Where you get your training advice from can more of an impact on your muscle building success than you realize...
I have to admit that I've made a lot of stupid mistakes over the years in my muscle building efforts, especially when I first started out.
I floundered around and literally wasted years of progress by following old outdated workout programs and listening to out of shape coaches and gym teachers who "used to workout back in the day". While they all meant well, they didn't have a clue as to what really worked and what didn't when it came to building muscle.
It got to the point where I was working out daily. Sometimes for several hours at a time. Severe overtraining was putting it mildly. Looking back at it now I can see how stupid it was, but at the time I didn't know any different. And my lack of progress would just frustrate me even more.
Have you ever felt frustrated like this, busting your ass in the gym week after week, and nothing to show for your efforts?
If so, we have a lot more in common than you realize, and you can relate to how discouraged and helpless I felt inside. It was because of this that...
Bicep Blasting Tips:
The BEST Arm Exercises For Explosive Growth
How To Increase Muscle Fiber Growth By 334%
Unleash New Arm Growth From The Inside Out
Where Do You Get Your Muscle Building Advice?
What's Included In The "Blast Your Biceps" Program?
I Went On A Mission To Find Out
Exactly What I Needed To Do...
I became obsessed with learning everything there was to know about building muscle. At first I was really excited because there seemed to be a lot of good information available. But the more research I did, and the more techniques I tried, the more confused I got...
You see commercial interests and media BS have complicated things to the point where it's hard to know who to trust anymore. And there are more deceptive tactics going on behind the scenes than you can imagine.
For example, I've bought literally hundreds of muscle magazines over the past 20 years and read most of them cover-to-cover. I've tried dozens of the so called champion bodybuilder workouts that were published, and more often than not I'd end up burnt out, over trained, and even more frustrated then ever.
And to make matters worse, 99% of these workouts you see in the magazines are made up by "professional ghost writers", and are NOT even written by the actual bodybuilders themselves.
Most Workout Articles Are Made Up By Ghost Writers!
Not only are the magazines publishing BS workouts, but they are doing it for manipulative, deceptive, and propagated profit at YOUR expense!
More often than not these ghost written workout programs quickly go from doing "3 workouts a week" to trying to sell you 3 bottles of the latest Magic Muscle Stack Supplement... "Just pick up the phone and have your credit card ready because operators and standing by... blah, blah, blah"
You see every single magazine out there is owned by, or affiliated with, a supplement company. That's why virtually every article they publish is nothing more then a cleverly disguised supplement ad. And I don't even want to get started ranting about all the shady BS supplements that they are selling, and then laughing all the way to the bank... with YOUR MONEY!
If You Can't Trust The Magazines
You Can Trust The Internet... Right?
I can remember the first time I logged into the Internet with a slow dial up connection back in 1997 and started my online search for muscle building info. Granted it was nothing compared to what it is like today, but non the less I thought I hit the jackpot!
I scowered the Internet looking for tips and information. I spent countless hours on the bodybuilding forums and message boards looking for some "real world advice", only to be bombarded with tons of useless contradictory crap and childish online debates. And the sad reality is that most of these so called "bodybuilding forum experts" are scrawny teenagers who just started working out themselves.
A lot of these kids get a kick out of posting up fake pictures and talking smack, while they pretend to be a know it all on the Internet forums... All the while keeping themselves hidden behind the safety of their computer monitor and anonymous screen name.
You Have To Be Very Careful From Whom
You Take Advice From These Days...
But lucky for you, I've put in all the painful years of trial and error and already made the stupid mistakes. You don't have to go through all the same crap that I did when I started out. I've already beaten the path to muscle building success, now all you have to do is follow along in my footsteps in order to reap the same results for yourself.
So if you are sick and tired of spinning your wheels in the gym and are ready for an Honest Mass Building System, then you owe it to yourself to take the "Blast Your Biceps" program for a test drive and try it out for yourself.
I've poured my heart and soul into creating this program because it's a personal passion of mine. I know all too well what it's like to struggle in the gym, year after year, with little or no results to show for your efforts.

Lee Hayward's Before & After Muscle Building Transformation
The fact that you are here means that you are one of the select few guys who is searching for a serious strength and muscle building program that delivers solid predictable results. And You Want Results NOW! You don't want to be spinning your wheels and floundering around in the gym for years before you can see any significant gains.
I've been in your shoes before and I know what you are going through right now. So if you are ready to take the next step towards building a strong, powerful, muscular physique that you can be proud of just click the link below...
Click Here To Get The Complete
Step-By-Step "Blast Your Biceps" Program -->>
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