Success Stories and Positive Feedback
This page contains success stories and positive feedback that I have received from people who I have helped with regards to their training, nutrition, and supplementation programs. It is very inspirational and motivating to here success stories and positive feedback like this.
It really gives me a lot of personal satisfaction knowing that I am helping people achieve their fitness goals. What impresses me the most is that these are regular people, like you and me, who have achieved incredible results by following the suggestions and techniques found on this website. Not only do these people look and feel better physically, but they also feel better mentally, they have higher self-esteem, and self-confidence that comes from achieving their fitness goals.
Hi, my name is Peter Guerrero,
I completed the blast your bench program a couple months ago. I increased my bench by 30 lbs, for which I am very grateful. At first my friends laughed at me but then they saw the result.
Thanks, I appreciate it, and I will most likely be playing D1 college football now - not just cause of the bench but it helped.
Thanx so much for the advise Lee, I will follow it and work hard at it. Its nice knowing your there for help.
Thanx again and I will keep looking at your site on a
regular basis.
Dan Schmidt
Very impressed with your site. A 55yr Duathlon competitor looking to get leaner. At199.5lbs down 5lbs this week the sugestions on your site are right on.
James A.Hayward
Ontario Canada
I loved your web site it was full of very informative pictures and had a lot of great information.
I just wanted to say that I think you have one of the best web sites out there and keep up the good work.
Jerod Shaffer
Looking good chap, keep up the good work
United Kingdom
I was referred here by my martial arts instructor from Vip protection. I see what he means. Good show chap.
Great site, loads of top usefull info.
I'm back every few days checking for updates! I've never felt this good for ages, i'm so glad i've started training.
Thanks for your help!
danny brown
north west England
I think your advice and knowledge are a great combination.
goodluck for the future.
Davy Jardine
Rathfriland, N. Ireland
nice body....hides hard workout programms!
Great Site Bro, it really looks promising, it gives the next generation the help they need!! I'm going to really look into some of the things as well! Thanks!
Peter Rusted
Topsail, Newfoundland
Deer Lee,
I am an 8th grader in NJ, and I weigh 135, thanks to your "Blast your bench" program, i went from 165 to 205! I hold the class max by far. I would just like to say that this program works, Thanks A Lot!!!
Hi mr. hayward,
Your program worked great for me. I put on 40lbs to my bench press using your diet/lifting techniques.
Thank you very much for your help
Brendan Daly
Your program ("Blast Your Bench") was the best $10 I've ever spent. My maximum bench press was 170 lb. when I started the program. After the program it is an astonishing 230 lb. I increased my bench 60 lb.. This is more than I expected. I plan on repeating this
program shortly.
Thank you,
Joe Rebholz
Thanks for your help. It means a lot to me. I'll write back on my progress. thanks again for all you have done for me.
Hello Lee,
A couple of months ago I bought your "Living Lean" program. Between a lot
of cardio/Vasc exercise + careful use of the E/c/a stack I have lost all the bodyfat that I wanted to.
Many thanks for your help & tips.
hey lee,
just wanted to tell you something cool. i told u i
maxed out at 250 about a week and a half ago before i
started your program. today was day one of week two
and on my last set (for two) i got 255 once, but
couldnt get the second. just wanted to tell you that
me and my friend are having a ball with the blast your bench program.
its intense and fun. thanks a lot pal! I'll let you
know what i max out on in exactly two weeks from
today. my goal was to go to three plates (i aim
high!) thanks again man.
imran naqvi
Hello Lee,
Thanks for your advice. It is greatly appreciated
Hello Lee!!
I was searching the net and I stumbled onto your website. I have to tell you that I think that your website is one of the best that is out there. The information that you provide is excellent. I don't have to tell you that there
is a lot of miss-information about bodybuilding on the web. Anyone who is looking to improve there body through exercise and without the assistance of drugs would benefit from reading the articles on your website. I commend you on
a job well done!!
