21 Day Fast Mass Building Results…

Here’s PROOF That The 21-Day Fast Mass Building Program
Will Help You Pack On Up To 12 Pounds Of Pure Muscle
In Only 21-Days!

They Did It and So Will You!

By Lee Hayward and Vince Del Monte
Creators of 21-Day Fast Mass Building

Three months ago we knew that any promise of a significant amount of muscle – above the norm – would set off a lot of peoples BS detectors, scream hype, scam and raise some concerns and critique. We knew people would look at our new program and say, “That’s impossible…”

Well, for the past ten-years, we’ve both been in the business of doing the impossible and today you get a chance to see a small handful of the results from users of our Test Group we recruited a few months ago.

If you’re skeptical about this then you need to…
Check out these UNREAL results from REAL people!

“Joey Gained 10 lbs of Pure Lean Mass in his 1st 21-Day Cycle
PLUS another 4.2 lbs of Lean Mass in his 2nd 21-Day Cycle!”

Joey Vaillancourt If you were ever interested in gaining lean muscle while keeping the fat off, you owe it to yourself to try this new program Vince and Lee have designed!

Before trying the program, I was already impressed by the science behind the theory – rebound weight is something I have already experience after competitions and photo-shoots but I never used it in a strategic way to build muscle. When I was asked to be a test subject in this group, I was definitely not passing up that opportunity.

I used the 21 Day Fast Mass Building program immediately after preparing for a recent magazine photo-shoot I had in Toronto Ontario at the end of November 2010. After 1 week cutting, I began the 2nd phase (2 weeks bulking) and by the end of the 21 days I had packed on 10lbs of pure lean mass while still keeping my abs.

I basically kept my conditioning and definition all while filling up my depleted muscle glycogen stores and watching my muscles expand as they soaked up the extra calories. Unbelievable!

The best part is that normally while bulking continuously, I find it hard to constantly consume excess calories and my body starts to feel slightly sluggish after about 2-3 weeks, but I felt great cycling calories over the weeks and it kept my metabolism in muscle building mode.

My biggest fear was losing size or my metabolism slowing down during the fat loss week, but I actually looked better (and bigger) after the 1 week fat loss phase and since it is only 1 week, my strength and endurance did not suffer and the priming phase allowed me to pack on lean mass in phase 2 without worrying about fat gain.

Cycling training and calories in this way has captured the famous ‘rebound effect’ bodybuilders and fitness competitors have been using for years. Without a doubt, this program is the perfect strategy for staying lean while gaining lean muscle.

Joey Vaillancourt
Author, Bones To Buff
Quebec, Canada

“Brent Gained 55 Pounds On His Bench & Kept His 6-Pack Abs!”

Brent Martin Hey Lee!

I’ve used your Blast Your Biceps program before and loved it, it helped me get bigger and stronger all over (not just in the biceps). But I have to say your 21-Day Fast Mass Program is even better! I’ve been following your Hardcore Bodybuilder Workout routine exactly as you outlined it in the program and the results have been incredible. I’ve set new personal strength records on all my major exercises and I still have my 6 pack!

Just to give you some examples:
My deadlift has gone up by 50 pounds. My squats have gone up by 35 pounds. And my bench has gone off the charts by going up by 55 pounds. Again those are increases in my actual workout weights, not just a 1 rep max thing. I’m super happy with everything!

Thanks for everything, this program is awesome!

Brent Martin
St. Phillips, Newfoundland

“Peter gains 8 pounds of muscle and loses 2 pounds of fat in 21 days!”

Lately I was struggling to gain weight (bulking) and minimize the fat gain, but without much success. When Vince announced that he had a diet that can make you avoid the fat gain and maximize the muscle gain, I decided in the moment that it was the right time to test it.

After 21 days I managed to gain 8 pounds and lost around 2 pounds of fat. So this diet was the best solution to my problem, and I will use it in the future.

