Questions and Answers
Hi Lee,
First i'd like to say thank you for the advice u gave me a few months ago, i have seen AMAZING results and i am truly grateful. so far my bodyfat measurements went from...
Left Pec: 21%
Right Pec: 21%
Just above hip bone: 16%
left love handle: 24%
right love handle: 24%
Abdominal: 22%
Left Pec: 13%
Right Pec: 13%
Just above hip bone: 3%
left love handle: 13%
right love handle: 13%
Abdominal: 13%
The results have been fantastic, but during the last 4 weeks, my measurements have stayed the same. I'd like to have an abdominal measurement of 6-7%. I eat about 180 grams of protein, 180 grams of carbs, and 30 grams of fat a day between 6-7 meals. I am 180 lbs. I do cardio 3 times a week for 50 minutes at a heartrate of 120-130bpm. I lift weights intensely for the remaining 3 days, and rest completely on the last day.
Is there any help u can give me to break this plateau?
Thanks tremendously
Hi Clement,
Great job on losing so much bodyfat! It can be challenging to lose even more bodyfat after you have already lost so much. To help you burn off the troublesome fat (i.e. abs) you should try using "Xenadrine". Xenadrine is a
good supplement to help you burn bodyfat. It is the best supplement that I have found to help lose bodyfat. I have used Xenadrine personally and have had great results from it. The best way to use this is take 2 capsules of Xenadrine 3 times per day on an empty stomach. It is a good idea to this before aerobics and before your workouts because it will help to give you energy, curb your
appetite, and raise your metabolism enabling you to burn more bodyfat. You can get more info on Xenadrine at:
Hi Lee
Here's another question for you, not like you don't already have enough to answer.
How much is enough supplementation. As my head reels with the wealth of supplementation information on the market today (most of it from the manufactures of the product they want you to buy) a young lady such as my self finds herself perplexed.
I'm 30 years of age and have been weight training 18months. My program includes four days of weight training (cycling 4-6, 6-8 and 8-10 reps, varying intensity as the volume increases)and 3 days cardio (2 days of 20
min interval training and one day of 45 min cardio class). My current supplementation regime includes.
morning (8 am):
VitC 1000mg SR
Multi vitamin
B Complex
Calcium & Magnesium
Protein Shake plus LGlut 5g
Evening (7 pm):
VitC 1000mg SR
B complex
Vit E 500IU
Calcium & Magnesium
Protein Shake plus LGlut 5g(post training)
Night (9:30 pm):
Protein Shake plus LGlut 5g
I hear so much about the benefits of BCAAs, omegas, creatinine and antioxidants, some people I know take much higher levels of vitamin C and others time their antioxidants and supplement with omega 3 and 6. Help!
what regime will give me the best chance of developing the best muscle I can. My diet is reasonably clean and I stay to around 1700 calories a day as fat loss is still on my agenda. What do you think works and why?
Hi Seval,
I think that you are doing well and are on the right track with your weight training and cardio. Supplements can be very confusing. I will be the first to admit that I still have a lot to learn when it comes to supplementation.
However, if someone were to use all of the supplements that are advertised in the magazines they would spend thousands of dollars each month and most of their time would be spent forcing down pills, powders, drinks, etc...
Here is what I recommend.
Vitamins and Minerals
Multivitamin and mineral supplements are perhaps the most important single supplement that can be consumed by bodybuilders and athletes.
For the human body to perform at its maximum potential, it must be fed a vast and complex array of vital nutrients. Becoming deficient in just one of these essential vitamins or minerals breaks down the metabolic pathway that produces optimum efficiency and performance declines. Not good!
Daily consumption of a high-potency multivitamin/multimineral formula may help ensure the
presence of essential cofactors necessary for thousands of metabolic reactions.
Many people underestimate the importance of them. They think that since you can not get 10 pounds of muscle, it is useless to take them. But here is something very important. If your body is deficient in just one of the essential vitamins and minerals over a thousand chemical and enzymatic
processes in your body could be impaired. Each and every vitamin and mineral is responsible for thousands of biochemical reactions, including the formation of hormones. Bottom line? If you don't use a good multivitamin and mineral formula you will never reach your fullest potential.
Protein and Amino Acids
Anyone who is involved with working out should use a good whey protein powder to help build and repair muscle tissue. You should also use 5-10 grams of glutamine because studies have shown that supplementing glutamine can prevent muscle wasting, it produces a potent anti catabolic effect. Some protein supplements contain a few grams of glutamine per serving so check the amino acids in your protein supplement because you may be getting enough glutamine from your protein powder. Take 2-3 servings of protein through out the day between meals and after workouts.
Creatine is probably one of the most talked about supplements on the market. It is one of the few
supplements that can produce noticeable gains in lean mass, strength, and energy in a very short time. Most people find that within a week of taking creatine their muscles become fuller and they get better pumps when working out. Creatine is also responsible for improving performance in high-intensity exercise, increasing energy levels, and speeding up recovery rates.
You don't have to make your supplement regimen anymore complicated then this.
hello lee,
i'v had 2 shoulder surgeries! the dr. sez no overhead lifts! i would like an upperbody routine with wts. that wont hurt my shoulders? one was a rotator cuff and the other was plain ARTHRITIS! I'M 7-8 YEARS POST OP! I'M 6FOOT2 230 AND ONLY 35 YEARS OLD! please help!!!!!!
i like CYBEX , do you?
