Sneaky “Muscle Supplement” Scam!
Ever wonder why that “miracle muscle builder” supplement that hoovered up last week’s paycheck didn’t perform as well as it did for the shredded dude in the magazine ad? * Are you just too much of a “hardgainer”? * Did you forget to use the magic words? |
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That’s what some of the big supplement companies would like you to believe.
When in fact, it’s not YOU at all!
A recent review of the slick marketing tactics used by greedy bodybuilding supplement companies revealed some pretty scary tricks that you may have fallen for in the past.
Here are the Top 3 findings (and how you can be sure to NEVER get scammed again!):
1. “Proprietary Blends”
If the ingredient label on a supplement says “patent-pending” or “proprietary blend”, don’t buy it!
That’s scam-talk for “cheap worthless supplements we don’t want to tell you about!”
Companies can combine any simple compounds (whether they work or not) and submit them for a patent WITHOUT even telling you what’s in their super secret formula.
Sounds “official”… but it’s a smoke screen!
2. “Pixie Dust”
Most supplements list “proven” active ingredients on their labels that CAN help you build more muscle and burn fat.
Unfortunately, most of them contain so LITTLE of the actual ingredient that they will literally have NO EFFECT on your body unless you take expensive MEGA-DOSES!
Usually the language that’s used is something like, “…contains an ingredient proven to blah, blah, blah…”
“Contains” = “Sucker” Don’t be one.
3. Scientific Jargon
We’re conditioned to accept medicines as having a powerful effect on our body.
That’s why supplement companies will use the latin or scientific name for a compound on the ingredients label to jack up the price for something that costs just pennies to produce.
In an expose, a friend of mine actually found one expensive “advanced” supplement that was using the long scientific name for plain old creatine… and charging a small fortune for it.
In another testosterone-boosting supplement, the manufacturers used the scientific name for (get this…) black tea leaves!
The bottle cost nearly $60 and it was filled with nothing more than ground up black tea leaves with its latin name!
Makes you want to give up on supplements, doesn’t it?
Well that would actually
be a HUGE mistake!
Of course you need to have a kick-ass training program to stimulate muscle growth.
And you know you need to feed that muscle to make it grow, right?
Well the fact is, there ARE some great supplements that can show you faster results in the mirror!
The secret is to know…
* Which ones actually WORK
* How much DOSAGE actually works
* And how to buy them WITHOUT going broke!
I know that sounds like a big challenge, right?
Well this week, I’ve been telling everyone I know about a “how-to” guide that actually shows you how to make your OWN
supplements (without any special skills or equipment).
The site is located at: <= Step-By-Step Guide
I’m speaking about it so much because I think it’s such a “no brainer” decision for ANYONE who uses supplement at all (or wants to use supplements but can’t afford the prices).
It’s literally just $27 for the entire step-by-step blueprint.
But you’ll save as much as 98% by making your own supplements and you’ll know that your own formulas actually WORK!
That’s because there are 29 ready-to-make recipes that you can use for ANY fitness goal starting right away.
Imagine making your own:
* Muscle-Builders
* FatBurners
* Hormone-Enhancers
* Testosterone Boosters
* Workout Formulas
* Mass Gainers
…AND saving a ton of dough while getting BETTER results!
See what I mean by “no brainer”?
Check it out NOW at… <= Supplement Secrets Revealed!
Oh, and this week, there’s a special “bonus recipe” for a formula that’s scientifically proven to increase your “performance” in
the bedroom. (Tons of great testimonials on this one!)
Don’t miss out on this special promotion week, ok?
This offer goes away in just a few days so see what it’s all about at: <= Step-By-Step Guide
You’ll be thrilled with this deal and the results you’ll SEE and FEEL when you make your own muscle formulas and never have to be a slave to the greedy supplement companies again!
all the best,
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)
#4. Any supplement with the words “Ultimate Hardcore” in the title.
BTW what does any recent research say about the herbal supplement “Bulgarian Tribulus”? Or is tribulus extract another term for black tea leaves?!?
LOL I hear you, a lot of supplement companies go for the most outrageous names for their products.
As for tribulus, it’s an ok product. I’ve used it myself and I can certainly notice the libido boosting benefits from it. As for testosterone boosting, it does help, but it’s not a miracle supplement by any means. The highest increase you’ll see is about a 30% over your baseline testosterone levels.
how many muscle supplement websites/workout websites with this same format/look/sensational claims exist on the web? countless! homemade supplements has the same format! looks like a scam to me 🙁
Well the thing about “Homemade Supplements Secrets” is that he’s not even selling supplements. This is an e-book that breaks down the active ingredients in all the top muscle building / fat loss supplements that you see advertised in the magazines, etc. and shows you how to combine the individual ingredients to create an equally as good (or sometimes even better) product for a fraction of the cost of buying the name brand version.
The program will literally pay for itself a dozen times over if you actually apply the information that it covers.
you just said not to trust scammers saying scientifically proven.. and then in your sales pitch you say your recipes are scientifically proven.
The big difference is that when you combine the ingredients yourself you know exactly how much of each ingredient you are getting.