Weight: 187 pounds
Body Fat: 17% (By Tanita Scale)
Shoulders: 47 inch
Waist: 36,2
Bicep: 13,8
Weight: 194 pounds
Body Fat: 16% (by Tanita scale)
Shoulders: 49,6 inch
Waist: 34,3 inch
Bicep: 14,2

Thank you one more time, and I hope you like the results.

Kind Regards,
Peter Kingz
Faro, Portugal

“Jeff Gains 26 Pounds Of Muscular Bodyweight!”

Jeff Nippard used the Anabolic Amplifier Effect to rebound and gain mass after competing (and winning the junior division) at the Newfoundland Provincial Bodybuilding Championships on November 20th.

Jeff Nippard Hey Lee!

The program looks great man! It’s something that I haven’t really seen before and it definitely works for putting on size, that is for sure.

Anyhow, this is how my rebound gains has gone so far…

Saturday November 20th – 138 pounds
Tuesday November 30th – 164 pounds

That’s up 26 pounds gained since the show!

My rebound has been excellent so I can definitely say the Anabolic Amplifier theory works! My strength has been great in the gym as well.

Jeff Nippard
Paradise, Newfoundland

“Dietrich’s ‘better than bulk’ transformation
lands up 7.6 pounds of muscle in 21 days!”

Dietrich Marquardt For roughly the past 10 weeks (after having gotten down to under 5% Body Fat) I was working on putting on some size – basically bulking. I made some fairly decent gains but noticed that they were starting to level out, which meant I was about to hit a plateau. Enter Vince and Lee’s new diet. I was planning to do a bit of cutting, but figured this would be a nice way to finish my current mass gain phase.

Man, I just loved it! I decided to follow a 1 week primer phase, 2 week rebound phase, schedule. The cutting was fairly laid back, since carb intake wasn’t restricted that much. Then once I put myself in a caloric surplus my gains went through the roof – while still saying relatively lean!

I think that if I would have been in a caloric deficit for 2 weeks, and a surplus for 1, my lean muscle gains may have been cleaner, and that I might have gained a little more mass, as I noticed that my gains started to even out as I went into the final week of the diet.

I decided to stick to a clean diet, only having allowed myself to have one cheat meal. Another thing which I did was I incorporated some post-workout cardio. It wasn’t too much, just about 10 mins of steady pace walking on a steep incline. I did this to avoid any ‘spillage’ of carbs/energy, which would result in fat gains. I think this is what helped me stay relatively lean.

I think that this diet is perfect if you’re hitting a plateau in your mass building phase, or as a finisher to such a phase – kind of like a last hoorah.

Overall, the diet really surprised me. I didn’t expect to make the gains I did in such a short time, let alone such clean gains. This is definitely something I’ll be using in the future.

From: 20th November to 4th December
Initial Weight: 185lbs
Initial Body Fat %: 8%
Fat: 14.8lbs
LBM: 170.2lbs

Final Weight: 193lbs
Final Body Fat %: 8%
Fat: 15.4lbs
LBM: 177.6 lbs

Dietrich Marquardt
Hobart, Australia

“Ian Packed On 14 Pounds Of Ripped Muscular Mass!”

Ian Graham Hey Lee & Vince,

Thanks for coming out with this program it’s a brilliant system, In fact I actually used this style of training and nutrition cycling to prepare for my most recent fitness model competition in Toronto Canada.

To give you some feedback about my personal results I got down to 166 pounds after following the low calorie phase and after I rebounded from the high calorie phase I shot up to 180 pounds and was looking bigger and fuller then ever.

I’ve been using these micro bulking and cutting cycles over and over again and I find them very effective for building lean muscle mass while keeping the bodyfat low.

Ian Graham
Dublin, Ireland

“Björn says you should go for it!”

I did the 21-day cycle and gained 6 pounds of muscle and lost 1 pound of fat! This is great because I’m short. LOL

My chest went from 94cm to 96cm. My bicep from 33 to 36. My midsection stayed the way it was.

I wanted to be a part of Vince’s and Lee’s “Guinea Pig Group” cause they are the best when it comes down to building muscle. This program is amazing and it can help everyone to gain muscle mass in a short amount of time. I can just say go for it!