In your situation you are going to have to do some trial and error to find out which exercises hurt your shoulders and which exercises do not hurt your shoulders. What you should do is use very light weights with your workouts
until you find out which exercises are comfortable. For example, you may find that flat bench presses hurt, so try incline bench presses. You may find that barbell curls hurt, so try using dumbbells, etc... until you find out what
exercises you can do.
When you do find out what exercises are ok then you should use those exercise in your workout routine. When you are training make sure to always warm up prior to lifting and wear a T-shirt or sweat shirt to help keep your shoulders covered and warm. This will help to prevent injury. You should lift moderate weights (i.e. 10-12 reps per set) and focus on using perfect exercise form this will allow you to build muscle without stressing your joints too much.
I use Cybex machines from time to time and I find they are good. However, I try to focus my workouts around free weight exercises.
Hi Lee
I have a question that has been boggling my mind for the 3 years I have been bodybuilding. It is whether or not a hardgainer should do cardio while trying to bulk up? The owner of the gym I go to told me to stay away from it if I want to gain mass. I have followed his advice up until today when I decided to do cardio 3 times a week for 20mins. While doing the cardio I'm scared I'm burning too many calories and think that I won't gain any weight.
I started doing the cardio because I don't think it is healthy to not do any cardiovascular exercise; plus my pecs are soft as Jello and I think it's from lack of cardio. Thanks in advance for your response.
Steve Csernyik
Hi Steve,
Doing 20 minute cardio sessions 3 times a week will not hinder your muscle growth. In fact it may help your muscle growth by increasing your endurance and blood circulation which will help carry nutrients to your muscles. It will also help you to burn off some bodyfat. Don't worry about burning too many calories or losing muscle. As long as you are eating lots of protein, carbs, and nutrients you will not lose muscle.
I am sorry for writting very long but i belive that will help me and u to reach our goal.
My name is Eisa i am Saudi. 24 years. I am 89 kg. i have been training my body for 2 years. not coniously. I have broblem with my abs and the lower part of my chest, the improvment can not be seen. Also i have some fat in my body. I exersice 5 days a week. One muscle a day. Only Bi and tri i train them together.. I spend my day as following.
I wake up at 5:30 am
I drive to my work at 6:00
I return back from my work at 4:30
I sleep from 5:00 to 6:30
I go to the gym at 7:15
I exercise for 2 to 2.5 hours.
I returen back at about 9:30.
I sleep at 12:00
my coments are
1:what is the best exercises to improve my lower chest.
2:what is the best exercises to make my abs seen.
I mean to remove the fat?
3:what is the best schedule do u see that i have to follow in my workout?
4:How many gram of protein do i need everyday?
5:When should i take my Protein?(I use mioblex delux from EAS) I take two serving a day.Beside i take Amino acid with mit vitamin.
6:When should i do some eirobic exercises. Before starting my workout or after. and how long.
7:What is the best supplement do u encourge me to use?
(My problem is my abs and the lower part of my chest)
Thank u for giving us the chance to conect a great people like u. And I trust that u will answer my coments.
Thank u for ur cooperation.
Here are the answers to your questions:
"1:what is the best exercises to improve my lower chest."
The best exercises that I have found for the lower chest are dips and push ups. These exercises will really target the chest area well. I suggest that you include them in your chest workouts.
"2:what is the best exercises to make my abs seen. I mean to remove the fat?"
The best exercises that I have found for the abs are basic crunches and reverse crunches. To remove the bodyfat that will require diet and cardio. I have a good article that you should read called "How To Lose Bodyfat".
"3:what is the best schedule do u see that i have to follow in my workout?"
There is really no "best" way to workout, the main thing is to be consistent and stick with your training and healthy eating. But I would suggest that you try workout each bodypart 2 times per week.
"4:How many gram of protein do i need everyday?"
You should eat 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight each day. So if you weigh 200 lbs. then you should eat 200 grams of protein each day. (Note: 1 kg is equal to 2.2 lbs.).
5:When should i take my Protein?(I use mioblex delux from EAS) I take two serving a day.Beside i take Amino acid with mit vitamin."
You should take your protein supplement in the morning (i.e. between your breakfast and lunch) and after your workouts. You can also take your protein supplement any time you don't have enough time to prepare a meal that is high in protein.
"6:When should i do some eirobic exercises. Before starting my workout or after. and how long."
You should do your aerobic exercise first thing in the morning before eating. This will help you burn more bodyfat.
"7:What is the best supplement do u encourge me to use? (My problem is my abs and the lower part of my chest)"
The best supplements for you would be protein supplement, multivitamins, and a fat burning supplement such as Xenadrine (available at:
Hey Lee i was wondering, what happends if your not satisfied with the results of your bench program, I mean what if don't gain as weight on your max as expected? I mean I'm not saying I don't believe in your program I've just always been skeptical of ordering things online. Are there refunds?
Hi Jon,
There have been hundreds of people use the "Blast Your Bench" program over the past couple of years and I have only heard of a few who never made gains with the program. I consulted with a couple of the individuals who never made progress and we discovered that they were overtraining and their bodies never responded to the program. So they took some time off from training and then went back using the "Blast Your Bench" program and they made great gains in size and strength.
