21 Day Fast Mass Building Update #4:
5 Killer Tricks For Fast Muscle Gains…
By Lee Hayward & Vince Del Monte
Building muscle it is NOT about stuffing your face and eating until you are ready to puke. It’s NOT simply “Lifting Big To Get Big”. These are old out-dated concepts that ONLY work for genetic freaks and steroid abusers…
In fact if you have ever tried this kind of approach yourself, chances are you just ended up looking fat and bloated… Rather than Lean and Muscular.
The REAL KEY to building a lean muscular body is by working in alignment with your body’s natural growth, and recovery systems. Because when things are working properly, the results happen AUTOMATICALLY!
So instead of beating your head against the wall and trying to FORCE your muscles to grow, which is exactly what most frustrated hardgainers do, we’re going to share 5 killer tricks that you can start using immediately that will make the whole muscle building process a lot easier.
Fast Mass Building Trick # 1
Break Down Your Large Goals Into Smaller Chunks!
One of the main problems that I see over and over again with novice muscle building enthusiasts is that they get overwhelmed with the entire process of building muscle. They think it will take months or even years before they can see any progress. And due to having this mentality they give up before they even start.
Even for folks who are already working out consistently, they often think in terms of following a set workout for several months, bulking up for several months, cutting for several months, etc. When you take such a long-term view on things it’s hard to buckle down and channel your efforts towards making some fast muscle gains.
So when it comes to your muscle building goals, set some short-term deadlines to get things done. Rather then giving yourself 6 months to “bulk up”. Break it down into a smaller goal of gaining 10 pounds this month. Trust me you’ll make much faster progress by repeatedly setting and achieving smaller short-term goals, rather than having 1 big long-term goal. And just in case you think gaining 10 pounds of muscular bodyweight in just 1 month is impossible… It’s not! In fact with the brand new 21 Day Fast Mass Building System that’s coming out on January 11th, you can literally gain as much as 12 pounds of pure muscle mass in just 21 days! |
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Fast Mass Building Trick # 2
Smaller Training Cycles = Bigger Muscle Gains!
To go along with the previous tip of breaking down your larger muscle building goals into smaller goals. You can break down your larger workout training cycles into smaller training cycles and make better overall gains.
Whenever you start a new workout program you can usually make fantastic progress for the first few weeks. But after that, the body starts to adjust to the new program and the results come to a plateau.
The body is very good at adapting to changes in our environment. So the rapid progress that you make whenever you change your training program is your body adapting and growing in response to the changes made.
You see the key thing you need to realize when it comes to building muscle is that:
Everything Works, But Nothing Works Forever…
You can’t stick to the same training program forever and continue making progress. Eventually your body will adapt and your progress will level off. So you need to provide unique muscle stimulation in order to keep things progressing forwards over the long term.
Now when most people first here about this they think:
“I’ll Just Keep Changing Things Up All The Time.” That’s the basis for the muscle confusion theory. And a lot of people mistakenly think that if they keep changing their programs all the time, they’ll keep making progress all the time. But they are neglecting one key element… Adaptation! In order for significant muscle growth to occur you have to give your body time to adapt and grow from the program you are currently following before changing it to something else. |
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So while change is good, you can’t be haphazard about it either. You need to have a planned system and structure in place so that your body adapts and grows from your current training program before you change things and move on to another complementary program. And for most people this adaptation process occurs within a 3-week time span. After 3 weeks progress usually slows down and you’ll be ready both mentally and physically for some new unique muscle stimulation.
Fast Mass Building Trick # 3
Calorie Cycling For Maximum Muscle Growth!
Competitive bodybuilders will regularly cycle their calories for the purpose of gaining lean muscle mass. They will follow an ultra strict diet before a competition in effort to lose weight and get ripped to the bone shredded. Then right after the competition is over they will purposely change their diets and gain back the weight they lost, along with several pounds of additional new muscle mass. The end result is they get bigger and more muscular with every single competition they do!
But the problem with most recreational weight lifters is that they don’t pay any particular attention to their nutritional program. Most folks get caught up in the habit of eating the same thing day in and day out. But just like your body can adapt to following the same training program day in and day out, it can also adapt to following the same nutritional program for too long as well.
Now there have been tons of research articles published about this calorie cycling concept from fat loss point of view. After all we live in an overweight society where the average person wants to lose weight. But this same principle also applies in reverse to muscle building as well. It just hasn’t been documented as much because building muscle isn’t nearly as popular as losing fat.