Björn Rösinger,
Germany, Bad Nauheim

“50-year old gains 13 pounds of lean muscle!”

I have been working out for years and have never found a program that really worked for me. I keep looking and haven’t given up yet. I work with good intensity and am determined to meet my goals. You and your program has helped me to stay motivated and focused. I have never seen one of your DVD’s that I said to my self that I couldn’t do it. You give me the motivation and confidence to keep plugging along. If you tell me to try it … I will – as I did with the FMB program. Here are my results:

Before – 197 lbs with 14.9% fat.
After – 210 lbs and 14.9% fat.

Thanks again for all your motivation and coaching. It has really made a difference.

Layne Massmann

“Jon Gains 18 Pounds Of Muscular Mass While Getting Stronger All Over”

Jon Chafe used the Anabolic Amplifier Effect to rebound and gain mass after competing at the Newfoundland Provincial Bodybuilding Championships on November 20th.

Jon Chafe Hey Lee,

After going through the low calorie depletion phase and the high calorie rebound phase I’ve gained 18 pounds. I feel great with the results my body feels bigger and stronger than ever before, I am more vascular than I have ever been, and I am still quite lean.

I’ve been able to add at least 30 pounds to my workouts for the stronger muscle groups, legs, back, and chest. I have been able to add an extra at least 10 pounds to the smaller muscle groups like my bi’s and tri’s and shoulders, depending on the workout!

Jon Chafe
St. John’s, Newfoundland

“Michael gains 8 pounds of muscle after two rounds!”

When I saw your status on Facebook I was excited to try something new and be part of something that not many people had tried before. I had followed your NNMB programand had gotten amazing results and when I saw this opportunity I knew the same thing would happen. I would strongly recommend this program which I am still following at the moment.

Overall I was amazed at the results I got while on this program by gaining 8 pounds of muscle in 2 rounds of this program. When I finished the fat loss phase my body was just craving for calories and I swore I could feel my muscles absorb everything I put into my body each day.

Before: 210 lbs
After: 222 lbs
Muscle Gain: 8 pounds
Fat gain: 4 pounds

Michael Estabrooks
Bethlehem, PA

“Personal trainer gains 3.6 KG of muscle and looks
bigger, better, harder & leaner!”

Kirt I wanted to be on the test group because I hit a plateau that needed destroying, and destroy that plateau is exactly what I did with help from Vince and Lee’s programme. I am a previous customer of Vince’s and I trust him completely! I’m happy with the results and will be repeating this programme in the future!

I started at 79.2kg with 18% BF
Finished at 82.8kg and 18.2%BF

Saying that though, it was recorded with impedance, my body looks bigger, better, harder, and leaner.

My chest measurement has increased 2″, legs 2.5″, arms and calves 1/2″ in the space of the program.

Huddersfield, England

“Brandon Packed On 27 Pounds & His Strength Went Through The Roof!”

Brandon Green used the Anabolic Amplifier Effect to rebound and gain mass after competing at the Newfoundland Provincial Bodybuilding Championships on November 20th.

Brandon Green I went from 168 pounds up to 195 pounds after going through the whole rebound process. Strength is through the roof, personal bests in everything. Barbell shrugs= 405 lbs, was doing 220lb before. Plate loaded incline chest press 340 lb, was doing 230lb. Alternating dumbbell curls 55-60 lb, 35-40 before. Basically every exercise has gone way up. I love it. I feel way better, more energy, and it’s like I always have a pump. Only thing I didn’t like was I got pain in my legs where they were growing so fast and stretching.

Brandon Green
St. John’s, Newfoundland

“63-year old gains 3 pounds of lean muscle
and loses 6 pounds of fat after 2 rounds!”

Bruce Macdonald Here are my results from two 21-day cycles:

First round:
Start 177lbs at 13%BF
Phase 1:174.8lbs 12.5%BF
Phase 2:174.4 lbs 11%BF

Second round:
Start 174.4lbs 11%
Phase 1 – 172.2 lbs 10%BF
Phase 2 174.4 lbs 10%BF

Testing out a nutritional strategy to gain lean muscle while keeping down body fat was intriguing to me. My metabolism seemed to have stalled while bulking over the last several months so I wanted to see if there was a way to “confuse” my metabolism and get it fired up.

