21 Day Fast Mass Building Update #2:
The Anabolic Amplifier Effect: What it is & How it works…
By Lee Hayward & Vince Del Monte
I’ve got a question for you…
What’s The Most Anabolic Muscle Building Substance You Can Get Your Hands On?
…Is It A Black Market Steroid ?
…Is It The Latest Bodybuilding Supplement Stack ?
…Is It Some Exotic Herb From The Amazon Jungle ?
Heck No!
The most anabolic substance known to man is “food”.
I’m dead serious about this. All the training, drugs, and supplements in the world won’t build an ounce of muscle mass without proper nutrition and adequate food intake. In fact when you get right down to it, the food you eat is the only real “Anabolic Component” of your entire muscle-building regimen.
Going to the gym and working out is NOT anabolic. The workout itself is actually catabolic and breaks down muscle tissue. Now granted it’s the stress of working out that triggers the adaptation response within the muscles so that they get the signal to become bigger and stronger. But it’s the food you eat that actually goes towards building muscle tissue.
So the question is how do we maximize the muscle building power of food in order to get big and ripped? Well the key is to understand exactly how your body reacts hormonally to changes in your food intake.
Yo-Yo Dieting…
Chances are you have probably heard the words “Yo-Yo Dieting” brought up in conversation among dieters and weight loss experts before. Basically Yo-Yo Dieting, also known as weight cycling, is a term that was coined by Kelly D. Brownell, Ph.D., at Yale University, in reference to the cyclical up-down motion of a yo-yo. In this process, the dieter is initially successful in the pursuit of weight loss but is unsuccessful in maintaining the weight loss long-term and begins to gain the weight back. The dieter then seeks to lose the regained weight, and the cycle begins again. |
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Ok, so to translate that into English it basically means that a fat person goes on a diet and they lose some weight. But after a while they get fed up with being on a low calorie diet and feeling hungry all the time. So they ditch the diet, pig out, and gain the weight back again.
Now most mainstream diet and weight loss gurus talk about Yo-Yo Dieting as a “bad” thing that should be avoided. But when you actually take a deeper look into the topic, you’ll see that it’s not as bad as the weight loss gurus have made it out to be.
You’ll hear all kinds of myths and misconceptions about Yo-Yo Dieting… People say stuff like… “it will ruin your metabolism”, “make you get fatter”, “make it harder to lose weight again in the future” and the list goes on and on.
But when you do your homework you’ll see that the research doesn’t back up these myths. In fact studies have shown that repeatedly cycling your caloric intake actually increases your food efficiency and doesn’t “ruin your metabolism”.
And while it’s true that most people will re-gain weight when they come off a diet. What is NOT taken into consideration is the actual body composition of that re-gained weight. There have been several studies that show a lot of the weight that’s re-gained after a low calorie diet is actually lean muscle mass and NOT just excess bodyfat.
Yo-Yo Dieting For Muscle Growth!
Competitive bodybuilders will regularly go through phases of “Yo-Yo Dieting” for the purpose of gaining lean muscle mass. They will follow an ultra strict diet before a competition in effort to lose weight and get ripped to the bone shredded. Then right after the competition is over they will purposely change their diets and gain back the weight they lost, along with several pounds of additional new muscle mass. The end result is they get bigger and more muscular with every single competition they do!
A prime example of this happens right after a bodybuilding contest when bodybuilders experience their post contest “Rebound”. It’s during this short window of opportunity bodybuilders will literally make the most insane rapid muscle gains ever!
If you’re not familiar with how the Post Contest Rebound works, then let me explain it for you… Bodybuilders will go on a very strict fat loss diet for at least 12 weeks prior to a bodybuilding contest. This is so they can strip away all their excess bodyfat and get as ripped to the bone shredded as possible. Their goal is to step on stage with NO Excess Bodyfat What So Ever! This is necessary in order to bring out all their rock hard muscle definition. However, once the contest is over the celebration begins. Can you imagine how good it must be for all those “starving bodybuilders” who have deprived themselves of their favourite foods for weeks on end to all of a sudden be allowed to eat them again?! Let’s just say that the typical foods most bodybuilders eat after a show are NOT the most “healthy”… |
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Pizza, burgers, fries, ice cream, cake, cookies, and chocolate bars are just some of the many things that will get devoured in ridiculous amounts… If they actually added up all the calories consumed it would be scary!
