On September 11, 2012 Tropical storm Leslie hit the province of Newfoundland with 130+ km/h winds which knocked out the power for a couple days and did some serious wind damage.
In my case I was quite lucky to get away with no major damages. I did have 6 spruce trees fall down against the back of my garage. Which provided a unique workout of cutting and clearing away the fallen trees. Granted I’m no lumber jack, but it was some good exercise 😉
Thankfully the steel garage was strong enough to withstand the wind and weight of the trees falling on it. I’m glad I choose to build a steel garage instead of a wooden one now. It was more expensive to build initially, but a lot stronger and more durable in a situation like this. I’m sure a wooden building in the same situation would not have received a lot of damage to the roof, shingles, and eves.
Trish shot a little video clip of our “Wood Chopping” workout below…
Click PLAY To Watch The Video…
Note: if you can’t watch the embedded video clip above,
you can watch it right on my YouTube Channel by Clicking Here
Overall we were very lucky to get away with no serious damage done. But I know several folks weren’t so fortunate.
One guy who lives just a few minutes up the road from here had his garage lifted up in the wind and it literally crushed his corvette… Ouch!

I’m glad this didn’t happen with my garage & car!
How about you?
Did you suffer any damages this year from hurricanes or tropical storms?
If so post a comment below…
Best to be wearing some boots with steel toes. Especially if you don’t do this often.
Be safe!
You cheated with the chainsaw, should’ve used a two handed saw or something without an engine. 🙂
hope that guy has some good homeowners insurance if not hes screwed and if so looks like he’ll be getting a brand spankin new vette.
Stephen C.Wilde
your Dad looks robust as well!
Mike D
Lee, I hope the Camaro is fine!
This year is being lucky for me….thus did not suffered any loses or
Sir pls suggest any protin suppliment for fast growing muscles…damages
I live here in st.johns do you do any one on one in person type training?
2.24. not gay at all 😉
You are right, it was stupid to be out doing that with regular sneakers on 🙁
I lucked out again this time, but I’ll be wearing work boots next time. Thanks for the reminder.
Check out this link for some good info about protein supplements:
I don’t do one on one training in the gym anymore. But I do offer online coaching via my membership site at:
Lee is that a portable garage there and were can i get one?