Are you making this “Newbie” Workout Mistake…

The next time you are at the gym, just take notice of how many guys are actually making this “Newbie” workout mistake… As funny as it may seem, it’s actually quite common to see this being done in the gym.

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About The Author


Lee Hayward is a former competitive bodybuilder and muscle building coach who has been online coaching people since 1997. His work has been featured in several international magazines such as: FLEX, Muscle Insider, Muscle Mag International, Testosterone, Ironmag, and Forbes. Lee's main focus right now is with helping men over 40 - who don't want to be fat anymore - lose the gut, build muscle, and get back in shape. If you're ready to "Start Again" for the last time and finally build a lean healthy body that you can be proud of, just e-mail Lee to discuss a realistic action plan that's right for you...


  • Akira

    Haha made me laugh… Although I must admit, I used to be guilty of this ‘schedule’.

    next routine: (after reading about the importance of rest days or something):
    Day 1:Chest, Abs
    Day 2: Biceps, Abs
    – repeat endlessly

  • Shane

    haha yes i have seen this too many times before. Keep em coming Lee..

  • Mohamed

    Very informative !
    I was not doin leg workouts at all , until now. But after watchin this video I feel I better include it in my fitness regime.

  • 😉
    Glad you liked it!

  • Raphael

    Lee thanks for the tips.. I don’t do that routine of doing the same muscle groups six times a week.. Although sadly but true I’ve seen a lot of people do this and I ask them.. When do you rest? To workout the same muscle again you’ll need at least two days of rest.

  • Suneet

    Nice one Lee

    Way to take a hit on the guys who are only interested in showing off

    I have a question for you though
    My Chest,Back and Legs grow well
    The problem is with my Arms
    In spite of strictly following the progressive overload concept and increasing weights/reps
    They dont grow as much as my other parts grow

    The result is that Im starting to look disproportionate

    My Current workout schedule is

    Tues: Chest,Shoulder,Triceps
    Thurs: Legs
    Sun: Back and Biceps

    Mon,Wed and Friday : I go for Kickboxing classes (1-1/2 hr session)

    Saturday: Rest

  • Blades

    Ah, don’t ruin it. I love walking around the gym poking fun at the roided up chickin’ legged guys. They are funny to watch really because of all the steroids they manage to build a huge upper body but still retain twig legs. They are like walking “T”s. Funny stuff, really. That being said, if you want really jacked legs you gotta man up and use the “chick” machines as well. Can’t forget those hip flexors and abductors.

  • Rayman

    I’m 55 years old and I put off my dream of lifting since college, only doing a few weeks a year in my forties. I am trying to teach my son now and your videos and overall web stuff is superb! I couldn’t stop laughing at this video! Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for posting all this stuff and doing such a great job of it. That Vince guy is funny, too! Once when he was bragging about you being such a “Monster” when he said that about your arms, too, you LAUGHED in the background, and I was laughing with ya, man…

    When people worship ya, it can get comical, ya know??? heh,heh,heh.

    Thanks again, tho and lead me to sites with damaged rotator cuff repair. THANKS,

  • Gil


    Hey Lee, Thanks for the information. I see that a lot in the gym … same routine, same muscle group (upper body) and most start without warming up and go heavy right away and with poor technique. I hear the “Bad Knees” excuse a lot as well. My knees are banged up from racing BMX and playing Baseball, but I keep working them out and strengthening them so their not as bad. Thanks for all that you do and provide.


  • Hi Lee,
    Thanks for all your helpful videos. I am 62yo. 5 10 160#
    I started my dream of getting bigger a few years ago when I purchased your Blast your Bench program. I’ve been following your videos along with Vince Delmonte and Scott Herman for several years.
    I’ve been slowly growing, getting bigger from EATING more and CLEAN, and working with a bit more weight each month, and switching up the program (Both upper and lower body, along with powerflex classes, and yoga. My body has been greatly transformed from average and soft to lean, muscular, cut and defined.
    Kudos to you and ll your good instructional web products and free videos.

  • james

    hello Lee. quick question about the calf raises. whats the proper way to hold your legs. meaning do you completely lock your knees out or do you give them a slight arc or bend. i must admit, while it may be bad form i seem to get far better results when i do lock my knees back as far as i can.

  • Jorge

    What, no deadlifts!?

  • Few newbie’s I have seen work only on biceps six days a week ……. 🙂

  • Ahamed Nuzhan

    I really like this one. No matter what some guys just don’t really understand this!

  • Charles

    lol I have seen a lot of this in the gym, but most guy that do this will not listen to advise.