Now in most “normal people”, eating this much food would just be stored as ugly unwanted bodyfat. But when your body is depleted (as in the case of a pre-contest bodybuilder) this Over abundance of calories triggers the body to unleash HUGE amounts of Natural Anabolic Hormones that shuttle all this food towards building solid Lean Muscle Mass!
I’m am NOT suggesting that you purposely go out and eat “junk food” in effort to gain size. I’m just telling you what the majority of competitive bodybuilders will do when they “pig out” after months of strict dieting.
It’s actually quite common for bodybuilders to gain 20+ pounds of muscular bodyweight during the first week after a show!
Now obviously a lot of that rapid weight gain will be water and muscle glycogen being stored within the muscle cells. But about 5-10 pounds of it will be actual solid lean muscle mass.
Can you imagine the incredible muscle building results that you could make by going through this kind of rebound cycle again and again?
Considering the fact that the average gym member is lucky to even gain 5 pounds of muscle per year. You can now see why competitive bodybuilders are among the BIGGEST & Most Muscular guys in the gym, especially since they are literally packing on 5-10 pounds of permanent muscle mass with every pre-contest diet & post-contest rebound!
When following a strict bodybuilding contest diet you’ll lose a lot of bodyfat, as well as some lean muscle mass in the process. But once you start the post contest rebound the majority of the weight gained is lean muscle mass with only small increases in bodyfat.
All Good Things Must Come To An End… (Or Maybe Not ?)
As impressive as these results are for both competitive bodybuilders the key thing to realize is that these fast muscle gains are only temporary. Fast muscle gains come in spurts, it’s NOT a non-stop process.
When competitive bodybuilders are “pigging out” after a bodybuilding contest. They generally make incredible muscle gains for about 2 weeks before things start to slow down and plateau. After that if they continue eating excessive amounts of calories beyond the 2 week mark those extra calories will get stored as bodyfat, and NOT as lean muscle mass.
This is the biggest draw back to traditional Bodybuilding “Bulking” Programs. Guys will often go on a prolonged high calorie eating plan for 12 weeks at a time. Now granted they will make some fast muscle gains initially when starting the program, but they quickly get to the point where the gains in bodyfat are greater than the gains in lean muscle mass.
So do you want to know the “secret” strategy to avoiding these problems?
It’s simple… Implement Shorter and More Frequent Training & Nutrition Cycles!
2 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back…
Now if you’ve done any reading on the topic of fat loss, than I’m sure you are familiar with the concept of cycling your calories. I’ve talked about it here with regards to “Yo-Yo Dieting”. But the common strategy that most weight loss diet experts recommend these days is to temporarily increase calories to prevent the metabolism from slowing down and hitting a fat loss plateau.
What researchers have found is that whenever you start a low calorie diet you can make rapid fat loss progress for the first few weeks. But after that the body adjusts to the low calorie diet, the fat loss results comes to a screeching halt.
So to overcome this problem people have incorporated different kinds of calorie cycling variations. Having a “cheat day” or “high calorie re-feed days” planned into the fat loss program helps to prevent your metabolism from adapting to the low calorie diet, and it actually speeds up your overall fat loss results.
Not only that, but having a planned “Cheat Day” gives you a mental break as well. Temporarily going off your diet satisfies your food cravings and makes the process of following the fat loss program much more tolerable over the long term.
Now there have been tons of research articles published about this calorie cycling concept from fat loss point of view. After all we live in an overweight society where the average person wants to lose weight. But this same principle also applies in reverse to muscle building as well. It just hasn’t been documented as much because building muscle isn’t nearly as popular as losing fat.
So like I’ve already mentioned whenever you drastically increase your calorie intake over base levels your body will release higher amounts of anabolic hormones to shuttle those extra calories towards lean muscle growth.
This elevated anabolic response continues for about 2 weeks. After that, the body adapts to the higher calorie intake and your muscle growth progress hits a plateau. This is when you need to temporarily back off on your food intake and “Re-Prime” your body for another rapid growth “Rebound” phase.
