The Blast Your Bench Program...
How To Add 51 Pounds To Your Bench Press In Only 3 Weeks!

When it comes to building a bigger more muscular body you NEED to get stronger...
It's a fact that a BIGGER Muscle is also a STRONGER Muscle - so if you want to get big, you need to get strong.
On this very page you're going to find out how I was able to gain 51 pounds to my max bench press in only 3 weeks, and how you can get similar results by following this step-by-step power training system.
The "Blast Your Bench" Program
How To Add 51 Pounds To Your Bench In Only 3 Weeks!
Can a Person Really Gain 50 lbs. To Their Bench Press In 21 Days? The Answer Is "Yes" And In This e-Book You'll Find Out How...
Blast Your Bench is jam packed with the most hard-hitting, cutting edge muscle building and strength training information you need to quickly build a powerful muscular physique. There is no fluff and no filler; just the hard-core truth about building muscle and maximizing your strength gains, FAST!
If you want the kind of strength that causes heads to turn... with...
...A massive shirt-stretching chest...
...Shockingly powerful arms...
...And the capacity to outperform all your peers...
Then you owe it to yourself to try The "Blast Your Bench" Program!
It was through a local powerlifting competitor that I first learned about what is now called "Blast Your Bench". I was pondering the idea of someday competing in a powerlifting meet and was asking some of the experienced lifters at the gym if they could help me with a training routine.
One of the guys tore a few blank sheets of paper out of his training note book and scribbled down a workout program for me. He said that it was a training cycle that he used to help peak his strength for competitions.
I have to admit that it was totally different from anything that I had seen before. I was used to the typical bodybuilding workouts where you'd do 3 sets of 8-10 reps per exercise and simply tried to increase the weights anytime that you could.
But this new routine was all over the place... it had days where you did multiple sets of low reps, days of multiple sets of high reps, days of pyramiding the weights, and it even went so far as to cycle the rest times that you were allowed to take between sets.
I've never done anything like this before... but I took the program and followed it on blind faith because I trusted the guy who gave it to me... and he also happened to be the strongest guy at the gym at the time with a 400+ pound bench press.
Anyway, to make a long story short in just 3 weeks of following this new routine I had surpassed my personal best bench press by 51 pounds going from 225 lbs. to 276 lbs.
(Now in case you are wondering why the odd number, it's because the weight plates at the gym were a mix of both standard and metric. Some were listed in pounds and others were listed in kilograms, but when they were all added up it worked out to a personal record of 51 pounds on my max bench!)
I've kept that same power training routine and used it several times over the years to help me work up to a personal best 445 pound bench press.
Since then I've expanded upon the original workout program and made it into a complete step-by-step training system that I appropriately called "Blast Your Bench".
This is an "old-school" training program by today's standards because it was first made available online back in 1997 and since then it has been used by lifters from all over the world to develop raw strength & power while packing on inches of solid muscle to their chests.
Many Guys Have Used This Program To Set Personal Records
Of 300 - 400 - And Even 500 Pound Bench Presses!
"Jason Added 45 Pounds To His Bench Press"
I am 20 years old and have been training for 2 and half years. Compared to my other lifts, my bench has always struggled. I was determined to get it on par with the rest of my lifts so I searched the internet for different programs and came across Lee's blast your bench program.
At first I was very skeptical, but after a year of struggling with the bench press, I decided to bite the bullet. I tried the blast your bench program, and it was one of my best training decisions ever. With the blast your bench program I went from a 280 lbs max, up to a 325 lbs max! This program was well worth the money!
Yes, at first glance the program does not look practical, but it is proven to work. I totally recommend it for any one!
Jason Crowley
"Set Masters Bench Press Record!"
I've used your Blast Your Bench program since the start, and I still use it to prepare for my powerlifting meets. It
really helps to peak my strength.
Using this program I have managed to set records in three states in the Bench Press 165LB CLASS Master's Division.
Note: Peter Hubbard set a Record in the USAPL Masters 165lb class with a 259 lb. bench press @ 65 years young!
Peter Hubbard
"16 Year Old Benches 315 For Reps!"
I am a 16 year old football player going into my senior year of football. I used the "Blast Your Bench" program is because I wanted to push my bench press up and finally get past the 300 bench press limit.
Before I used the program my original max was 275. After following the program my max went to 315 which was amazing!
Thanks again Lee for this great program.
Michael Riccio
"James Benched 435 Pounds!"
I've ordered a copy of Lee Hayward's Blast Your Bench program a couple years ago and it was the best investment that I've ever made. Now I can bench press 435 pounds!
Thanks a billion Lee for your program!
James Gregory
"Increased His Bench From 385 To 525 RAW"
I have purchased your bench press workout over 4 years ago and I still receive your e-mails. I love receiving the diet and training tips from you.
I feel that your routine is the best on the market. I took a 385 press @ 194 BW age 45. To a 525 press @ 214 BW age 48.
I have used your system 3 times a year since the initial purchase. Every time through I've always set a new personal strength record gaining more on my bench.
Do to your program I have gone up in weight class (do to muscle mass) Gone up in pressing abilities. Hold numerous National and State Bench press records. I lift totally drug free and only RAW.
Again thanks a quarter ton :)
William C. Blackstone
This Program Will Help You Build Real Strength & Power...