Hey lee hows it going up your way. School started back this week for me I am a 10th grader. I just got done with the blast your bench program. I am now benching 250 pounds I weigh 135, some people are saying that I am on roids.
thanks for my blast your bench program.
Brandon Nicholson
Dear Lee,
hello my name is Matt Svabik. I have just recently finished your wonderful bench press program and recieved awesome results! I went from 245 to 275 on the bench! I was verry verry impressed by the results!
Dear lee,
I thank you so much for your blast your bench program it has really helped me develope my bench press! I am on my last week of it and i intend to go on it again in a few more weeks! With the program i have added over 40 pounds to my max bench i held the sophmore class record for bench at 245 i am now benching 295! i normally max out with the normal 45 pound bar and 2 45's and 1 35 on each side!
THANX a million Lee!
thank you very much lee.
usually i dont get such thoughtful responses. thanks so so much. i really appreciate it.
thank you again!!!
I just finish my 2nd week of your "Blast you Bench" program. I've just started working out. I'm 15 and weigh 135. I'm pretty skinny but not as skinny as before I started working out. When I first started your program my max was 120 which is very sad since I couldn't even bench my weight. Now my max is 140. But again I'm only in the 2nd week so I should go up even more. My goal for right now is to hit 150 soon and hit 180 before the end of the summer.
Many thanks for the Living Lean program, it looks like there was a lot of effort and time put into this. Good job.
Mark Pearce
Hey Lee.
I like your site. It's great to see someone get a little bit more interactive with people when it comes to health and fitness. I have searched the internet far and wide for help and finally I found your site with your helpful programs and advice.
Yesterday I downloaded your "Living Lean" program, and I intend to follow it intensely starting Monday (May 29). I have found that you have kept it simple, and in the same way I was thinking of creating a workout routine.
I want to thank guys like you who help people reach these stages. It seems that you are the "catalyst" which helps the process. So thanks.
Your abs are looking great. I have followed a couple of your ab suggestions and my 6-pack is even more solid than before. One guy actually hurt his wrist when punching.
Dear Mr. Hayward,
Thankyou for being here there is no other site to help people like yours does.
Thank you very much,
Thank you so much for taking the time to give me advice. I know you must
have a very busy schedule and your advice is very much appreciated.
Sherry White
You have one of the most informative and enlightening web sites I've ever seen. Your web site is an absolute
MUST SEE for every serious bodybuilder, whether they are beginners or experienced. I'm so glad I found it.
Ralph T. Desiderio
Hi, Lee!
Just wanted to express my thanks and appreciation for that fine new
website that you've updated for your readers and fans. It's the most
helpful and informative site I've visited in a long time.
All my best wishes for your ongoing success and triumphs in this and
future years.
Most sincerely,
Julio G. Verdecia
Caldwell, NJ
Thank you ever so much, I truly appreciate your very knowledgeable response.
Ellen Tronolone
Dear Lee,
First off I would like to commend your "Blast Your Bench" program. I am
17, I weigh 207 lbs. and since using your program went from 280 on the bench
to 315! This program was great! I made impressive gains in just 3 short weeks. I have
given it to all my buddies and they are making great gains as well...
A "Blast Your Bench" successful student
Brian Abrams
I really enjoy your web site. I think it's great that you have achieved so much
Thanks for your time.
God Bless,
Hi Mr. Lee
At this point I have lost about 28 lbs. and I have been doing your workout for about 3 to 4 weeks and I feel very good, better
then ever. I am 35 years old and I have three children they cannot believe it that I have been doing this good. I have tried
other diets and nothing has helped but I decided on August 22 1999 that would look better and fill better so I did. Now it is
January 2000 and I look very good and the best thing is that I feel good and healthier then ever.
Thank you, your book is very good.
Hi Lee,
I got your Living Lean & Blast your bench books, thanks!
I've lost track of how many times I've read them now.