Whenever you drastically increase your calorie intake over base levels your body will release higher amounts of anabolic hormones to shuttle those extra calories towards lean muscle growth. This elevated anabolic response continues for about 2 weeks. After that, the body adapts to the higher calorie intake and your muscle growth progress hits a plateau. This is when you need to temporarily back off on your food intake and “Re-Prime” your body for another rapid growth “Rebound” phase.
The process of repeatedly cycling your diet with a low calorie “Primer Phase” and then switching to a high calorie “Overload Phase” is what we refer to as the Anabolic Amplifier Effect.
This concept is covered in more detail at:
Fast Mass Building Trick # 4
Match Your Workouts With Your Diet!
A big mistake a lot of guys make when following a muscle building program is they don’t match their workouts to their diets. I’ll often hear of guys following the traditional “see food” bulk up diet. Which is basically eating everything and anything in order to gain weight. And then they’ll try and compensate for it by doing endless cardio and abdominal training with the idea that it will cancel out the junk food they are eating.
Bottom Line: You can’t out train a bad diet!
If you are training for fat loss, you need to eat for fat loss. And when you are training for mass you need to eat for mass. When you match your workouts with your diet you’ll get the synergistic effect of both your training and nutrition working for you. Within the 21 Day Fast Mass Building Program that will be released on January 11th. We have specialized training and nutritional cycles that complement one another. So when you are following a fat loss diet, you’ll also be following a fat loss workout routine. And when you are following a mass building eating-plan, you’ll also be following a mass building training program. This is all cycled into an easy to follow 21 Day program that works with your body’s natural growth processes and keeps you on the Anabolic Edge for gaining pure muscle mass. |
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Fast Mass Building Trick # 5
Strive For Progress, NOT Perfection!
No body can eat and train perfectly all the time. There will be times when you skip meals, cheat on your diet, and miss workouts. That’s just the way it is for everyone. But as long as you focus on the big picture and stick to your plan most of the time, you’ll still move yourself in the right direction towards your muscle building goals.
You see a big mistake a lot of people make is falling into the All or Nothing trap. So many people say to themselves;
“If I can’t do it perfectly, then I won’t do it at all.”
They maybe super strict and meticulous about their workouts and diet for a few weeks in a row, doing everything spot on and to the letter. But if they fall off the bandwagon and mess up a little bit, they get discouraged, quit, and then go back to their old habits.
The key to success with any program is being consistent with it over the long term. You can have the best training and nutrition program in the world. But if you are not consistent with it, you will not get the results you want. Simple as that!
A tip that I learned from Dr. John Berardi, and one that I want to share with you is: When it comes to real world results, there is virtually NO difference between following a program perfectly 90% of the time, and following a program perfectly 100% of the time.
And if you were so stubborn as to try and stick to a perfect program 100% of the time, the stress you’d have to undertake and sacrifices you’d have to make in your life would not be worth the messily extra bit of progress you’d probably get.
Having this 10% of leeway factored into your program makes it possible to be flexible when life situations get in your way, and yet still stick to your routine over the long term.
So when you have that big family BBQ get together and cheat on your diet. Or you have an exam to study for and you skip a workout. Simply count those little mishaps as part of your 10% and just pick things back up for your very next meal or very next workout.
I’ve been bodybuilding for over 20 years and I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not perfect… I’ll sometimes give into my junk food cravings, I’ll miss a scheduled workout from time to time. But because 90% of the time I do stick to my plan. I’m still able to move in the right direction towards my muscle building goals.
So my advice to you when it comes to any program you follow; be it the 21-Day Fast Mass Building Program or any other program you choose to follow, make sure that you: “Strive For Progress, NOT Perfection”.
If you fall off the bandwagon (and most likely you will) just take it in stride, chalk it up as part of your not so perfect 10% and pick things up right where you left off. This takes the stress out of following a muscle building program because rather then getting freaked out over every little mishap, you can stay focused on the big picture and move closer towards your ultimate muscle building and physique transformation goals.
Stay tuned for our next Fast Mass Building Update because we’re going to share some real world success stories from guys, just like you, who have already followed this killer training system.
Trust me, you’ll definitely want to check this one out, it just goes to show how fast you can really pack on pure muscle mass when you follow a proven system that works!