"Blast Your Bench" is a unorthodox training program. The training techniques revealed within this system are beyond normal standards. But you are not looking for low level results; you are looking for serious gaining potential. Your EXPLOSIVE New Strength & Muscle Gains will be so impressive that no one will believe that you are drug-free.
If you're sick and tired of spinning your wheels in the gym and making mediocre gains at best...
"Blast Your Bench" is the solution you've been looking for!
In the past the Blast Your Bench has sold for $47 as a physical hard copy program, and it would sometimes take 4-6 weeks to arrive in the mail.
But today you can get Instant Access to the entire Blast Your Bench Program as a digital download, along with 30 days in my exclusive Inner Circle Coaching Club, for only $9.
Click The Add To Cart Button To Get Started!
Regular Price: $47
Today Only: $9
 Click Here To Order
When you order Blast Your Bench today you'll also get these FREE Bonuses!
Free Access To The Total Fitness Bodybuilding
Workout Of The Month Program
Would you like it if someone would just take all the confusion out of your workouts and outline a step-by-step plan that you can follow to make consistent strength and muscle gains? Well, that’s exactly what you are getting with the “Workout Of The Month”.
Each month you’ll get a brand new workout training cycle that builds on the progress from the previous months program. Everything is outlined for you in easy to follow detail; the body part split, the exercises, sets, reps, and weights that you should lift from week to week in order to make continuous progress towards your muscle building goals.
You’ll never have to waste time searching the internet for new workouts ever again. The first month’s workout is included FREE in your 30-day trial of the Total Fitness Bodybuilding “Inner Circle” Coaching Club!
Free Access To The Extreme Fat Loss Program
- How To Get Ripped In Just 90 Days!
This Is NOT Your Typical Beginners "Eat Right & Exercise" Program.
Extreme Fat Loss is an Advanced Carb Cycle Diet Plan that will show you EXACTLY what to do day in & day out to strip away excess bodyfat & get absolutely shredded.
You're going to learn what foods to eat, and what foods to avoid, so that you can get super lean. This program has been used by competitive bodybuilders and physique competitors to achieve ultra low single digit bodyfat percentages.
Nothing Is Held Back...
You're Going To Get The Hardcore Truth About Diet, Supplements, Cardio, Weight Training & Lifestyle For Getting Ripped To The Bone Shredded In Record Time!
Free Access To The Total Fitness Bodybuilding
“Inner Circle” Coaching Club Forum
In this Exclusive Club you’ll get on going bodybuilding and fitness coaching. I'll personally answer any questions you have about building muscle, losing fat, weight training, cardio, nutrition, etc. And help you to customize a diet and exercise program that's right for your body type, fitness goals, and lifestyle.
You'll also get to chat with other like minded members who are serious about getting in shape and who share similar fitness goals as you. Every week you'll get to participate in LIVE “Members Only” video coaching sessions where you'll hear the honest truth - No Fluff, No Filler - about what it takes to pack on lean muscle and get ripped FAST! This is all included in your FREE 30-day trial of the Total Fitness Bodybuilding “Inner Circle” Coaching Club!
This Is What You Are Getting Today For Only $9

After the first 30 days you can choose to continue getting new workouts and e-book programs every month plus on going coaching through the Total Fitness Bodybuilding “Inner Circle” community for as long as you want for just $19.95 per month. And you are not locked into any long term deal, you can cancel anytime by e-mailing: lee [at]
Click The Add To Cart Button To Get Started!
Regular Price: $47
Today Only: $9
 Click Here To Order
As you can see this really is a no brainer. Right now you have access to the tools needed to build a powerful muscular physique. Just imagine how good it will feel when you smash past your previous best lifts and hit a new personal bench press record...
That's right, it's going to feel AMAZING!
Grab your copy of The Blast Your Bench Program today for only $9.
Train Hard & Train Smart!
all the best,
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)
P.S. - If you have not been able to make consistent strength and muscle gains with the approach you've been following up until now, then you need to try something different and the Blast Your Bench Program will help you achieve your goal, ending your training frustrations once and for all.
P.P.S. - The price is less than ten bucks, for less money than you would spend on buying a decent lunch you can get a step-by-step power building system that really works.
P.P.P.S. - Your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you are not happy for any reason, just e-mail me within 60-days and I'll refund your $9 and you can even keep the Blast Your Bench Program for free. There is zero risk on your part!
Click The Add To Cart Button To Get Started!
Regular Price: $47
Today Only: $9
 Click Here To Order
After the first 30 days you can choose to continue getting new workouts and e-book programs every month plus access to our Total Fitness Bodybuilding “Inner Circle” community for as long as you want for just $19.95 per month. And you are not locked into any long term deal, you can cancel anytime by e-mailing: lee [at]
PLEASE NOTE: The Blast Your Bench Program and Bonus Programs are a downloadable PDF & Video files. No physical product will be shipped. After you order, you'll get INSTANT ACCESS to download the programs onto your computer. The programs can be viewed on any Mac or PC computer.
Results Disclaimer: Due to regulations from the FTC, it is required that I clarify what the "average" results are for people who order the Blast Your Bench Program. The truth of the matter is that a lot of people who download this program today will just let it sit on their computer and do absolutely nothing with it. So often times the typical result is nada, nothing, zilch. Simply ordering the program is not going to do anything for you. The only way you'll make progress is by actually following the specific training system that's outlined in the program. You are responsible for making this program work. You are the only one who can make this happen. So step up and go for it! And one more thing... Always consult your doctor before starting this or any exercise program.