Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding

Video Lesson - Part 7

Pre and Post Workout
Nutrition For Bodybuilding

Lee Hayward
Lee Hayward

What you eat before and after your workouts can have a major impact on your overall muscle building success.

In fact, your workouts themselves are only half the battle. But by complementing your hard workouts in the gym with proper nutrition you can really maximize your muscle building success and take your physique to the next level of development!

And one area in particular that causes a lot of confusion for people with regards to proper bodybuilding nutrition is...

"What Should You Eat BEFORE A Workout?"
"What Should You Eat AFTER A Workout?"

Right around your workout is a critical time frame where your body NEEDS high quality, fast digesting nutrients to help replenish your muscles to aid with recovery and growth.

Taking advantage of this unique window of opportunity and getting it right can really help you get the most out of your workouts. Pre and post workout nutrition is very often the missing link for maximizing your strength and muscle gains in the gym.

So in this video clip below I'm going to show you exactly what you should have before, during, and after your workouts to ensure that you provide your muscles with the nutrients they need.

Click The "PLAY" Button On The Image Below To Watch The Video...

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Serious Supplements For Hardcore Natural Bodybuilders!
Blue Star Muscle Building Supplements

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