If for some reason you do not make progress with the "Blast Your Bench" program, then I will work with you personally to see why you didn't make gains and to help adjust your workouts so you do. After all making gains in size and strength is your goal, or you would even be looking at my website :-)
However, if for some reason you still do not make progress after all of that I will refund your money. My goal is to help people get better results from the time they spend exercising. And of course I want to make a successful business doing it. I am not out to rip anyone off.
Very nice web site you have here Lee very informitive.I have a slight problem with trying to cut these last few pounds of fat.That is very cruical to my career in modeling that i am trying to start.It would mean a lot if you please help me with some real advice that will work.I am about 6.1
188-190lbs.Right now my routine consist of 45-60mins of cardio a day,burning 1000calories a session.My diet is reasonably low with 1500 -2000 calories a day no sugar carbs as well as no fat.And still this extra fat around my abs and bottom pecs.Which it seems this little bit of fat can be very unattractive.When i started this program i lost 32lbs with ease.Now am stuck my body refuses to let go of its reserves.HELP!!
Thanks for the wisdom
Hi Jeremy,
I think that you should use the fat burning supplement "Xenadrine". This is a great supplement to help you lose that last bit of bodyfat around your waistline and pecs. I have used Xenadrine personally and have had great results from it. The best way to use this is to take 2 capsules of Xenadrine 3 times per day on an empty stomach. It is a good idea to take this before aerobics and before your workouts because it will help to give you energy, curb your appetite, and raise your metabolism enabling you to burn more bodyfat.
If you add Xenadrine to your regimen you will lose bodyfat and see great results. You can get more info on Xenadrine at:
Hey Lee,
I've been trying to gain weight over the last few months but I'm not too successful.
I've got a solid workout plan, which I do three days a week, and cardio at least once a week.
Everyday I eat 6 meals, every 3 hours or so. I'm consuming chicken, fish, vegetables, rice, potatoes, and other quality ingredients. I drink at least 10 cups of water every day too.
When I wake up in the morning, my weight always decreases. And throughout the day it would go up a few pounds as I eat, but then the next morning it's down again. It's a hopeless cycle that I am very frustrated over. At one
point I gained a few pounds and stayed there for a week, but I'm down again!
I'm trying my best, and I really want it to be possible for me to pack on some weight.
Thanks for your time,
Hi Jasper,
First off, I just want to let you know that your bodyweight will go up and down throughout the day. This is simply because of the weight of the food you eat during the day. If you eat 5 lbs. of food during the day you will be about 5 lbs. heavier. But after that food digests and gets burned off you will go back to your original weight. This happens to everybody, not just you.
You are on the right track for getting big and muscular. You are working out regularly, you are eating plenty of protein and nutrients, and you are drinking plenty of water. If you want to get bigger you have to eat more food. Even though you may think that you are eating enough food now, if you are not gaining weight then you need to eat more. For example, if your body needs 4500 calories a day to grow and you are only eating 4400 calories a day then you are not going to grow. You need to increase your calories until you are gaining a pound of bodyweight each week.
You should eat more fat in your diet because fat has more calories then protein or carbs. If you eat a bit more fat this will give you extra calories, slow your metabolism, and help you gain bodyweight. You should get your fats from foods such as: peanut butter, cheese, regular milk, butter, salad dressings, etc. Don't go overboard with it but a little extra fat will help you add bodyweight and build muscle.
I'm a kid in Jr. High, I'm about 5''7, and 130 lbs. I wanted to know if lifting weights would stunt my growth. I was thinking that if I lift weights (about 5lbs. or more) sitting down obviously working out my arms that I wouldn't stunt my growth. Na only once a week. My mother thinks that lifting any knd of wieghts any which way will stunt a persons growth. What do you think?
Weight lifting will not stunt your growth. In fact weight lifting will help you get bigger and stronger. Your height will not be affected by weight training, that is determined by your genetics. Your mother is misinformed, there is no
evidence that shows that weight lifting will stunt growth.
Hi Lee,
I have been working out for about 5 or 6 months now and just today ordered the Blast your bench and living lean programs. I drink 3 protein shakes a day but i have a few question about my workout routine and if I should take any other supplements. In my workout I do
1 warm up set of benching about 12 reps
3 set of normal weight of 10 reps
I do 3 set of 10 curls
I do 3 sets of 15 military press
I do 3 sets of 10 squats
I do 3 sets of 50 sit ups
Every day after I work out I run about 2-3 miles. I workout every other day but have'nt seem to gain much weight even though I am on a high protein and carbohydrate diet. I was wondering if you could tell me if I need other supplements and if I need a different type of diet. Also would you look at my workout and see if there is anything else i should do to train my whole body? I also would like a description of some of the new workouts because on your site you say a lot of different workouts but i don't know how to do them.
If you want to get bigger you have to eat more food. Even though you may think that you are eating enough food now, if you are not gaining weight then you need to eat more. For example, if your body needs 4500 calories a day to grow and you are only eating 4400 calories a day then you are not going to grow. You need to increase your calories until you are gaining a pound of bodyweight each week. I have a good article that you should read. It is called "How To Get Big". This article will show you how to eat in order to get bigger.
With your workouts I think that you should do some exercises for your back. I recommend that you do dead lifts and chin ups along with your regular workout routine. If you are unsure of how to do these exercises you can see pics of them here.
I also recommend that you cut back on the running to only 3 times per week. This will save your energy for building muscle, while still giving you the health benefits of aerobic exercise.