Cycling your calories like this not only helps you make better lean muscle gains, but it also gives your digestive system a break from consuming excessive amounts of food all the time. A lot of people don’t realize this, but following a high calorie mass building eating plan is down right hard!
While it sounds fun initially to be able to eat a lot, it quickly becomes a chore. Having to regularly consume over and above your maintenance calorie intake day after day is very difficult. If you have ever followed a typical bulk up eating plan for any length of time you know exactly what I’m talking about here.
Just like when you are following a fat loss diet and you look forward to a cheat day when you can “pig out”. During a mass building phase you actually look forward to low calorie days when you don’t have to eat so much.
The brand new 21-Day Fast Mass Building System that will be available on January 11th is based on those exact nutritional cycling principles. The program is divided into 2 phases that complement one another, and keeps your body on the “Anabolic Edge” for maximum muscle growth.
The first phase of the program is a 1-week low calorie “Primer Phase”. This will give your digestive system a break, increase your insulin sensitivity, and elevate hormones and enzymes so that your body becomes very efficient at storing the food you eat as lean muscle.
Then once your body is primed for growth, we’ll switch gears and move into the 2-week high calorie “Overload Phase”. This will open up the floodgates for natural anabolic hormone production (IGF-1, Testosterone, and Insulin). It’s during this phase where you’ll literally be able to feel your body growing bigger and stronger by the day!
In addition to cycling your nutritional program, we’re also going to cycle your training routine. You see a HUGE mistake that bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts often make is not matching their workouts so that they complement their diets.
Obviously, when you are following the low calorie “Primer Phase” you are not going to have the same level of strength, muscle fullness, and power as you will when following the high calorie “Overload Phase”.
So to go along with the “Primer Phase” we’re going to follow a fast paced conditioning circuit routine that utilizes higher reps and more bodyweight exercises. This lighter training phase will give your joints and tendons a break, and prep your body for the heavy mass building power-training phase that’s to follow.
With the 21-Day Fast Mass Building System the scales are tipped in favour of lean muscle growth, because you’ll spend the majority of your time in a caloric surplus. While at the same time following a heavy mass building power-building workout program, thus allowing you to grow bigger and stronger!
But you will not experience the metabolic pitfalls that are associated with traditional long term bulking and heavy mass building workouts, because we’ll be strategically “Re-Priming” your body with a brief period of lower calories and lighter training every 3rd week.
This short low calorie “Primer Phase” will also allow you to trim off any excess bodyfat that you may gain during the high calorie “Overload Phase”. This is a nice little side benefit of the program that ensures you make LEAN muscle gains over the long term.
With this system you’ll work WITH your body’s natural growth processes and NOT against them. You’ll literally take 2 steps forwards and 1 step back with every 21-Day Fast Mass Building Cycle. And you can follow this program for as many cycles as you like until you reach your desired level of muscular development!
Make sure to come back here tomorrow, because we’re going to share 3 of the biggest mistakes that most guys make when they go on a mass building program that actually sabotages their gains and makes it harder to gain lean muscle… So stay tuned for that!Let’s make 2011 your best year ever for living large both inside and outside the gym!
all the best,
Lee & Vince
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great article wellsaid
21 Day Fast Mass Building
Once again!
Thanks so much for giving awesome value to all of us.
Can’t wait to hop on board and take on this program full force because I’m looking to transform my body!
Thanks Vince and Lee 🙂
Great advice for great gains
but that also means that the muscles won’t last long will they? So is there also a strategy that makes you keep the muscle?
Cheers Joey
Hey Joey, where are you reading that you are going to lose muscle from this program??? Maybe I wasn’t totally clear in the article, but this is a system to help you gain muscle, NOT lose it.
What is the best routine to do with this? I was thinking that it makes sense to do full body workouts, since if you do a split then each muscle group is not getting hit enough in such a short cycle.
