How To Bust Out Of A Bench Press Plateau

If your bench press is stuck in a plateau, then taking a break away from benching and switching to dumbbell bench as your main chest exercise is a killer way to blast past it and start making some new muscle and strength gains again.

I’ve got a killer bench press training report for you called the…

“7 Fastest Ways To Increase Your Bench”

The 7 Fastest Ways To Increase Your Bench!

The FREE Report Reveals the top 7 secret tricks that the world’s Biggest Benchers
use to lift huge weights & dominate the bench at any gym!

Just enter your name & email address below and
I’ll send you this FREE Bench Press PDF Report ASAP!


About The Author


Lee Hayward is a former competitive bodybuilder and muscle building coach who has been online coaching people since 1997. His work has been featured in several international magazines such as: FLEX, Muscle Insider, Muscle Mag International, Testosterone, Ironmag, and Forbes. Lee's main focus right now is with helping men over 40 - who don't want to be fat anymore - lose the gut, build muscle, and get back in shape. If you're ready to "Start Again" for the last time and finally build a lean healthy body that you can be proud of, just e-mail Lee to discuss a realistic action plan that's right for you...


  • Björn Rösinger

    Thanks for tht post and video was really good.
    Even if i dont got this problem yet i still see it by friends 🙂 and they never belive me if i tell them stop it…. maybe if i show them your video hahahahaha

    Greets from germany Björn

  • Thanks for tht post and video was really good.
    Even if i dont got this problem yet i still see it by friends and they never belive me if i tell them stop it…. maybe if i show them your video hahahahahaGreets from germany Björn  

    Absolutely, the next time you have one of your buddies complaining about not being able to increase their bench, share this video with them.

  • Right on the money Lee! I totally agree with you, overtraining and benching too much is a big mistake people make. Great tips along with the others you gave me last time we worked out together. – Mike

  • manjinder singh

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  • Miguel

    I started doing the dumbbell bench press technique months ago and I was stuck at 185 with the bench press. Now I am at 225 and it’s because I used the dumbbell exercises instead of the bench press for awhile. Overall, my gains have been incredible and I am always being told that I look great. I love it when people’s jaws drop when I tell them that I am 41 years old. There response is no way, no way!


  • Great tips Lee, I always shake my head at people just doing benches and BB curls then wonder why they never grow.