Dear Lee,
Thanks for a most inspiring and informative web page and
personal profile. You're a true role model for any prospective
bodybuilding athlete. I'm a Spanish teacher and often deal
with youngsters with low self-esteem. By association with people
who are seriously into fitness and bodybuilding I have managed
to get some of my students interested in working out and developing
fitness goals for themselves. Your many efforts and many achievements truly deserve
wider recognition. I want to congratulate
you on a terrific career and for your determinatin in passing on the
benefits of your hard work and experience to others who surf the
net in search of inspiration and positive reinforcement. Have a
good holiday season and may 2,000 be a year of ongoing triumphs for
you and may your dreams continue to come true.
Most sincerely,
Julio Verdecia
Hi Lee,
Thanks for the prompt response and suggestions on getting ripped.
Keep up the great work!
Best regards,
Luis J. Martinez
I really enjoyed using your site. Thanks for the information.
I'll be back!
I want to thank you a lot. I will send you all my results if you'd like and i
can't wait to get started. If you'd like i can and will tell all my fellow
wt.lifters about your site.
Thank you very much.
Big Ron Walters II
thank you lee!i will follow your advice.
This Site is outstanding, since I've known this website I came here
everyday looking for more information....
Thank you very much!
Dear Lee
Thanx for that programme (Blast Your Bench), i finished it about
five days ago and i have felt a dramatic difference i am going to have a two week rest and then i am going to go on it
Hello Lee!
Just wanted to let you know that your program has been
a big help to my training routine. I've been following advice
from "Living Lean" for about a month and a half and already
I am seeing a reduction in body fat & have gained a serious
amount of lean muscle.
Hi Lee
Thank you for sending me the Living Lean program. I have been following it
for 2 weeks now and find already I have more energy.
This letter is from Peter De Goeij. Peter has made some of the most amazing improvements to his physique that I have ever seen.
Peter has been heavily overweight all of his life even though he kept active by playing various sports and swimming. In 1994 Peter got into working out and continued to play sports and swim. Overtime all of the activity took its toll and Peter injured the tendons in his right shoulder. He had to stop working out and playing sports because of the injury. And to make things worse he was eating very unhealthy (i.e. a lot of junk foods, sweets, fatty foods, etc.).
Well, the lack of exercise and poor eating habits caused Peter to gain a lot of excess weight. Just last summer Peter was 281 lbs. He was very overweight to say the least.
Peter finally said enough is enough, he was fed up with being grossly out of shape and decided to do something about it. He cleaned up his eating by cutting out the junk foods and sweets. He also started doing aerobic exercise and weight training (he mostly worked his legs and torso because of his injured right shoulder).
The clean eating and exercise was working. Peter did lose a lot of bodyfat and felt better about himself. But he still had a lot of bodyfat to lose and he wasn't sure if he could do it on his own. Lucky for Peter, he stumbled across my website and he decided to order the "Living Lean" program.
I have been working with Peter over the past few months with regards to his workout program, proper nutrition, and supplementation. And he has been getting absolutely amazing results.
So what did that "dieting and sporting" do for me.. I must say I think it was great. In the last five weeks I dropped another 3.5 kilos in weight. Last Saturday I was 85.8kg (= 189.1lbs). That means that in one year I lost 41.8 kg (= 92 lbs.) , because last year after holidays I was 127.6 kg (=281.3 lbs.). I think that is not bad at all, and I must say that I feel WAAAAAY better than I did last year.
I look much more "ripped" now and the muscles of my upper legs are starting to show when I put pressure on them... Moreover my chest muscles are beginning to show up as well.
Thank you for mailing me back every time. Your inputs are just the thing I needed to get me on track. I started last year with the goal to feel better and to lose at least 50lbs. Now I have lost over 90lbs, I feel great and I must say that I start to love my weight training. I think I understand the feeling every real bodybuilder must have when he/she can see results. I know I'm starting to like it now.
Hope to hear/read from you soon.
NOTE: I got an e-mail from Peter on September 14 1999, and he has lost even more bodyfat!