So every body builder does this? Cause I’m genetically fucked (excuse the language) to gain rock hard nuscles fast I have gained muscle but in a releatively a pro longed period and I been looking to gain muscle and try to start competing I’m 175 5’8 I waan slim down to 140 and gain 60 lbs of solid muscle will this program help me gain all this muscle and how can I be sure it will work thanks lee for taking the time out to read this and your a great coach
jesse lucero
duuuuuude, im like so stocked about this!!!!! im 19 yeArs old and im suuuuper skinny. its reeealy emberrassing. and ihave no butt. a mexican guy who has no butt!!! ha. then again my dad wuzz half white. no offense. aaaannyway, itotaly want an awesome body kuzz ther is this one gurl irealy like and iiikinda wana marry her someday and idont want her to have the skinny husband with no butt. lol. soooo, iwork alot and dont realy have time, then itake care of my grandparents, and im self-concious about going to the gym. ido have sum workout equipment here at home but idont use it. lol. dont have time! and dont realy know how. lol.
I’m assuming females could follow this type of program to build muscle and burn fat as well?
Any major modifications needed?
Hi All,
Firstly, Great article, very interesting and different to your usual bulking programs (which I personally find extremely daunting).
I just have one question, would this method of training and nutrition only be useful for individuals with say a few months or years of muscle building experience ? I only ask because I recently started weight training about 3 months ago, and wouldn’t want to jump the gun on any new program.
Many thanks,
does one need to be lean/low bodyfat to benefit from this programme or will it work aswell for someone with over 20% bf?
this sounds insane im 34 this year & i have spent most of that time skinny i even went frow the skinny fat guy stage i cant wait to give this program a go it sounds like a simple & effctive way of bulking with out putting on to much body fat im going to make 2011 the year i make a change to my fitness 100%.
PS. i have one question for you lee will this program work for a beginner who is skinny & how will it work.
So true that, what we eat and how we eat determines how we gain weight. Being a healthy but skinny 120 pounds I am excited to read this. I dream of larger muscles. lol It is very easy for me to not eat a lot of food so I am looking forward to learning how much and what foods I will be planning my meals for, taking into account my size. I won’t be able to eat like a 200 pound bull. But I am hoping this pencil can at least get a few muscles goin and inspire me to do more. Thanks Lee for a sign of hope and the good information.
Nice article I read both the anabolic amplifier report and the death of bulk .. I’m looking forward to jan 11th .. But I was wondering how the workouts will be ?once a week for every muscle or twice a week ? ..
Thanx ..
great stuff as always vince and lee, ty. i’m super siked about this program. just a quick question though, i was 145 and after implementing sean nelewanyj’s program when i first started working out a year and a half and now i’m 160 and lean. its hard for me to put on mass thus mostly its lean mass. but just like anyone else, i’ve been stuck at 160 for quite a while and i follow up on your articles, i do place alot of emphasis on compound workouts such as deadlift, benchpress, squats and dips and have tried to alter the workout here and there but its kinda stuck. anyways, can’t wait for this program to hit the ground in the hopes of overcoming this annoying plateau. thanks alot vin and lee.
Dating Guy
sounds like a great program. the way you guys are laying it out, it makes a lot of sense. I’m interested in seeing what type of workout you recommend for each phase.
You have told us in the past to gradually lower calories or gradually raise them because if you raise them too fast you will get fat, if you reduce them to fast you will lose muscle. Now you are telling us to drastically cut and raise calories in the space of days. I’m very sceptical about this and i’m not sure drastically raising and reducing your calories is good for you.
I was following vince NNMB but had to stop cause i went to university and lost all the weight i put on. I did bulk up but also put on fat. I was about to start the NNMB again but shall i hold off on this and wait for the new program? It looks very interesting.
I personally break it up so that I’ll do a lighter circuit style training during the low calorie “Primer Phase” and heavy bodybuilding training during the high calorie “Overload Phase”. You can keep this up over the long term. For example, if you really wanted to hammer out a good bodybuilding workout split routine you could, it’s just that every 3rd week you’d back off with a lighter “re-primer” week, then back to 110% intensity the following week. Again it’s the whole 2 steps forward, 1 step back approach over and over again.