Here’s to making 2011 the year you get in your best shape ever!
Lee & Vince
If you have any questions, comments, or feedback please post them in the comments section below. We love to hear from you!
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Awesome stuff. Can’t wait for Jan 11th. I just started a mass building phase so I’m exited to see the mass building program. Thanks for your help guys
Hey vince and lee,
I like the sound of this new program and it seems very logical and so on but as a novice trainer i have put on about 10kg of lean muscle over more than 2 years using heaps of different back and forth methods and am quite sceptical now after all the crap ive done. I used the eat heaps bulking method and it worked O K (too much fat lol), so my question is…Can i trust this “once again” NEW program or am i going to waste another year on a useless program? theres always a new thing. You guys have something new then WAIT you should do this now its better kind of thing. should i do your NNMB or do this? I want your honest opinion as if you were a confused frustrated lifter and what you would have suggested to yourself if you could go back in time and lay down some truth into yourself so you could go straight past all the crap you wish you didnt do. would you have done this new program…your NNMB or MYM… or lee’s stuff or all the other stuff you have done.
Thanx guys 🙂
The video is silent for me.
Hi Lee and Vince,
How much will this program cost when it is released???? And will it be a book with DVD’s or something else.
Is it a good idea tobdo the blast your bench then the blast your squat then go right into the 12 week mass building program Tht come with the blast your bench program
Vince DelMonte
@Will. It’ll be in the price range of all of our complete programs. This program will include a huge ebook (over 100 pages of pure science and step-by-step outlines), over ten hours of DVD footage including three different workouts, ten brand meal plans ranging from 1,000 cals to 6,000 cals and much, much more. We’re actually going to show you the ENTIRE program breakdown on Thursday.
We also have a few hidden surprises… opportunities to hang out and train with Lee and I so stay tuned!
Vince DelMonte
@Tom. Fair question bro. Here’s my input:
1. You gained 10KG of muscle in two years which is not dramatic but it means you certainly have made progress and you should be proud of your hard work.
2. What are your goals CURRENTLY?
3. I like complete newbies to start with a entry-level muscle program like one of Lee’s or NNMB. I personally think guys who have packed on a signficant amount of muscle will like our new program the most. In short, i think experienced lifters, guys who have more than 1-4 years of training behind them will LOVE our new 21-day system.
4. If you have never dedicated yourself to one week of low calorie eating and then 2 weeks of high calorie eating then i think you’ll be impressed with your new gains. You’ll certainly feel fuller and look bigger by the end of 21 days.
5. There is NOTHING i wish I didn’t do because I learn what works and what doesn’t and that’s what training is all about.
Listen, there are THOUSANDS of programs you can turn too. It’s not the program that gets you results, its’ YOU. And how well you implement and execute. Hope that helps a bit.
Thanks for the feedback Randy, we’re both super pumped and excited about this as well. I think it’s going to help A LOT of guys kick their training into high gear and bust out of some no-growth plateaus!
Hey Tom,
Thanks for sharing your feedback and asking some good questions. From the sounds of things you haven’t wasted anything, you’ve learned a lot and made some solid progress. And that foundation is going to help you make better progress in the future. Things will always evolve and improve. That applies to everything in life, not just muscle building programs.
To give you an example, I started college back in 1997 and did computer studies. Now can you imagine how much things have evolved, changed, and improved over the past 14 years with regards to computers… It’s mind blowing!
Was my college education a waste because computers have changed since then, absolutely not. What I learned 14 years ago laid the foundation for where I am today with my own online business that I built myself (I never hired out any tech guys for my website, I built it myself).
Now to get more specific to your question, the 21 Day Fast Mass Building Program is to date the most advanced muscle building program that either Vince or I have ever created. It’s based real science, years of personal trial and error, plus the feedback and results from a 100 man test group. Right now this is what I would recommend to anyone looking to build muscle hands down.
But does that mean that this is the be all and end all of muscle building programs? Of course not, just like if you go out and buy the “best” computer today, that doesn’t mean that it will necessarily be the “best” computer 5 years from now. Things are always evolving and improving.
Anyway, I hope that comparison makes sense LOL 😉 Bottom line this program right here is the best we have ever created thus far, but I have no idea what the future holds…
If the video is silent then it probably has to do with settings on your end. The audio plays fine for me and no body else has complained about not hearing it.