Knowing I would be on a low calorie diet for one week then two weeks of a high calorie diet is an interesting concept so I wanted to be a part of the test group to see if this was an effective way to gain lean muscle. I found a side benefit from this strategy was an increased appetite when I began Phase 2. Previously, my appetite was almost nonexistent and I had issues trying to consume the amount of food needed to bulk.

Bruce Macdonald
Durham, NC USA

P.S. I’m 63 yrs old just in case you forgot! LOL

“This way of eating and training is definitely worthwhile and gets results.”

Jordan Earl Personally, I think this program was a positive experience for my body both physically and mentally. After bulking properly for two weeks it’s common to get the “I’m getting fat” feeling, however, my following this up with a cut up week you get rid of this feeling and you also lose fat in the process. This way of eating and training is definitely worthwhile and will get results.

My B.F was not measured after but before I was 8.5%, I’m guessing around 7.5% after. My weight (KG) before this was 87.5kg and after I was 90kg so I’ve definitely gained muscle and lost fat.

Jordan Earl
Auckland, New Zealand

“Sheldon packed on 7 pounds of new muscle!”

When I first heard Vince and Lee talk about the FMB program I couldn’t help but get excited for this program. This is one of the best ways to gain size fast! I only did one cycle of the FMB. Why did I want to try FMB? I wanted to gain size fast and take advantage of the holiday season, which includes alot of eating. I started with one week of cutting and two weeks of bulking.

Before: 145 @ 18% bodyfat.
After: 147 lbs @ 17% bodyfat.

So I gained 7 lbs of lean muscle, which is pretty impressive since I’m a real “hard gainer”. These are the best gains I’ve had in a long time. I would walk around the four seasons resort and women would be eying me up and down. All and all I highly recommend FMB! You won’t regret your results.

Sheldon Ortiz
Wailuku, Hawaii

“Jason loses 5.2% body fat in 21-days!”

Going after these transformations has been a lot of fun for me! I love these little competitions I get to keep having with myself. Seeing me take my body to a higher and higher level each time is super rewarding.

Before: 188 lbs and 14% fat
After: 188 lbs and 9.8% fat

I found the program worked really well for me, knowing that I only had to restrict intake for 7 days and then I would get to eat plenty gave me all kinds of motivation. I also did it without any supplements other than Protein and a multi-vitamin. I would definitely recommend the program to anyone looking to lose fat and build muscle (I am starting to actually see my abs pop in the am, which is a first for me).

Jason Ward
New Minas, Nova Scotia

“He can do 10 extra chin ups, bench 15 more pounds
and added 6 pounds of lean mass!”

Michael DiNardo Hey Lee.

I just wanted to say thanks. I finished the 21-day mass building program and it improved my mass/strength a lot. I used to weigh 115 when I started your program and now just tipped the scale at 121. My max bench press was 135 but now I after just 21 days I maxed out at 150 pounds! My chin-ups increased from doing 9 and now can literally do 19 in a row.

I have been following the program exactly as outlined right from the start and it works awesome. I am supper happy and very grateful that I used it.

If you have any other programs or anything I would love to try them out in the future.

Thanks again,

Michael DiNardo
Snellville, Georgia

Now We Need YOUR Help!

This is just a small handful of extraordinary results from our Test Group who put our program to the test to show you that we’re not liars, we’re not crazy and that we are telling the truth. You WILL achieve similar results with the new 21-Day Fast Mass Building Program… we guarantee it.

As you’ve seen in the updates the last few days, this program is completely different than else you’ve ever tried before. People are gaining anywhere from 5… 10… 15… and even 20 pounds of pure muscle (remember, pure muscle means FAT FREE MASS)… and they continue gaining muscle the more 21-days cycles they complete. Oh yeah, and don’t forget about how many of our success stories lost fat too!

