"Lee & Trish's Motorcycle Road Trip"
(Ride Across Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and PEI)
 Lee's 1984 Gold Wing Aspencade Motorcycle
Hey it's Lee Hayward here...
My girlfriend and I are pretty excited as we have a big adventure planned out. We are leaving Wednesday July 29, 2009 to head out on a motorcycle road trip through Atlantic Canada!
We're going to ride across Newfoundland and take the Port Aux Basques ferry to Sydney. Then we are going to ride across Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and PEI. We're really looking forward to it as this is going to be the biggest motorcycle ride we've ever done.
I've been keeping a close eye on the weather channel and from the looks of the long term forcast we should have pretty good riding weather ahead. We expect to be on the road for a about a week. We're going to take our time and enjoy the ride and of course take lots of pics along the way.
Below is a map of our planned route...
 Map Of Our Atlantic Canada Motorcycle Road Trip
We are going to keep a photo album here and on facebook to document our trip. We picked up a little mini laptop that can easily pack in the trunk of the bike and we'll use this to keep up with work and also upload pics while we are on the road. We even got a GPS set up on the bike so we won't get lost (yes we're all geeked out and ready to go LOL)
Here's a pic of my GPS on the motorcycle. I've got a cigarette lighter on the bike so I can keep it charged. It is a car GPS system so it's not water proof, but if it does come to rain I'll just put a plastic zip lock bag over it to keep it dry. I'm going to be listening to the directions through my head set anyway, so I don't need to worry about trying to hear the audio from the GPS speaker.
 Car GPS Set Up On Motorcycle
We'll that's about it for now. We're all packed and ready to go. My next update will be done while we on the road. You can check back to this page regularly during the week, as I'll be posting pics and stories from our motorcycle trip.
all the best,
Lee Hayward
Update on Friday July 31, 2009
"Captains' log... Star date 07/31 the year of our dear lord 2009"
LOL :-)
We made it to Port Aux Basques. I'm writing this from the St.
Christopher's Hotel. So far so good, we've rode about 930 kilometers
in the past 2 days. Below are some pics from our trip...
 Lee wrestling the Goobies Moose...
 Trish wrestling the Goobies Moose...
down the highway...
 Dark rain clouds over Corner Brook...
We got caught in some crazy heavy rain for about 200 kilometers
yesterday, here is a couple pics taken from underneath an overpass in
Corner Brook. It worked out perfect because a few minutes after the
rain hit we were able to stop here, get some shelter from the rain, and
put on our rain gear.
 Stopped under an overpass to put our rain gear
We are going to get the ferry to Nova Scotia around 12:00 noon today.
The ferry is about 6 hours long and then we'll find a place to crash in
Nova Scotia before heading on to New Brunswick. I'll be posting more
pics up on facebook when I get time to sort through them all. Trish has
taken a ton of pics; she's sitting on the back of the bike just
snapping away whenever we ride past some nice scenic views, which
happens A LOT when going across Newfoundland. If you have never
visited Newfoundland before, then you just gotta do it someday, it is a
"must see" place to add to your travel adventure to do list.
 Port Aux
Well that's it for now, time to grab some breakfast... my next update
will be from Nova Scotia.
Update on Saturday August 1, 2009
"Captains' log... Star date 08/01 the year of our dear lord 2009..."
I'm writing to you now from a little motel in Truro Nova Scotia. We got here at exactly 10:01 pm last night and that's late enough to be on the road. Luckily enough this place has wireless internet so I can get online.
We got the Port Aux Basques ferry to Sydney and met up with 3 other bikes on the boat, A couple and a single rider from Ontario and a couple from Alberta. All of a sudden our Newfoundland to PEI trip doesn't seem so big anymore.
The motorcycles were directed onto the boat first, and were also the first ones off. Once we rode on board a few men came by with tie downs so we could strap the bikes down secure for the crossing.
The weather was great so we spent some time out on the deck of the boat enjoying the fresh air and sun. They also had some live entertainment in the boat bar where we kicked back and had a couple ice cold bud light's. And then we went to the quiet area to rest for a couple hours before we docked in Nova Scotia.