This will be a complete system of training manuals, diet plans, supplement guide, workout programs, and over 10 hours of video. Basically everything but the kitchen sink and during the initial launch we are going to offer the entire system at a 50% discount… You’ll get all the details on January 11th 😉
Yes, you can cycle through the Blast Your Bench program just like that. In fact you could even incorporate the training cycles of the Blast Your Bench program along with the nutritional cycles of the 21 Day Fast Mass Building program. Because both programs are based on repeatedly following 3 week mini-growth cycles.
In the past you told us to not change our training according to our goal. You debunked the idea of higher reps and more isolation exercises when in a cutting phase and said we should still lift heavy in the big basic exercises irrespective of our goal and i agree with that, now you are contradicting yourself…
cmon 11 januaryyyyyy ! i can’t wait to see the program.i am a hardgainer and the only time when i had a serious weight gain(not fat) was when i practiced kickbox…in 4 months i went from 63 kg to 73.and i did that like you mentioned:by diminushing the fat percentage.I was scared of how my arms looked….very skinny almost no fat only muscle….and in that period my muscle density increased and i was more solid although my nutrition wasn’t very good.
Mike @ Papa Star Health
Really These five tips are good. I like that you clearly preach consistency you can’t get anywhere with muscle gains if you are not consistently working hard and trying to improve.
Not really, what I mentioned in the past was debunking the myth of light weight and high reps for cutting and heavy weight and low reps for bulking. I meant that just because someone wants to lose fat doesn’t mean they have to change to a light workout.
Some of the biggest changes that are actually made with your workouts for mass building and fat loss is the cardio component, not so much the strength training portion. Like I mentioned above you can’t eat for mass and then think you’ll also get ripped at the same time simply by doing extra cardio and ab work (which a lot of people try to do).
All training and nutritional variables have to line up in sync with your fitness goals in order to maximize your results.
21 Day Fast Mass Building
I have a question about nutrition…
I’m a college student who lives in the dorm and doesn’t have a kitchen their to cook chicken or steak or things like that…and to make it worse our cafeteria is strictly vegetarian…
I’m not a vegetarian but since I won’t have access to meat or things like that what would you recommend I do for my nutrional supplementation..will it still work if I’m eating vegetarian food mostly…
I can always go out to eat from time to time but that would cost alot….I do have a blender to make shakes and its what I’ve been doing but maybe you guys have some ideas for me..
Your friend,
Eddys Velasquez
I am looking forward for the release of this program to get my hands on it as I am struggling with putting on muscle mass. I have been training for a few years and I have tested quite a plenty of training program.
I am sad to say that muscle gains are coming slowly despite all the promises that you will gain muscle even though I follow the program very well, train hard, eat hard.
I have tried this kind of calorie cycling method (and still am!) but the results are not to be exaggerated. However I do shorter low calorie and high calorie cycles such as 5 high 2 low, 3 high 1 low, 3 high 3 low and even tried 7 low and 7 high.
I agree that by following method such as this I am not getting fatter while trying to gain muscle mass (unlike the old bulking approach which made me fat!). Doing calorie cycling such as this has been my approach for bodybuilding for sometime. However, I do not gain muscle mass that easily even while following such an approach of low and then high even while on a good structured training program.
However, I am always willing to try new stuff and so I am looking forward to try out this new program to see whether the hype is real or not. I hope that I will finally be able to see some good gains after a long time. Hope I won’t be disappointed by this program.
aw darn, i missed out on the 21 day fast mass building system download. Is there any means i could get hold of it. i could really use it, cause i try so hard to gain mass, but struggle everytime.
Hi Vince and Lee I have been trying to bulk up lean muscle for 14 weeks now I was 153lbs before I started now I am 158lbs. Really looking forward to gaining some more weight while looking good. Good job guys really good stuff. P.S I’m heading to the Carribean’s on Friday from Toronto so all be checking out the workout when I get back.
Sry I meant the power and strenghth program after doing blast your bench and blast your squat
jesse lucero
this is awesome
Hey guys,
Wondering what equipment will be required for the workouts? I work out at home (mostly Turbulence Training programs) so I have dumbells, a bench, a ball and treadmill for my cardio. Will probably soon buy an Oly. style bench and barbell/plates. I don’t have any machines for cable rows, pulls, etc. BTW…I’m 50 yrs. old, 5’6″ & 150 lbs. I have been training consistently for about 2 yrs. Do you think this program will be a good fit for me? I am almost as lean as I want to be, but want to build some upper body size. Thanks.
is this inspired in ABCDE (anabolyc bursting cycle ..?? SOMETHING LIKE THAT)?