Last weekend I weighed myself and again I have made some "gains" (or losses is maybe the better word for it). I am now 81.8kg (=180.3lbs)!!
Yes I have lost over 100lbs in just over a year... I really cannot believe
it myself if I did not see it..
I've already sent you an email, but again I want to commend you for your accomplishments, both physically and
professionally (as a bodybuilder/webmaster). You are very patient, through, and enlightening in your comments and replies.
Even at such a young age, you are a very mature and experienced bodybuilder. I'm sure you can help me with my goal of
getting to at least 190 lbs (I currently weigh about 178) and am 5'7" tall (with small legs and no calves). You get the picture.
Keep up the good work. I've read EVERYTHING (including all of your archived Q & A's) and it is all informative. In the
words of the great Arnold S, "I'll be back!" O'D
I was inquiring to see if you have any new muscle building programs
available as this program ("Blast Your Bench") started me on my way to building a much better
body.....well, a good enough body to get modeling offers with major agents.
Dustin Carlson
Hi Dustin,
I am currently working on a complete fitness program that will cover everything
from gaining strength and muscle mass to losing bodyfat and getting ripped.
I'll let you know when it is finished.
Keep up the great work!
Lee Hayward
Dear Mr.Hayward,
Thank you SOOO much for your patient and detailed reply. I will follow your
Thanks again
I just wanted to tell you that your page is my homepage cause it is the best source of bodybuiling info that ive found on the net.
Hey Lee thanks alot man for responding to all my mails. You are the only
man who actually reads and helps us regular people get into shape.
Lee, I want to be like you and decrease my body fat. I want to say that I
hope the Lord blesses you and sends you to heaven for helping us people out.
Hi Lee,
I have been on the Living Lean program for two weeks and the results are unbelievable. I cannot thank you enough. I can't wait to see the results after a month or a year.
I can't wait until you finish your next book. I will stay in touch with you. Thank you for answering my questions.
Jim Kyriakos
I can't thank you enough for your prompt reply to my question….
Your response was thorough and timely and you will be recommended to my peers. Good Luck in your training, and keep up the informative site, it's a winner!
Thanks again
Thanks a lot for responding to my question so quickly. I appreciate the answer. I tried what you suggested and it works great!
Thanks again!
Hey Lee,
Thanks a lot, the "Blast Your Bench" and "Living Lean" programs are really great.
Hey man,
Thank you for all the tips and I am so glad that there is someone out there like you that can help young people like me. You are taking time out of your life to make my life better and I appreciate it greatly!!! I am sure you will be hearing from me again soon. Thanks again.
your fan,
Thanks Lee! I'll keep you posted in the future about my results.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks Lee! The time taken was much appreciated, and when I'm a huge
Bodybuilder, I'll remember you! :)
Many thanks for the information.
Thank you very much for your time,
Nick Bagnell
Hi Lee,
Thanks so much for your advice. I highly appreciate you taking time out to write to me.
Thanks again.
Hi Lee,
thank you for your info and for spending time reacting to people like me. It is very kind of you!
I wish you all the best!
Jan - The Netherlands
Dear lee,
Thanks for your advice I will follow it.
Thanx a lot.u r a great guy.
One of the best pages devoted to bodybuilding that I've seen....great're in awesome shape.....keep up the good work.
a fitness nut,
Dear lee,
I got your email. Thanks for the info I'll let you know of my progress.
Thanks for your help.
Dean L.
Thanks Lee....I just found your web site...and I think it's great, I'll be
checking in on it and can't wait to see the new add on....I'm sure it will
help me get back into the swing of things ...... Grace
Thank you very much for very specific answers. I will get your Living Lean program just as you suggested.
Thanks again.
Hey Lee I just want to say this is a good website and you have helped me
out a lot. Thanks a lot. Keep up the
good work.
I have been working out for about 7 months. You answered a lot of
questions I had. Thanks for
the information.

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