  • sumeet

    thnx i did like it

  • Billy

    Hi Lee, this is Billy from the Netherlands. I have a question regarding leg training. My legs happen to be quite big (in the family), though I do incorporate leg training every week. The problem however is that my suit is tight around my legs. Is there a way to train legs such that the muscle gets stronger, but the legs get leaner?



  • Candace

    It’s a little different for women… Here is the typical split for the ladies…
    Day 1: Cardio & core
    Day 2: Cardio & legs
    Day 3: Cardio
    Day 4: Cardio & core
    Day 5: Cardio
    Day 6: Cardio & core.
    Add shoulders to just one of these days and possibly another leg day, and that is pretty much the typical split!! lol

    Great video!

  • harold

    @ Lee : If my goal is to develop my legs more can I do this wrok out twice a week like monday and fridays ? or do you feel i will be overtraining legs ?/

    thanks and enjoy your camaro I have a vette pure american muscle

  • Suneet:
    Nice one Lee

    Way to take a hit on the guys who are only interested in showing off

    I have a question for you though
    My Chest,Back and Legs grow well
    The problem is with my Arms
    In spite of strictly following the progressive overload concept and increasing weights/reps
    They dont grow as much as my other parts grow

    The result is that Im starting to look disproportionate

    My Current workout schedule is

    Tues: Chest,Shoulder,Triceps
    Thurs: Legs
    Sun: Back and Biceps

    Mon,Wed and Friday : I go for Kickboxing classes (1-1/2 hr session)

    Saturday: Rest

    The best thing I would recommend for you is the “Blast Your Biceps” program at:

    This program will show you how to cycle between strength and conditioning phases, arm specialization phases, and mass & power phases. Cycling your training like this is great for bringing up stubborn arms.

  • james:
    hello Lee. quick question about the calf raises. whats the proper way to hold your legs. meaning do you completely lock your knees out or do you give them a slight arc or bend. i must admit, while it may be bad form i seem to get far better results when i do lock my knees back as far as i can.

    To work the calves to the max, you should lock your knees out when doing standing calve raises. This places all the stress on the calves, not the quads.

  • Jorge:
    What, no deadlifts!?

    This is a leg workout, most guys usually include deadlifts with their back workouts. But it’s totally up to you how you go about your own training.

  • Billy:
    Hi Lee, this is Billy from the Netherlands. I have a question regarding leg training. My legs happen to be quite big (in the family), though I do incorporate leg training every week. The problem however is that my suit is tight around my legs. Is there a way to train legs such that the muscle gets stronger, but the legs get leaner?



    Generally when you focus on fat loss you’ll get slimmer, rather than bigger.

    However, it’s common for bodybuilders and strength athletes to have problems finding pants that fit good in the legs. Generally, in order to get pants that are big enough in the legs they have to be too big in the waist.

    I have this problem myself. I’ve had to get pants altered by a tailor on several occasions in order to get them to fit properly.

  • Candace:
    It’s a little different for women… Here is the typical split for the ladies…
    Day 1:Cardio & core
    Day 2:Cardio & legs
    Day 3:Cardio
    Day 4:Cardio & core
    Day 5:Cardio
    Day 6:Cardio & core.
    Add shoulders to just one of these days and possibly another leg day, and that is pretty much the typical split!!lol

    Great video!

    Yeah, I hear you. Women are usually as obsessed with working their legs as guys are with working their arms. What we need is to balance things out, get the guys to focus more on leg training and the girls to focus more on upper body training. 😉

  • harold:
    @ Lee :If my goal is to develop my legs more can I do this wrok out twice a week like monday and fridays ? or do you feel i will be overtraining legs ?/

    thanks and enjoy your camaroI have a vettepure american muscle

    That’s fine, I often recommend people work their stubborn muscle groups twice a week to help speed up their growth. While working their stronger muscle groups only once a week.

  • lee u are the cool cat

  • JP

    Holy crap! you go deep during squats. I’m gonna work on getting that low.

  • haha I use to be guilty, but then I saw the light and changed that. Thanks for the post, information, and a laugh! -Leandra

  • Joe

    ok now i know its crazy that out of everthing i just saw this is what i comment on but hey bro wheres the Chucks? ( Chuck taylor converse for anyone who may not know)

  • matt

    monday is national bench day, tuesday is national bench day part two. guys needs to drop the dumbells and start squating, deadlifting, and pressing.

  • matt


    guys *need* to.

    excuse my spelling.

  • There’s no doubt that almost every person do some mistakes when building themselves and these are one of those mistakes. I’ve recently started working out and this article will help me a lot.
    After reading this article, I would definitely avoid doing these bodybuilding mistakes.