And get this… we are 100% committed to your success. We refuse to let you fail and go through life struggling to build the lean muscular body you deserve. This IS the year that people start noticing you and respect your presence just because of your incredible physique.

Over the last few days we’ve been getting hundreds of emails from ambitious people all around the world who want to know what comes with The 21-Day Fast Mass Building Program and how they get this system into their arsenal.

That’s what you’ll discover tomorrow… we’re going to reveal what exactly comes with the program and we’ll also tell you about a chance to WIN a Free Copy of that soon-to-be released 21-Day Fast Mass Building Program.

Don’t miss that update!

Here’s to making your fastest and most impressive results!

Lee Hayward & Vince Del Monte

As always, let us know if you have questions and feel free to ask any of the success stories questions. We’ll ask them to stop by the blog to answer any specific questions you might have.

About The Author


Lee Hayward is a former competitive bodybuilder and muscle building coach who has been online coaching people since 1997. His work has been featured in several international magazines such as: FLEX, Muscle Insider, Muscle Mag International, Testosterone, Ironmag, and Forbes. Lee's main focus right now is with helping men over 40 - who don't want to be fat anymore - lose the gut, build muscle, and get back in shape. If you're ready to "Start Again" for the last time and finally build a lean healthy body that you can be proud of, just e-mail Lee to discuss a realistic action plan that's right for you... lee@leehayward.com


  • Kohl

    Isn’t Brent the dude in the “Best Bar for Building the Biceps” video?

  • tom

    hi, looks impressive, so how much is this 21 day cycle to buy?

  • Kohl,

    Yes, Brent actually trains at the same gym that I do and I’ve coached him personally one on one. The guy has gotten in killer shape, he is very serious and dedicated to his training and his results show it!

  • tom: hi, looks impressive, so how much is this 21 day cycle to buy?    

    It’ll be in the price range of all of our complete training system programs. This program will include a huge ebook (over 100 pages of pure science and step-by-step outlines), over ten hours of DVD footage, meal plans ranging from 1,000 cals to 6,000 cals and much, much more. We’re actually going to show you the ENTIRE program breakdown on Thursday. We also have a few hidden surprises… opportunities to hang out and train with Vince and I so stay tuned!

  • Michael DiNardo

    Im the kid at the bottom of the screen and this program kicks ass! Ive gained so much more muscle and im now starting my second round of the cycle! my email is dinardo36@gmail.com if you need to know somthing

  • Kohl

    Michael DiNardo,

    Whoa an increase of 10 pull ups in 3 weeks? Wish I could accomplish that.

  • Michael dinardo


    There’s a great back routine on the bulking phase! You could do it 2 if you just completely stick to the program, and trust it

  • Matt

    Hey lee, I don’t think this program would would for me, or would it?!
    I just finished up my first cutting phase and cut down to about 10% bodyfat. I kickstarted my new bulk with your ‘blast your biceps’ program and have gotten through the first 5 days of the 20 rep squat routine. And although ive decent strength gains on my squats I have not experienced the ‘post-contest rebound’ and have only gained back my 3 pounds of water weight so far.
    Do you still think the 21 day program would work?

  • Matt

    sorry meant to say: would WORK for me

  • Matt: Hey lee,I don’t think this program would would for me, or would it?!
    I just finished up my first cutting phase and cut down to about 10% bodyfat. I kickstarted my new bulk with your ‘blast your biceps’ program and have gotten through the first 5 days of the 20 rep squat routine. And although ive decent strength gains on my squats I have not experienced the ‘post-contest rebound’ and have only gained back my 3 pounds of water weight so far.
    Do you still think the 21 day program would work?    

    It comes down to having a drastic caloric difference between the 2 phases. This is where the rebound / overcompensation comes from.

    What was your average caloric intake while cutting?
    What is your average caloric intake now while bulking?

  • Matt

    Thanks for the quick response! I was probably doing about 1800 in cutting and am doing about 3000 in bulking.

