As I’m sure you are already well aware, on Friday March 11 an 8.9 magnitude earthquake hit Japan. And this has triggered a massive tsunami which totally devastated the nation’s east coast, leaving thousands of people dead and many thousands more missing or injured.
The last I heard there are over half a million people currently homeless and living in temporary shelters. I’m sure you must have seen some of the footage about this on television and online. It’s just mind boggling I can’t even imagine how horrible this must be for the people living in Japan right now.
Now obviously I’m going to do my part and donate money to the Japanese relief efforts and try and help these people out. But I’d like to do something on a larger scale to provide even more help for those who were are affected by this natural disaster.
So this is where I need your help…
You see I’m going to hold a special promotion from March 17 to March 25 for my “Blast Your Biceps” muscle building arm specialization training system. And I’m going to donate 100% of the money generated from this promo to the Red Cross Japanese Tsunami Relief Fund.
And to kick things off I’m going to donate $1,000 of my own money along with 100% of all the money generated from this special “Blast Your Biceps” promotion.
Now I realize that this is still quite small compared to the billions of dollars in damages that have been caused by the tsunami over in Japan. But I believe that every little bit counts. So if we can all chip in together and do our part, the combined efforts will make a difference.

I’d like to say a BIG Thank You to everyone who participated in this special promotion. The money has been sent to help out a good cause!
Here are the actual receipts from the donation that was sent on March 28, 2011. The money was sent directly to the Japanese Red Cross as per the instructions on their website at:
You can click on the images to see the full size pictures.
I blurred out my bank account number and cell phone number for obviously reasons.
But you can still see the full amount that was wired to the Japanese Red Cross.
Dave Ruel
You’re a good man Savage Beast!
Thanks Dave, it’s a small step in the right direction. I know in the greater scheme of things it’s still only a drop in the bucket. But I believe with the combined efforts from everyone we can still help people out in their time of need.
e bongers
is this a real paper book or a e-book to be downloaded
Dave Wade
Hi Lee, I was curious about your promotion. I already own your “Blast Your Biceps” program and was wondering if you had any plans to apply this same concept to another program perhaps. I know I haven’t quite talked myself into your pullup program yet. Just an idea. Thanks
The entire “Blast Your Biceps” program is a digital download. You can get all the details of what’s included in the program at:
Sure, if you already have “Blast Your Biceps” and would like to order another program instead. Just e-mail me and we’ll arrange the same deal with another one of my programs.
Done! just supported the cause 🙂
Hey Lee, just wanted to say – I think what you’re doing is fantastic, and everyone should follow your lead. keep up the great work!
Good work Lee. Brilliant thing to do, especially as you are putting your own omney in as well as the proceeds from this. Always enjoy reading your tips – great website.
Thanks for the feedback, and I also want to say a big thank you for everyone who has already taken action and bought the program during this special promotion. Everyday I’ll post how close we are to reaching the goal of generating $10,000 to donate to the Japanese tsunami victims.
blaise Corsini
Dear Lee,
I have subscribed to your program (rpt #: 4729-1703-9934-9359.)
Doing a good thing here but lets make the donated sum the target instead of the period. Lets all commit to the 10,000
Thanks for your help. It’s nice to see the positive support and feedback for this 🙂
Hey Lee, I bought your program and that makes me feel good twice! I get stronger, leaner and buffer while helping out those in need! It’s a great thing you’re doing here! The program rocks! And everyone else should do the same, BYOB (blast you own biceps) too. Lol 🙂
Body Building South Africa
I think its a noble thing you are doing ! I recommend the Blast your Biceps Book to all !
Thanks for the support, just to let you know we’ve currently raised just over $3,000 for the Japanese Red Cross.
The final total that was donated today was $4,102.
Now I admit this was a little less than I was hoping for, but it’s still a significant donation non-the-less. And to everyone who helped out with this promo and ordered the “Blast Your Biceps” program I just wanted to say a big thank you, it’s money going to a good cause!