Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding

-- Part 7 of 10 --

Workout Motivation
-- Top 10 Ways to Stay Motivated --

Lee Hayward
Lee Hayward
* Certified Strength Coach
* Competitive Bodybuilder & Powerlifter

Dear Friend,

We all go through phases where we are not very motivated to train, eat right, etc. I'm sure you have experienced this for yourself on more then one occasion. Here are some tips that I have used over the years to help both my clients and myself with workout motivation.

1. Take it slow and steady.
Many people, in a combination of enthusiasm and impatience, wind up doing too much, too soon, too frequently. That results in soreness, exhaustion, and feeling burnout - in other words, lack of motivation. Take your workouts one day at a time and enjoy the journey.
"Inch by inch life’s a synch, yard by yard life is hard"

2. Schedule your workouts in advance.
Make a “workout appointment” with yourself for a specific time and place. Treat this appointment the same as you would any important business meeting. If you schedule time for your workouts in advance and plan on keeping your word, you're more likely to keep consistent.

3. Get a workout buddy.
Try to find a good training partner who is very serious about working out. Preferably someone who is bigger and stronger then you are. This will help motivate you and push yourself to become bigger and stronger as well. A good training partner will really help you be consistent with your workouts. You'll not only have to show up at the gym for yourself, but you'll have someone else depending on you as well. A lot of times we will do more for others then we will do for ourselves, and in this case it will help both you and your training partner.

4. Keep a training journal.
This is one thing that nearly every bodybuilding and fitness expert agrees on, and as you know, when it comes to “experts” we don't agree on too many things . By keeping an accurate record of your workouts you’ll be able to monitor your strength and muscle gains. Also keep track of your bodyweight and bodyfat percentage. This will help to not only motivate you, but give you feedback on whether or not your training and nutrition program is working on not.

5. Strive to be the best that you can be.
This one sort of ties in with keeping a training journal. Actual changes in strength and body composition are often so gradual that most of us take them for granted. For example, I often hear from guys who have went from 150 lbs. to 175 lbs. in the matter of months and then they e-mail me saying that they are a “hard gainer”. Most times it is because they are comparing themselves to the pictures of the pros they see in the magazines, or to some jacked-up guy at their local gym. Bottom line, there will always be people who are better then you, and people who are not as good as you. So judge your progress based on your personal improvements, not on how you compare to someone else.

6. Educate yourself.
Read bodybuilding and fitness related books and articles. You will constantly be picking up new tips and training ideas that you can apply to your own workouts. Also watching workout videos is awesome for motivation and it’s very educational as well. Reading about training is one thing, but actually seeing it is totally different. Most of us learn better with visual examples. It’s much easier to grasp new exercises and training techniques by seeing them actually being performed, rather then just reading about them.

7. Change your workout.
If your training progress is slow, then boredom is sure to follow. If you find you’re bored with your current workout program, then change it. There are lots of training programs that you can follow, there is no need to stick to doing the same thing day in, day out. Try something new.

8. Change the gym where you workout.
This one ties in with changing your workouts. Different gyms will have different pieces of equipment, a different atmosphere, different members, etc. this can all help to add variety and fun to your workouts. To give you an example, in the past 5 years I have trained at 8 different gyms, and each one provided a fresh and stimulating change to my workouts.

9. Go watch local bodybuilding, powerlifting, and weight lifting contests.
This is really motivating. Nothing fires me up more then seeing a good bodybuilding or lifting contest. You will get to meet lots of like minded people who are all interested in bodybuilding and weight training. Plus you may want to train and get ready for a local competition yourself. Nothing will motivate you to train hard and stick to your diet like training for a competition.

10. Don't make bodybuilding your life.
And last, but not least. Don't make bodybuilding and working out the whole focus of your life. Have other hobbies and interests outside of the gym. By having other interests and priorities in your life you'll be a more well rounded person. When something is a hobby it is fun, when it becomes an obsession you usually take the fun out of it.

If you are looking for a fun new routine to spice up your workouts and help renew your training motivation then look no further then the Total Fitness Bodybuilding DVD Training System. There are 25 different workout routines included so you'll never get stuck doing the same old training routine day in and day out.

Click Here to order your copy online over our secure encrypted order page. And if don't have a credit card or don't want to use your card online. No problem, you can also order by mail order.

"I made awesome gains with this program."

Steve Cook The information that Lee teaches on the DVD's has helped me to customize my diet and training to the point that my strength, size, and conditioning improvements are consistent.

Lee has helped me on numerous occasions over the last year, including some one on one training when I tried his Blast Your Bench Program. I made awesome gains with this program. Even though it is a bench press specialization routine, I made solid gains all over. For example, my bent barbell rows went up by 30 lbs, squats went up by 30 lbs, and my bench press went up by 40 lbs.

Lee has a ton of experience in bodybuilding, as well as powerlifting, and it shows. Not only does he have an impressive physique, but the man’s head is jam packed with all kinds of exercise and nutritional information. Now we can get a taste of his knowledge base, as he has put together all the valuable information he has collected over the years, and created his own Bodybuilding DVD Training System. Congrats Lee, and thanks for everything.

Steve Cook

Total Fitness Bodybuilding DVD Training System!

Click the Play button to watch a video preview trailer.

On this digitally recorded 3 disc DVD set you’ll see over 170 muscle building exercises explained in detail. You’ll learn the best methods for developing each bodypart. Including special strength building exercises that will make your workouts more productive and maximize muscle stimulation.

Everything is based on the training secrets and methods that the bodybuilding champions of yesterday used to achieve their award winning muscularity - back in the days before steroids played the part that they do today.

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"Don’t delay, do it to-day!"

Links To The Previous Parts Of The Bodybuilding Tips Training Course:

  1. The Best Muscle Building Exercises For Each Bodypart
  2. Is There A Perfect Workout Routine?
  3. The Correct Lifting Technique For Gaining Muscle And Strength
  4. I am not getting any bigger... Why...?
  5. The Truth About Bodybuilding Supplements
  6. Gaining Muscle With Squats And Milk