  • Hey Lee, My question’s is like Matt’s …My Height is 6’3 & my weight is 207.5Lbs Iam bulking right now 1st week into it & pushing my Cal. intake to 3500Cal. or 4000Cal. but I have never cut or bulked b4 so it’s pretty new to me..so Does cutting your Cal.s that much Really Make The Change’s Happen & How Long ,If I Only Bulk 2 weeks then cut 1 week How low Should I run my cal intake. Yes Iam Eatting Clean Food’s 7 or 8 meals’ & 1 scoop protien drink’s 150cal. in 8 or 10 oz. of water b4 work out’s & after.Hope this isn’t to much to Ask Thanx Love The Vid’s keep them coming Sir…Al Standge

  • M Hill

    Hey, I’m interested in the product but I am currently training for mma and dont want to switch my current workout routine (train bjj/mma 3x each per week, lift 3 times a week on avg). Can I still use this system or will i have to follow a different workout program?

  • Rob W

    I am really interested in buying this and getting started but i also see the no nonsense muscle.
    I am very skinny 18 year old boy at 6 ft 2.

    Which would you suggest I would see the best results?

  • Domenick

    Hi. Im 265 pounds. Former high school football lineman age 18. Is this workout good for me?

  • I started using this style of calorie cycling back when I was in my late teens and it helped me make some of my fastest and best muscle gains ever. I’d recommend you give it a shot.

  • Domenick

    I’m actually ganna use the blast your bench one with the blast your squat program. I just have a few questions. I got whey protein, multi-vitamins, and fish oil, and I’m about to go buy some sort of greens product and creatine monohydrate. (watched your supplement videos and absolutely loved them!) What would u recommend for these two products and since Im going to be taking so many of these when should I take them?

    My whey is: Gaspari Nutrition Myofusion
    My Multi-vitamins are: Mega Man Sport
    My fish oil is: Just Fish oil 1000
    Im going to buy the basic creatine monohydrate as you suggested in your video.

    • Yes, by all means. I’m a huge fan of taking greens as well as taking creatine. They will both help aid your workouts and they are also very healthy as well.

  • Domenick

    Ok cool! Does it make a difference if I take the capsules or the powder, i see more capsules at GNC.com so just wondering.

    Also how should i incorporate these into my meals. Im planning on doing this…everyday ill take my whey protein shake in the morning with my breakfast along with 1 multi vitamiin, a servings of greens capsules (or powder with the whey protein) and 2 fish oil capsules. Then with lunch all just take a multi vitamin, then before workout i may try super pump max. (should ii have the creatine with this?) After workout Ill make protein shake with the creatine monohydrate. At dinner ill have a multi vitamin with 2 fish oil capsules. THen a protein shake at night before bed. How does this sound? I really like your view towards the overall view of bodybuilding. I love what your doing and would love your input.

  • Domenick

    I’m sorry that im asking so much. Just think your the man to ask 🙂

  • Andrew

    Hi Lee, I have purchased your program and I tried to get the supplements you have recommended before I start the program. We cannot get the Blue Star products shipped to Australia. Tried Bodybuilding.com and they do not deliver those here either. Have you got any knowledge of good products that we could use here down under that is good enough to replace the Blue Star products? Perhaps from some Australian customer of yours can or did recommend something? I am new to supplements as well as bodybuilding so all this is new for me.

  • Andrew: Hi Lee, I have purchased your program and I tried to get the supplements you have recommended before I start the program. We cannot get the Blue Star products shipped to Australia. Tried Bodybuilding.com and they do not deliver those here either. Have you got any knowledge of good products that we could use here down under that is good enough to replace the Blue Star products? Perhaps from some Australian customer of yours can or did recommend something? I am new to supplements as well as bodybuilding so all this is new for me.    

    You can use other brands of supplements. I’ve never been to Australia before so I don’t know what brands you have available, but any good whey protein, multi-vitamin, fish oil, creatine, glutamine, etc. will do. Blue Star is a great brand, but it’s not the end all be all, you can still use other brands instead.

  • Yeah this stuff definitely works, I put on 9 pounds in three weeks with no change in bodyfat. measurements increased for every bodypart except waist. Great program, I’ll keep following til my gains stop. Thanks for putting out this great information Lee.