Hi there! I would like to know what can i do to work my back, i need some exercises. But you have to know that i have a problem with the lombar zone so i can't do some usual training. It cames from the weight that pressed my back bone and now vertebres are pressed one on each other.
Thank u!
For you I would recommend that you do exercises for your back such as chin ups, pull downs, and various back machine exercises that support your upper body (i.e. hammer strength or similar a type of machine). This is so you do not strain your lower back too much.
Here is a sample back workout that you can perform:
wide grip chin ups
3 sets of as many reps as you can do
close grip pull downs
3 sets of 12 reps
hammer strength seated row
3 sets of 12 reps
Do this back workout 2 times per week. Be sure to warm up properly with a few sets of light weight exercises and some mild stretching before lifting heavy weights.
First off, excellent page. Alot of my questions were already answered by reading the Q&A pages but I was just wondering how I could increase my bicep size and peak.
I am 18 years old and 6"4. I am currently doing alot of upper body workout, as I injured my shoulder playing football (torn ligaments) and couldn't lift my arm above paralell. I did alot of lower body workout during this period, and am now trying to catch up my upper half.
My bicep workout consists hammer curls, dumbell and barbell curls, and concentration curls.
I am currently doing about 4-5 sets of 7-8 reps, but I was wondering if this was too frequent, I read somewhere that it is better to let your muscles time to repair.
Also is it true that hammer curls and concentration curls are the way to increase peak on your biceps? If I am misinformed, can you properly inform me. Thanks.
My chest workout consists primarily of bench pressing, and dumbell pressing. Also push ups. I am looking to increase the size of my pecs and also get some better definition. Can you give me some suggestions. I have a bench at home and I have a busy schedule, I try to get to the gym as often
as possible. But alot of my workouts have to be done at home as I have to work my weight sessions around college and working.
Thanks for your help.
Hi Dave,
Thank you for the complements on my website, I really appreciate it.
To build the bicep peak you have to focus on using good exercise form. Many people get into the habit of swinging heavy weights, instead of using a moderate weight and really working the muscles intensely. I think that proper exercise form is more important to developing bicep peak then anything else.
I find that my biceps respond better with higher reps and lighter weights (i.e. 10-12 rep range) rather then heavy weight low reps. I think it is because we have a tendency to cheat more with heavy weights and low reps.
Here is a good bicep workout that you should try for the next month:
Barbell preacher curls
3 sets of 10-12 reps
(If you do not have a preacher curl bench at home, try using a padded chesterfield chair. Kneel with your chest against the back of the chair and let your arms hang over the top of the chair with barbell in your hands. You may
want to place a blanket over the top of the chair to add more padding and make the exercise more comfortable. I personally think that preacher curls are one of the best peaking exercises that you can do.)
Concentration curls
3 sets of 10-12 reps
Dumbbell curls
3 sets of 10-12 reps
Barbell curls
3 sets of 10-12 reps
This workout will pre exhaust your biceps with the preacher curls and concentration curls. Then you will really pump the biceps with the dumbbell curls and barbell curls. The weights you lift should be heavy enough that you have to work hard to get the required reps, but not so heavy that you have to cheat and swing the weights. Do this workout 2 times per week.
For your pecs I would suggest that you try my "Blast Your Bench" program. This program is the best routine that I have seen for adding size and strength to the chest, shoulders, and triceps quickly. It is very common for people to add 30 pounds or more to their bench press in only 3 weeks of using the "Blast Your Bench" program. I recommend that you check it out.
Could you tell me what to eat while I build muscle and lose fat at the same time? Because this is what I want to do. So could you tell me when to eat when I workout which is 3 times a week. I got a question does cardio make you lose muscle mass? Because I don't want to do this because I don't want to make a bad decision on cardio. Do you know a exercise that would work the whole quad and a exercise for the hamstring area because this is an area I want to work on for basketball my legs and my back as well as my chest and abs. I want to know how to strengthen my abs because it will help me jump higher as well as my chest. My back is what I need to start to work harder than before because I want to get a thick back and a strong one so no one on
the court could stop me.
Thanks Lee
In order to build muscle and lose bodyfat you will have to eat a diet high in protein, moderate in carbs, and low in fat.
For protein eat foods such as: beef, chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, milk, protein shakes, etc.
For carbs eat foods such as: bread, rice, cereals, potatoes, pasta, fruit, vegetables, etc.
Keep your fat intake as low as possible.
Eat a small meal every 2-3 hours. You also need to drink at least 1 gallon of water each day to help keep your body hydrated, help with digestion, rid your body of toxins, etc.
Cardio exercise will not cause you to lose muscle mass. In fact it can help you by increasing your endurance, metabolism, and make your body more efficient at utilizing nutrients. This will help with your weight training.
The best leg exercise is free weight squats. They work the entire quad and hamstring area. I would suggest that you include 3-4 sets of squats with you workouts. You should also include chin ups and dips to work your back and chest muscles. Here is a sample workout that you can do 3 days a week.
Chin ups
3 sets of as many reps as you can do
3 sets of as many reps as you can do
Bench press
3 sets of 10 reps
Bent barbell rows
3 sets of 10 reps
3 sets of 10 reps
Standing calf raises
3 sets of 15 reps
Ab Crunches
3 sets of 50 reps
With this workout you should train 3 days a week (ideally Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). You must give your body plenty of rest time to grow new muscle tissue. Muscles do not grow while you are working out; they grow while you are resting. Working out will stress and damage the muscles slightly. Then your body reacts by building up the muscles in order to handle the extra work and stress.