Here are a few pics from Friday...
 Trish and I at St. Christopher's Hotel in Port Aux Basques
 Strapping down the bike on the boat.
 Trish and I out on the deck enjoying the sun.
 Leaving Port Aux Basques.
 Docking In Sydney Nova Scotia.
 Riding over a bridge in Nova Scotia.
 Randy from Trailer Park Boys washing Mr. Lahey's car LOL
We got a pizza for dinner last night, yes I know, it's not the most healthy thing to eat pizza before going to bed. But we were starving and at 11:00 at night there isn't much else open. And it was friggen delicious, we got a large BBQ chicken and veggie pizza and ate the whole thing.
 Eating BBQ Chicken Pizza... Yummy!
We are going to get some breakfast now and then get ready to ride to New Brunswick. That's it for me, my belly is growling so it's time to eat and then hit the open road...
Update on Monday August 3, 2009
"Captains' log... Star date 08/03 the year of our dear lord 2009..."
I'm writing to you now from Dieppe New Brunswick. We spent the last couple nights here with my good friend Dave Ruel. Yesterday we all drove up to northern New Brunswick to the town of Caraquet (a beautiful little French speaking fishing community).
In August they celebrate the Acadian festival and the first Sunday of August is one huge boat party where everyone who has a boat decorates it with the colors of the Acadian flag; blue, red, and white and the bay is literally filled with at least 100 boats or more. Everything from little fishing boats, to big fishing boats, speed boats, and jet skis. It was just an amazing sight. I've never seen anything like this in my life.
We went out with friends on a fishing boat, there were about 20 of us on the boat and had an amazing time. It was a beautiful warm sunny day, we had a BBQ on the boat, music playing, we caught a few mackerel while we were out, and I even did a cannon ball jump off the boat into the ocean for a swim. It was the most fun I've had in a long time... good food, good drink, and good company. We couldn't have asked for a better day!
Here are some pics we took...
 Dave, Lison, myself, and Patricia on the boat.
 Taking a refreshing dip in the ocean.
 A beautifully decorated boat.
 The boats in Caraquet Bay.
 The boats in Caraquet Bay.
 A fine bunch of happy sea men and sea ladies.
Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be sunny and we are planning on riding the motorcycle over to PEI for the day. Well, that's it for now, time to enjoy a nice wine and cheese with my French hosts :-)
Update on Wednesday August 5, 2009
"Captains' log... Star date 08/05 the year of our dear lord 2009..."
I'm writing this now in Sydney Nova Scotia. We rode here from Dieppe New Brunswick today. It took about 8 hours, including our gas stops and breaks along with way. We are waiting for the ferry to go back home to Newfoundland. We've got a night crossing booked that leaves at 3:30 am and should arrive in Port Aux Basques around 10:00 am.
The roads here in Nova Scotia are in awesome shape, mostly new pavement and the speed limits are 110 kilometers per hour. So we were cruising along most of the way doing just a tad over the speed limit averaging about 120 kilometers an hour with no problems. Now the roads in New Brunswick are not so good, you almost need a dirt bike to get around over there LOL.
Yesterday we rode over to Prince Edward Island. The weather was perfect, sunny, warm, and we had an awesome time. It's so scenic there with lots of farms and little fishing towns all over the island. After a long day of riding and sightseeing, we stopped for a delicious seafood dinner of fresh oysters, scallops, and lobster for supper at a little sea side restaurant.
Here are some pics we took...
 Riding Across The Confederation Bridge To PEI.
 Riding Across The Confederation Bridge To PEI.
 Getting my feet wet at the beach.
 It is one huge sand bar, we walked out a few hundred feet and were still less then knee high in water.
 Enjoying a delicious Lobster dinner...
 The scenery in PEI is beautiful, lots of farms and little fishing communities.
 Red sky at night...
I have posted up a bunch more pics on FaceBook at:
Ride Across NL, NS, and NB.
Ride To PEI.
Boat Trip In Caraquet NB.
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