbells for this workout?