I don’t know, but by far I’ve aplying sth similar.. 1 day 1000 calories the next 4000 and I’ve seen a good grow and decrease in body fat
So why is the primer phase of the cycle based on more bodyweight exercises, circuits and higher reps?
Alexandre Brazil
Vince, Lee,
I realy like your tips, and not only that, I really follow them.
Vince, I trained for 2 months with your No-Nonsense program, and it worked. For the first time in my life I get 77 kg (I used to have 69kg or 70kg, when working out). Well, after that I had problems on my knee and I need to stop.
Now, lets go to the business: this new program is more about the eating or training? Because I now a little of the Vince and Lee trainings, but if I can follow the diet that I read on the preview of 21 day, I can gain mass, for sure.
But for me its almost impossible! Just the 3 shakes in the workout kick my ass.
Thank you for all the pro tips. They help me a lot. Lot.
January 4, 2011
is this inspired in ABCDE (anabolyc bursting cycle ..?? SOMETHING LIKE THAT)?
I don’t know, but by far I’ve aplying sth similar.. 1 day 1000 calories the next 4000 and I’ve seen a good grow and decrease in body fat
Yes it seems so, I asked Lee this earlier and he said it was similar, but promised they had made it more detailed in terms of diet and training. What I want to know is why they changed the primer phase which was 2weeks in the original ABC program to 1week, and if Lee has anything to post about his results from repeated consecutive cut and bulk cycles.
Vince DelMonte
Hey John.
The program is as real as you make it. A couple things that might make this work well for you:
1. Two weeks of overfeeding is completely different than 5 days or 7 days. You’ll get better absorption and digestion over a longer period of time where you body can adapt to the higher calories.
2. Not only do we teach you calorie cycling but we have our nutrition program focused on maximal glycogen uptake by timing all your complex carbs during the 3 most critical times of the day for size – break fast, pre workout and post workout. The rest of the meals are designed around hormone regulation using fats, proteins and fiber. These two strategies are GAME CHANGERS… IF you execute them properly.
Good luck and thanks for your interest.
Vince DelMonte
Alexandre Brazil,
Hey Alexandre.
Congrats on gaining 10KG with NNMB. You should be proud of yourself. Your questions:
1. Our new system is about eating and training. The calorie cycling will play the biggest factor IMO. But we also include three COMPLETE training programs – all on DVD btw – we have a Fitness Model Physique workout using a unique technique called Extended Sets. We have a Muscle Model Physique program – the exact plan I used to go from 214 lbs ot 227 lbs in 8-weeks. And we have a hardcore bodybuilder program with some really challenging and unique workouts.
2. I believe it’s the synergistic effect of the eating and training that produces results. Not just one factor or the other.
Can’t wait to see your results!
Vince and Lee I love the info and the coaching way powerful quick question. Have you guys had a blood test done during these cycles to see if you hormones changed between cycles. Thanks for your time guys and answering my question Lee on facebook about fasting.
I Red Forbes article on “hormonal response to over feeding” and I’m so pumped to put this to the test and see what results I get and after I finish the first cycle I plan on going to get some hormone blood test before and at the end of each cycle. It will be interesting to see what comes out of this :).
God bless,
I dont believe even an ounce of the strive for progress , not bla bla bla. I will only strive for perfection and the “best progress” striving for perfection is the best way to go,, I will only strive for perfection ,there is nothing wrong with that.I am a huge perfectionist
Taylor Meizlish
This question is more for Vince, simply because I’ve bought his program.
I’ve been working out for about a year now, and came upon your program a month or two ago.I got a few of your programs, NNMB and a few others. Reading through your NNMB e-book, I understand you to recommend a month or so of UDT and then the 6month NNMB program, which seemed to use high calorie bulking. I know we are all learning from our experiences, but would you now recommend against the bulking recommended in NNMB in favor of this 21 day program of 2-weeks “overload”(different from bulking?) and then 1-week priming? There was a lot of good information in the NNMB e-book but I’m a little disappointed if the package I paid a lot for isn’t what you’re recommending anymore and I need to buy your new package…
Looking forward to your comments.