I hope that this information helps you with your training.
Hi Lee,
I felt that I didn't get enough info about the program from your website. No offense intended, but I know how to do pyramid, negatives, flies, etc. Is the program tailored to my personal needs? Does it have new exercises? Are they fully explained and pictured? I just didn't see this on your website.
I am 5'8", 36 yrs old, 210 lbs, and I bench 285 lbs with a 315 max back in my college days. I am as interested in definition as in strength, especially to the lower pecs.
James Sehlmeier.
Hi James,
I can understand how you feel skeptical about the "Blast Your Bench" program. Many people have felt the same way but went ahead and tried the program and were impressed by the results.
This program is not a complicated routine with all kinds of fancy exercises. The key to the program is in the workout
frequency, rest times between sets, number of sets, weights, and reps. These variables are all combined into a unique 3 week workout routine that will maximize the growth of the slow and fast twitch muscle fibers. I guarantee that if you follow this program exactly as it is laid out in the workout charts for 3 weeks you will add at least 25 lbs. to your bench press.
The testimonials that you read on my website are from real people who have used the "Blast Your Bench" program. I did not make them up. I suggest that you try the program and prove it to yourself whether or not it works.
You can get the program at:
Hello I enjoy your site. I was wondering if a 14 year old starting extensive weight training for legs, starts squatting weights such as 300lbs. or 400lbs. will it inhibit his growth since its during puberty and young and still growing?
In other words, does squatting really heavy effect the growth of a young teenager still growing?
Thank you
There is a myth that weight training will stunt your growth, but it is not true. If you can squat 300+ lbs. at your age that is impressive! The only thing I caution you on is to make sure that you use proper exercise form. Do slow and controlled movements. If you have to cheat in order to lift heavy weights, reduce the weight and focus on perfect exercise form. Perfect exercise form will help you get good results and avoid injuries. Also be sure to have an experienced spotter with you at all times when doing heavy squats.
So the answer to your question is no, squatting will not hinder your growth as a teenager.
I am 15 years old and started out using your beginners program but I am 5' 8" and only weigh 130 are there any tips you could give me to help me gain weight. I also think I need to start a new program of training but I do not know if i should because my parents say I am moving up on weight to fast.
In order to gain weight you are going to need to eat a lot of good food. The more food you eat the more weight you will gain. For your eating, eat at least 25 calories and 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight each day. For protein eat foods such as: beef, chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, milk, protein shakes, etc. For carbs eat foods such as: bread, rice, cereals, potatoes, pasta, fruit, vegetables, etc. You should also eat a moderate amount of fats from foods such as: peanut butter, cheese, regular milk, butter, salad dressings, etc. Don't go overboard with it but a little extra fat will help give you more calories and energy to help you add bodyweight and build muscle. Eat a small meal every 2-3 hours. You also need to drink at least 1 gallon of water each day to help keep your body hydrated, help with digestion, rid your body of toxins, etc.
(NOTE: to learn how much protein, carbs, and fat are in the foods that you eat you should get a copy of the "Living Lean" program because it has charts that tell you the exact calorie, protein, carb, and fat content of hundreds of different foods.)
With your training you should stick to simple basic exercises. I have a good workout program that you can follow at: Don't worry about increasing the amount of weight that you are lifting. That is the whole point of weight training. But make sure that you can lift the weight with good form and avoid cheating and swinging the weights. If you increase your weights while maintaining good exercise form you will grow bigger and stronger.
I am convinced that your program works but the problem is that I don't want to be buff and muscley but all I want is to loose weight. I hope you can help me like a diet or something. Please respond as soon as possible.
Hi Jorge,
If you do not want to be buff and muscular then you will not get buff and muscular. Many people have followed the "Living Lean" program to simply lose weight, while others will follow the weight training part more intensely and get muscular. You can adjust the program to fit your personal fitness goals.
The "Living Lean" program has a lot of great information about training and nutrition it also has workout routines for beginners to advanced, sample meals plans, low fat recipes, and it also has nutritional charts that tell the calorie, protein, carbohydrate and fat content of hundreds of different foods. It is a great source of information; you will really benefit from reading it.
I am 16 years old, 6 feet tall, and approximatly 160 pounds. ive been working out for about 3 months and i just started taking creatien about a month ago. when i walk into GNC or any other supplement shop i get bombarded with the
amount of supplements they have. i dont know what i need to take. should i take anythign besides creatine and is there a difference between eating protein bars after a workout or drinking a protein shake? Also i hear so many different body building routines and i odnt know what is best for me. i do chest on monday, arms (biceps and triceps) on tuesday, shoulders wednesday, back thrusday, and stomach everyday. is that a good work out regime? i feel lost when i think about all teh possibilities. thanks
Hi Rob,
I understand how you feel, I felt the same way. There is so much stuff out there that we have information overload. What I suggest you do is stick to the basics. That is what I have done and I find it is a lot easier then trying to keep up with all of the latest stuff. A good basic workout and eating program will work wonders for someone your age. After you build a good foundation then you can try some of the different workout routines, supplements, etc.
For your training information you should read a couple of good articles that I have. One is called "How To Get Big". The other is called "Bodybuilding For
Beginners". For supplements, you should take a whey protein powder. I recommend that you use EAS whey protein.