The best thing you can do right now is to just bite the bullet and start working out. Once you get the momentum going it will be a lot easier to stick with working out over the long term. I’ve got a sample home workout program that you can follow for now at: http://www.leehayward.com/homeworkout.htm
Females can follow this program just the same as guys. In fact my girlfriend Patricia has used it with fantastic results. You can see some of her pics on my Facebook page at: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=168931&id=44374204262 (she’s the girl in the pink bikini #49).
The only difference is that women will modify the diet based on their bodyweight. Obviously a 120 pound woman isn’t going to eat the same as a 200 pound man, but the actual principles of the program applies to both men and women.
This style of calorie cycling can work for everyone because it’s based on the way our body naturally reacts hormonally to changes in our food intake. You can start right away with this style of cycle program, you don’t have to go through years of training before hand.
In the actual 21 Day Fast Mass Building Program itself we cover customized meal plans for every body type for both the high and low calorie cycles. And as for the weight training portion you can follow the programs as outlined, but just adjust the weights according to your current strength levels.
Most of our test subjects who followed this program actually lost bodyfat while building lean muscle. Now while I don’t really recommend it as a “weight loss” program per say, you could follow it if your main goal is to get bigger and leaner.
Now if someone were obese, of course I’d recommend they start off with a pure fat loss program first until they got their bodyweight under control. But for people who are in the “skinny fat” category, meaning they want to get bigger and more muscular, but at the same time they want to trim off some belly fat. Then this style of training and nutritional cycling could work really well.
Yes, even a beginner can follow this style of calorie cycling and make gains. Our bodies naturally react this way to changes in our food intake. You do not have to be an experienced bodybuilder to use this program.
We have 4 different training programs that you can follow based on your personal preferences when it comes to working out. There is a Fitness Model Workout, a Muscle Model Workout, a Hardcore Bodybuilding Workout, and a Bodyweight 500 Circuit Routine.
So even if you are short on time and can only workout 3 days per week, or if really want to push it with a serious 6 day per week workout program, we have you covered with specialized training programs for every situation.
That’s a good question and a valid concern. But the way it works is whenever you follow a restricted diet and eat less than your maintenance calorie intake, this triggers your body’s metabolic processes to produce more hormones and enzymes to efficiently store the food you eat as lean muscle.
It’s a survival mechanism that has been built into our genetic makeup over thousands of years of evolution. When our caveman ancestors weren’t successful in hunting and gathering food, they would often go several days (or weeks) with little food to eat. This would trigger their bodies to get really good at making the most out of any food they did eat.
So when they finally got that Big Woolly Mammoth and had the opportunity to eat until their hearts content, their bodies were very efficient at shuttling that over abundance of calories towards building lean muscle mass.
Even though these days we are able to have a consistent diet and eat the same thing day in and day out, that’s not how we evolved in nature. The body is actually very capable of handling changes in our food intake very well.
Thx men, really looking forward this. It will b a change, and change can only b goodright now with the New Year goal setting time. Wishing you all luck, n b safe.
I tried twice before the cut off date to pick these up for free but was unsuccessful in getting them. I am not sure what went wrong.
Vince DelMonte
Hey Dan. That’s a good question. here’s my thoughts…
21 Day FMB is a 21-day program so consider it an effective kick start. In 21-days you’ll see some fast results which will improve your focus on your goals. I think it would be a good way to transition back into NNMB because those are 6-month programs.
Also, you may discover that the 21 Day FMB diet is more appropriate in conjuction with the NNMB weight training workouts. The power of our program is specifically the diet protocol so you can rotate your calories with 1 week of under eating and 2 weeks of over eating indefinitely… at least until you feel you begin adapting.
Trust that helps.
The 21 Day Fast Mass Building program has been shown to work great for both gaining lean muscle AND burning bodyfat. In fact we have already put 100 test subjects through the program, guys and gals from all ages and levels of experience and practically all of them came back saying that they have increased their lean muscle mass during the high calorie overload phase and lost bodyfat during the low calorie primer phase. We’ll be sharing some of those results in the next little while. But bottom line this is a great program to help folks who want to get bigger and leaner.