Hey guys, I’ve been interested in gaining more muscle mass lately and became very excited when I heard about ur new program coming out. I’m 16 years old and I am curious about the primer phase because of the fact that I am still a teenager. I have been getting around 2000 kCals per day for a while now and I have recently been told that is not nearly enough for an active teenager. Is this possibly why I have made absolutely no progress in terms of losing body fat? I even went through the xtreme fat loss diet by joel and followed everything to a perfect “T” and made very little progress at all. As u can see I don’t really know how to know what is the right amount of calories to get as a teen for fat loss. (I’m currently around 16.5% and my lowest has been around 13%)
Hey Vince,
So do you start out with the primer phase first with one week of lower calories or do you start with the overload phase with higher calories?
Victor Plata
great article Vince! lots and lots of good info
Thanks Lee, Thats a masterpice.
im currently deployed and am able to go to the gym everyday. its just the meal plan that you are talking about with this program that im worried about. we get 3 meals a day at a military chow hall so you can imagine the nutrition we get. i was just wondering if the system will work with the nutrition im supplied with at the moment.
Awesome tips and tricks but i have one question.I dont think i will find the right answer in this post.
2 years ago i was really fat like: 88 kilograms at 1.77
Now i am “bodybuilding” myself and i have 65 kilograms at 1.77
I am very glad and im looking pretty good but i have a big dilema at my abs.
i’v worked hard to get my abs and i cant see only 4 packs because the residual belly fat cant get off.
Any exercise , any diet i do i cant escape of this belly. it isnt big but its shadowing my lower abs.
And im wondering if its a secret to get rid out of it.
Sorry for my bad english but i think you’ll understand.
Best regardes
fantastic articles, can’t wait for 11th Jan. Hope the program can be adapted for women as iv’e been trying to gain weight for a year with no luck! Time will tell
it would be nice if you guys could make an article featuring at least 3 training cylces as you mention in the trick #2. thanks. check out my page. http://www.6alagua.com, bye
i m 16 year, 46 kg 173cm ,i want to increase my size ,what exercise i should do to increase my muscle mass ?
hi LEE and thanks for all this great info. should i be using a sauna at all ? and if so how long ? i use a sauna on my cardio days but have conflicting advice from various people . i do need to lose a few pounds !
Robert Wilson
Very informative! My somatotype is an endo-mesomorph. Thank you for the free nutrition book offered. Being this bodytype can I lose weight and gain muscle using the aforementioned system?
I am preparing for my first competition. I used to tip the scales at 287 lb. at about 5″11′. Losing 22lb was accomplished combining weightraining and cardio.
Competing at around 215-225lb is my long term goal.
Thanks Lee and Vince for the training and nutritional advice.
Robert Wilson
Hey guys, all this info is great! Keep it comin ! but whats been really puzzling me for the past year of muscle building is how many times should i train a week with these tips and info to build mass. i gained around 20 pounds in a year of muscle building by only going 3 times a week. ive kind of plateaued. should i go more times and work a certain part of my body twice a week rather then once>
Vince and Lee
i have been a loyal customer to the MYM program i’m on phase 9. Will us MYM customers want to go through this new program. if so will we be able to get a discount because i am already paying a monthly fee for the MYM program. Is this new workoput plan similar to the MYM and do i stop it to try this new one.
Sincerly MWR
That’s a good question, but no we never actually took blood tests. That would have been interesting to see for sure.
Good for you, I respect your determination. Anyone who can eat perfect for every single meal and never miss a workout deserves a pat on the back.
Me personally I’m not that strict. I’ll have a cheat meal from time to time and sometimes if I’m really busy I will miss a workout. But the point of that section was to explain that even if you are not perfect, you can still make great progress as long as you stick to your game plan 90% of the time.
We provide sample meal plans that cover exactly what to eat for both phases within the program. And there is also an individualization guide that shows you how to customize the program based on your actual results after you go through your first 21 day cycle. So you’ll start off with the basic program and then adjust things according to your goals and metabolism to ensure you make optimal gains with each 21 day cycle.
Start with primer phase first to set up the anabolic amplifier effect of the overload phase that’s to follow.
While eating in a chow hall is not the ideal situation you can still follow the program simply by adjusting your portion sizes. It’s pretty crude, but you could literally cut your portion sizes in half during the primer phase and double them up during the overload phase. This would still set up the anabolic amplifier effect.
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