You can get it on sale at: Protein
provides the raw material needed for muscle growth and creatine helps to provide extra energy. After a workout you should have a protein drink rather then a bar. The reason for this is because after a workout your body needs to get nutrition to the muscles as quickly as possible. And liquids digest much faster then solids, so a protein drink will work better then a bar.
Hi Maceo,
I really don't know how long whey protein has been used, but I know that over the past few years it has become very popular because it is a very high quality protein. If you take in excess protein it can harm your kidneys. But when I say excess, I mean that you would have to eat a lot of protein, such as 500+ grams a day. Just to give you an idea of how much that is, you would have to eat about 6 pounds of beef a day to get 500+ grams of protein a day.
If you eat 1 gram of protein for every pound of bodyweight each day you will not have any trouble. If you would like to try some whey protein I recommend that you use EAS Whey Protein you can get it at:
Hello Lee,
I am 21 years old and have been working out for quite a while. However over the past few months, I have plateaued. I have a small frame. Before I started working out I was only 140lbs, standing at 5'10". I am now 165lbs. However much I try, I cannot gain more weight. I have tried numerous weight gain powders and eating much. My friends have told me that I have reached the largest point that I can get with my frame, is this true? (It is unfortunate that asians typically have smaller frames). I have been stagnant at the same weights for about 3 months or so. I was
wondering if you would recommend androstenedione. My main concern (after doing research about it) is that I do not want acne problems. Since I have had quite major acne problems when I was younger, I was thinking that taking andros could spark it again. What do you think about this?
and are there other major effects I should know?
Thanks a lot,
Hi Dave,
Andro will help to increase your bodies natural testosterone so it may cause you to break out with acne. However, it will not cause you to gain weight. The thing that determines how much weight you gain is the number of calories that you eat. For example, if you are eating 5000 calories per day and your body needs 5200 calories per day to grow, you will not gain weight. You can take all the supplements in the world but if you are not eating enough calories then you will not gain weight.
You can gain more size. Don't listen to your friends who say that you can't. When I started working out I weighed 140 lbs. I did get up to a high of 230 lbs. but I found that it was too heavy so I am now 200 lbs. For a while though I was eating 7,500 calories per day. That is a lot of food, but I did gain size and strength by eating that much.
I suggest that you add 300 calories a day for a couple of weeks and see if you are gaining weight. If you are gaining weight then continue to eat the same amount of food each day. If you are not gaining weight then add another 300 calories per day for a couple of weeks and see if you are gaining weight. You want to get to the point where you are consistently gaining a pound of bodyweight per week.
I suggest that you read my article called "How To Get Big"
Hi Lee.
I was wondering if you could answer a question for me. Im currently in training to be a police officer and I was seriously thinking about trying Xenadrine to shed some pounds and lower my body fat percentage. I was just wondering if it really works and if it does than would it show up on the drug tests I have to get done for my training. I could really use some help as I am only five feet seven inches, and now weigh 185 pounds. I would greatly appreciate any advice you could give me.
Thank you
Hi Shawn,
Xenadrine is a good supplement to help you burn bodyfat. It is similar to the ephedrine, caffeine, and aspirin stack which is the best supplement that I have found to help lose bodyfat. I have used ephedrine, caffeine, and aspirin personally and have had great results from it. The best way to use this is to take 2 capsules of Xenadrine 3 times per day on an empty stomach. It is a good idea to take Xenadrine before aerobics and before your workouts because it will help to give you energy, curb your appetite, and raise your metabolism enabling you to burn more bodyfat.
This is powerful stuff. If you have not used these supplements before you should ease in to it. For example, take them only once per day, then after a few days increase it to twice per day, then eventually increase it to 3 times per day. Some common side effects of Xenadrine are feeling jittery, anxious, nervous, excited, etc. This is because the supplements cause your body to release adrenaline.
Only use these supplements for 3 days on and then take a day off, otherwise your body will become accustomed to the supplements and you will not get as good of results from them. Another thing that I should mention is people with heart disease, high blood pressure, thyroid disease, diabetes, enlarged prostate, or anyone taking MAO - inhibitor drugs for depression or appetite suppression should not use ephedrine or Xenadrine. And never take more then the recommended amount.
If you use these supplements as I have outlined you shouldn't have any trouble with them.
Like I said, Xenadrine is a great supplement for burning bodyfat. The only thing is it may show up on your drug test because it contains ephedrine, caffeine, and aspirin. If you are going to take Xenadrine I would suggest that you use discontinue using it for 7 days before your drug test. This way it should have plenty of time to get out of your system.
If you would like to get more information about losing bodyfat and building lean muscle I would suggest that you get a copy of my "Living Lean" program. This program has a lot of great information about training and nutrition it also has workout routines for beginners to advanced, sample meals plans, low fat recipes, and it also has nutritional charts that tell the calorie, protein, carbohydrate and fat content of hundreds of different foods. It is a great source of information; you will really benefit from reading it. And you can get your Xenadrine at: for only $25.99 a bottle.
I am 200 pounds and about 5'6 I have gone on lots of diets but right now I can't seem to lose weight unless get only about 1200 calories mostly protein on carbs workout six days a week run everyday and I have about 30% bodyfat I want to get down to 10% at least I wanted to know maybe if
I should raise my calorie intake or something. Because I take lots of protein suplements and others. I don't take ripped fuel or E/C/A because I hear Excedrine speeds up your heart and ripped fuel is only for people 19 or older what do you think?