Ok I’ll see what I can do to fix that…
I’m a basketball player and currently in season, but need a solid plan right after the season to gain more weight. I’m wondering whether or not this would be a suitable program for me, i.e., if this is something that will make me gain too much weight too fast, or if these lifting programs aren’t geared toward athletes. Also, how much is this program gonna cost? If its only a 21-day program, it shouldn’t be too bad right?
The cool thing about shorter training programs is that you have a lot of flexibility in how you implement them. If you only want to go through 1 or 2 cycles to give yourself a boost and make some quick gains you can do that. Or if you want to get more serious you can repeat the cycle over and over again and make bigger gains over the long term.
You can make it fit for your individual training situation. As for the lifting program itself it’s not tailed towards basketball players, but with that being said building some more lean muscle and increasing your strength will indirectly help improve your performance on the court.
Hey im 15 and curently in wrestling season and i need to gain 15lbs of dry no water weight muscle for wrestling (145 this year, 160 next year) I want to go lots of cardio along with gain the 15lbs of muscle so with lots of cardio will this progran work for me? I want strength I don’t care about size. Thanks
This program sounds awesome, i find i can really commit myself fully to short intense programs, like the extreme fat loss program from joel marion. Cant wait for this.
Any idea atm how much this will cost lee, just i’m a student gotta watch the euros to get this.
jesse lucero
hey lee, ok got it. what do ido for nutrition tho?
Just to put things in perspective 15 pounds of dry muscle would be at least 30 pounds of total muscular bodyweight. The 21 Day Fast Mass Cycle could help you achieve this. I personally used this style of calorie cycling back to back to gain 45 pounds in less than a year when I was in college.
We’re going to have fully customized meal plans for all body types included in the new 21 Day Fast Mass building program. You could use that for your nutritional program.
jesse lucero
so, do ihave to pay for the system? and if so kould ipay by money order
jesse lucero
hey lee, so do igota by the system? and if so how much? and u recomended ur at home training for me. should istart the at home training u recomended then do i start the 21 day system when it is time?
angel romero
hey lee,
great article
quick question during those 2 weeks is diet consisted of junk food?
Al Standridge
Wow the new year is starting to have all kind’s of great idea’s for lean gain’s.I am starting a low cal. cutting diet this week which I thought I would run for a Mo. or 2 of bodyweight X 10 for my Cal. intake for each day of training & a cheat day of 5000Cal’s on a off day on the weekend as well as changing up my training to (HIIT)100’S .Then after that go on a bulking High cal.diet the next 2 mo.s after w/ a 5day or 6th day spit training as well…So your saying it’s better to cycle 2 weeks high diet, then low cal.1week lighter training ???
thanx Lee & Vince could be the best 2011 Info
So during the two week you dont have to eat clean? Like junk food ( ice cream , pizza , macdonalds, etc.) can be consumed in those 2 week?
You should keep your food intake clean during the high calorie phase. Even though competitive bodybuilders tend to pig out on junk food right after a show and not get fat, that’s not we recommend here. That was just posted as an example of how powerful this style of calorie cycling really is.
We provide complete meal plans for every body type that outline exactly what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat it in the actual program itself that will be available on January 11th.
You got it!
For building lean muscular bodyweight you are better off repeatedly going through mini cut and mini bulk cycles like we’ve outlined in the 21 Day Fast Mass Building System rather than going on a prolonged period of bulking or cutting.
All the details about the actual program, how to get it, etc. will be announced on January 11th… For now just realize that this is the biggest and best mega muscle building program that either Vince or myself have ever came out with. We’re kicking 2011 off with a BANG! 😉
jesse lucero
hi lee, im realy excited about this. iwana get awesome. lol. so, should istart with the at home trainig u suggested?
After my last competition I gained 5 pounds in one day and a total of 10 pounds in a week. This sounds like a really good program for those struggling to gain lean mass or could work for those who already have mass but want more.
so the NNMB doesn’t work right?? or what…
The fact that we have created a new and improved program doesn’t mean that NNMB or any of our other previous programs doesn’t work. That logic doesn’t make any sense. There have been literally thousands of people make amazing gains with our previous programs and the fact that we have developed a new one doesn’t cancel those results out.
I mean if Microsoft comes out with a new version of windows it doesn’t mean that the previous versions all of a sudden won’t work anymore.
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