Thank you
How long have you been dieting for? If you have been dieting for longer then 3 months I think that you should increase your calories to around 3000+ a day for 2 weeks so you can increase your bodies metabolism and let your muscle fill out more. When you increase your calories eat clean foods such as lean protein foods and carbohydrate foods. Then go back to a high protein, moderate carb, low fat diet and take in around 2000 calories a day. If you take in too few calories you can slow your metabolism down too much and stop the fat burning process.
In order to lose bodyfat and get into great shape it requires proper nutrition, aerobic exercise, and weight training. Now you seem to be doing the right things, I am just going to go over the basics and hopefully you will be able to see where you can improve what you are currently doing.
For your nutrition, you have to eat at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight per day. A high protein diet raises your metabolism, allowing you to burn more fat, it doesn't cause water retention like a high carb diet can, and protein will satisfy your appetite more and make you feel less hungry. As well, protein supplies the nutrients needed to build lean muscle. For protein eat foods such as: lean beef, skinless chicken, skinless turkey, fish, eggs, skim milk, protein shakes, high protein bars, etc.
Reduce the amount of starchy carbohydrates that you eat (i.e. breads, rice, potatoes, pasta, etc.) and eat more fibrous carbs (i.e. vegetables).
Keep your fat intake as low. Avoid foods such as: cooking oils, butter, margarine, nuts, peanut butter, salad dressings, sauces, junk foods, etc. To make sure that your body gets the essential fats that it needs to maintain good health you may want to supplement your diet with evening primrose oil or flax seed oil supplements.
(NOTE: to learn how much protein, carbs, and fat are in the foods that you eat you should get a copy of the "Living Lean" program because it has charts that tell you the exact calorie, protein, carb, and fat content of hundreds of different foods.)
To help you lose bodyfat you should do aerobic exercise first thing in the morning before eating. Do 30 - 45 minutes of cardio (i.e. walking, cycling, treadmill, etc.) first thing in the morning when you get up. Doing your cardio at this time will help you burn more bodyfat, your body will resort to burning fat because there is no food in your system to be used as fuel
With your weight training I would suggest that you train only 4 days a week. This will give your body more time to recuperate and build muscle tissue. Which will help to raise your bodies natural metabolism.
If you follow these suggestions you should be able to lose bodyfat and get into great shape. Like I mentioned, I suggest that you get a copy of my "Living Lean" program.
The "Living Lean" program has a lot of great information about training and nutrition it also has workout routines for beginners to advanced, sample meals plans, low fat recipes, and it also has nutritional charts that tell the calorie, protein, carbohydrate and fat content of hundreds of different foods. It is a great source of information; you will really benefit from reading it.
I'm 17 and weighs 130 pounds and is 5 feet 7. I have been going on a strict diet and weightlifting program (according to the information on your site, with the adequate amount of reps, sets, and rest) for about 3 months now. However, there is no change in the size of my muscles. So, can you please tell me when will I start to grow? I happen to have extremely low bodyfat, so will that affect the appearance of my muscles?
Thank you.
If you are not getting bigger then you need to eat more food. You can lift weights for ever, but if you are not eating enough good food (high protein, high carbohydrate, and moderate fat) then you are not going to grow bigger.
I suggest that you keep track of exactly how many calories and how much protein, carbs, and fat you are eating each day. To learn how many calories and how much protein, carbs, and fat are in the foods that you eat you should get a copy of the "Living Lean" program because it has charts that tell you the exact calorie, protein, carb, and fat content of hundreds of different foods.
You should increase your calorie intake by 400 calories a day. Try and get most of these extra calories from proteins and carbohydrates. After a couple of weeks of doing this weigh your self and see if you are gaining weight. If you are gaining weight then continue to eat this amount of food each day. If you are not gaining weight increase your calories by another 400 calories a day until you are consistently adding 1 pound of bodyweight each week.
i have a question i am 268lbs 6'4 and i certified for wrestling 220lbs mostly i put on weight for football and wrestling i can curl the bar plus 35lbs on each side fer 5-10 reps max i bench the bar plus about 55 on each side max and i squat alittle over 500 i really have never worked on my bench but my recent interest in this one particular lady-friend has sparked me into hyperdrive and i wanna get big but not using any bad things im only 15 so i have time i wrestle for my school and i wanna also win the states next year so it is key that i be able to bench 200-275 by the end of the summer more around november i should say HOW DO I DO IT i need ur help im beggin ya.
please wright back
thank u
Jared "The Mutant" Banfield
Hi Jared,
I think that you should get a copy of the "Blast Your Bench" program. It is a great program for gaining size and strength fast. I have used it several times with great results. The program works by overloading your muscles for a short period of time which produces rapid strength gains. I think that you can improve your bench press by at least 25 pounds or more in only 3 weeks of following the "Blast Your Bench" program.
The first time I used it, which was several years ago, my bench press went from 225 pounds to 276 pounds in only 3 weeks! I have used it several times since then and on average my bench press has went up 25-30 pounds after each 3 week cycle. I would highly recommend that you give it a try.
You can get the program at:
Lee, how are you:
My question involves leg definition. I have been lifting for 14 years. I am 49, female, and 5' 6", 134 lbs. My upper body is pretty defined, ( I have long arms and legs, so putting on muscle is difficult to say the least),
however, I was a runner for many years and did not actively pursue lower body weight training. This past year I have cut way back on running, (only 2 days per week, and only 3 or 4 miles each day). Once a week, I have been doing 4
sets of squats, (135 lbs. max), 3 sets leg presses, (210 lbs. max) and 3 sets of strict dead lifts, (85 lbs. max). I know that I am stronger, and I feel that the muscles in my legs are harder, but I do not see the muscle definition. I am not anywhere near being overweight, and my diet is pretty clean. Lee, I am getting a bit frustrated.....any suggestions are appreciated.
Thank you,
Hi Kathy,
If you do not have much definition in your legs that means that you need to lose a bit of bodyfat and get the skin thinner so the muscle definition shows up. I am not saying that you are overweight but in order to have defined muscle you need to have a very low bodyfat percentage.
To lower your bodyfat I suggest that you eat at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight per day. A high protein diet raises your metabolism, allowing you
to burn more fat, it doesn't cause water retention like a high carb diet can, and protein will satisfy your appetite more and make you feel less hungry. As well, protein supplies the nutrients needed to build lean muscle. For protein eat foods such as: lean beef, skinless chicken, skinless turkey, fish, eggs, skim milk, protein shakes, high protein bars, etc.
Reduce the amount of starchy carbohydrates that you eat (i.e. breads, rice, potatoes, pasta, etc.) and eat more fibrous carbs (i.e. vegetables).
Keep your fat intake as low. Avoid foods such as: cooking oils, butter, margarine, nuts, peanut butter, salad dressings, sauces, junk foods, etc.
(NOTE: to learn how much protein, carbs, and fat are in the foods that you eat you should get a copy of the "Living Lean" program because it has charts that tell you the exact calorie, protein, carb, and fat content of hundreds of different foods.)
Eat 5-6 small meals each day, spaced about 3 hours apart. Make sure that you drink plenty of pure water each day (at least 10 glasses of water a day).
To help you lose bodyfat you should do your aerobic exercise first thing in the morning before eating. Do 30 - 45 minutes of cardio first thing in the morning when you get up. Doing your cardio at this time will help you burn more bodyfat, your body will resort to burning fat because there is no food in your system to be used as fuel.
If you follow these suggestions and stick with your weight training program you will make good progress and get lean and defined.
Dear Lee,
I just recently came across your website and I found it to be one of the most useful ones I have ever seen. I am 21 years old. I am 5"10 166 pounds. I have always been rather skinny but always been in decent shape. My goal is to be 178 pounds. Is that to much for my height. Every one tells me that it would be hard to gain weight because of my metabolism. Now that I think of it though I have never really tried. I am never consistent with my eating i.e... I will have a huge lunch but hardly anything after. My biggest problem is that I have no motivation to workout, though I want to be alot bigger. When it comes time to lift I just hold it off for another day. Is it true that the first month is the hardest and after that you enjoy working out. A couple of my friends go crazy if they miss a day. I know I will never be huge I just want to look rugged for my size because my friends tell me I have alot of
potential. I am thinking about joining a gym soon but do you think it would be a bad idea for me to workout at home for awhile doing pushups, squats, and other various free hand exercises and with some dumbbells? Could I see good results? Im sorry to ramble on I just really want to get started and build my self esteem back up, and you definitely seem like the person to ask.
Please let me know what you think.
Thanks Alot
Hi Greg,
Thank you for the complements on my website.
If your goal is to build a better body then you need to set your priorities and work to achieve your goal. Anyone can build a good body if they work at it. Motivation comes from having a goal that you are passionate about. Something that will excite you and cause you to want to do everything in your power to achieve that goal. Your goal has to be bigger then your comfort zone, it has to be something that you want bad enough so you will do the things that are necessary to get the results that you want. Even if it means doing things that will be uncomfortable.
Everyone is uncomfortable when they first join a gym and start exercising. Most likely they would rather be home watching T.V. or out partying with their friends. But they go to the gym because they are dissatisfied with the way their body is and they are going to do something about it. They know that if they don't take some action that will move them in the direction of their goals they will just stay the same as they are, being dissatisfied with themselves and wishing that somehow things will get better.
If you have the discipline and desire to push on despite your discomforts. You will find that over time going to the gym and exercising it will get easier and you will become more comfortable with it. After the first month of exercising on a regular basis you will start to notice that you are making progress. You will feel better physically and mentally. You will also have the satisfaction of knowing that you are doing something that will benefit you in all areas of your life.
Having a strong, healthy body will not only improve you physically. It will help you mentally, it will raise your self esteem and help you cope with the challenges of life better. People tend to feel good when they know that they look good.
I think that you should get rid of your excuses and start right now. If you have any friends who are already going to the gym and working out, call them and ask if you can go along with them when the workout. This will make it easier and more enjoyable. You will learn faster and make better progress by working out with someone who is more advanced then you are because they can help you and motivate you along the way.
I have a couple of articles that you should read.
One is called "Bodybuilding For Beginners". The other is called "How To Get Big".
These articles will help give you the information that you need to get started with building a better body.
Remember, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". So do something today that will move you in the right direction. Drop by the gym and talk to the staff and check out their memberships or call a friend who is already working out and see if you can arrange to workout with them. Don't procrastinate, make up your mind to do something now.
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