The Top 10 Best Bodybuilding eBooks
They say that knowledge is power, so here is a listing of my personal top 10 recommended e-books that are filled with valuable knowledge on the subject of bodybuilding, nutrition, and weight training.
Blast Your Biceps
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The Blast Your Biceps program is a Mass Building Arm Specialization Training System that will show you...
"How To Add 2 Inches Of Solid Muscle Mass To Your Arms In Just 8 Weeks!"
By following this system I've actually taken my worst genetic weakness (my skinny noodle thin arms) and turned them into one of my physical strengths! I can now "hold my own" at the beach, pool, gym, and even on the bodybuilding contest stage.
"Blast Your Biceps" is a 3-Phase Muscle Building Training System:
Phase 1 - Puts you on the FAST Track to packing on new muscle growth starting your very next workout!
Phase 2 - This is the "meat and potatoes" of the program. The actual sleeve stretching arm specialization routine. You'll literally be able to watch your arms getting bigger and more defined week by week.
Phase 3 - This is a "Hard-Core" mass & power building phase that will help solidify the rapid gains you made in your arms from Phase 2 while making you bigger and stronger all over by using advanced training techniques that take your muscles past the point of failure and into the GROWTH ZONE!
-- Click Here for more information about the "Blast Your Biceps" eBook --
Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle
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Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle is the #1 best selling diet and fitness ebook in the history of the Internet. In fact, it's one of the best selling e-books on ANY subject in the history of the Internet -... And there's a reason why...
It's because thousands of women and men of every age are burning off BODY FAT - not muscle or water weight - and they're doing it naturally, without supplements, pills or "magic potions," simply by using the proven, scientifically-accurate and common-sense advice found inside this amazing diet and fitness guidebook.
Tom Venuto, a respected fat loss expert, natural bodybuilder, and personal trainer, has not just pumped out yet another "diet program" into an already over-saturated market. Tom's Burn the Fat can be more accurately described as a "Fat Loss Bible." It is quite simply one of the most complete, detailed, and precise guides to fat loss you will ever read.
If you were just going to read one book on the subject of nutrition, Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle would be the one I�d recommend.
-- Click Here for more information about the "Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle" eBook --
Blast Your Bench
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The Blast Your Bench program is a step by step plan that will increase your max bench press by as much as 50 lbs. in just the matter of weeks.
I�ve personally used the Blast Your Bench program to build a double bodyweight bench press. And this training system has been used by over 10,000 people world wide and continues to be a popular bench press training program year after year simply because it works!
The Blast Your Bench Program is a bench press specialization routine focused on increasing your bench press strength. But this doesn't mean you'll neglect other parts of your body. You will still make impressive gains in all major muscle groups by following this training system.
-- Click Here for more information about the "Blast Your Bench" eBook --
Fat Loss Supplements Revealed
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Will Brink's Fat Loss Supplements Revealed is a 340 page e-book with a complete review of over 40 fat loss supplements. Will Brink knows his stuff when it comes to supplements. He has worked with many supplement and pharmaceutical companies helping them design and improve nutritional products for the fitness industry.
The thing I like the most about this e-book is that Will Brink breaks down each supplement to its base ingredients and provides real world case studies on whether or not these fat loss ingredients work in real situations by real people.
Who cares if a product aids with fat loss in a lab rat, what�s it going to do for you while you are training hard in the gym?
This may come as no surprise for some of you, but the vast majority of supplements sold that promise weight loss have either no scientific support at all or are so under dosed they can't possibly work. Will Brink covers all this in detail in his book.
As for the few weight loss supplements that do work, Will explains how to use them in the correct doses to produce powerful fat loss results as well as a few little known advanced dieting techniques can strip body fat quickly and effectively.
-- Click Here for more information about the "Fat Loss Supplements Revealed" eBook --
The Truth About Building Muscle
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In a bodybuilding world where far-out, unrealistic marketing hype has become the norm, Sean Nalewanyj's "Truth About Building Muscle" e-book is a breath of fresh air. In this 249-page, information-packed program, Sean leaves the hype behind and lays the entire muscle building process out in a step-by-step, easy-to-understand fashion that virtually anyone can successfully follow. This straight-forward approach has landed Sean's e-book as the #1 ranked Internet muscle-building program available (according to the popularity rankings).
The ebook is jam-packed with valuable information from front to back, and Sean explains everything in layman's terms so that anyone can successfully follow it. All of the most important topics are covered in detail, including workout structure, proper nutrition and supplementation, injury prevention, common myths and much more.
-- Click Here for more information about the "Truth About Building Muscle" eBook --
Digital Bodybuilding Encyclopedia
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Dennis B. Weis has been in the iron game for over 40 years. He has devoted his life to bodybuilding. He's traveled the world meeting the great champions and experts of the time. He has trained with them and discovered their muscle building secrets.
Dennis has accumulated literally thousands upon thousands of documents in his research archives and references systems. Now for the first time, he's compiled all of his writings from the past 40 years into the ultimate collection of muscle building knowledge that you can use right away to transform your body into an award winning muscular physique!
Everything is based on the training secrets and methods that the bodybuilding champions of yesterday used to achieve their award winning muscularity - back in the days before steroids played the part that they do today.
You'll Get Training Secrets And Advice From Some Of The
Greatest 20th Century Iron Game Warriors - People Such As...
Vince Gironda - �The Iron Guru�
Larry Scott � The First Mr. Olympia
Fred Hatfield �Dr. Squat� - record 1014 lb. squater
Pat Casey � first man to bench press 600 lbs. raw
Mike Dayton � Strongman, Bodybuilder, and Martial Artist.
Plus many, many, more...
-- Click Here for more information about the "Digital Bodybuilding Encyclopedia" eBooks --
The Bodybuilding Truth
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Think you know about bodybuilding? Think again.
If you really knew how to build the ultimate body in less than six months time, would you keep paying for more? More supplements? More personal training? More courses? More magazines? Would you keep spending your money on the deceptions, the product scams, the bogus supplements, and the false muscle building methods that the bodybuilding marketers propagate to line their pockets? The end result. Your bodybuilding progress is held back while the fat cats get rich.
What if you knew the truth? What if someone were to blow the whistle on the con artists within the bodybuilding world and at the same time, share with you the secrets for packing on thick, dense muscle - fast! And burning off every last ounce of your bodyfat! Sounds unthinkable right? Well, the unthinkable has just happened.
Nelson Montana is an in your face kind of guy; he tells it like it is. A bodybuilding industry insider, Montana worked for Testosterone Magazine, but got fired because he refused to write an article touting ZMA, a fancy Zinc supplement, as the latest thing for muscle growth. As an insider, he saw more deceptive tactics than you can imagine. It got to the point where he was ready to throw in the towel -- instead; he decided to compile this controversial book - The Bodybuilding Truth.
-- Click Here for more information about the "Bodybuilding Truth" eBook --
BottomLine Bodybuilding
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What It All Comes Down To
As the title suggests, THE BOTTOM LINE is a "get down to it, no fluff, no hype, non-apologetic" journal that is designed for one thing and one thing only -- to show you, the bodybuilder, the most direct and uncomplicated methods toward building more muscle and shredding off!
Controversial author Nelson Montana's new eBook BottomLine Bodybuilding separates the BS from the real deal for packing on thick, dense muscle and shredding off your excess fat -- fast! This is the one guide that gives you the cold hard facts on Training, Diets, Supplements, and Drugs -- all in one place!
BottomLine Bodybuilding will show you how to take your muscular development to its ultimate potential and expose the lies that the Bodybuilding Scammers (the Magazine Publishers, Supplement Makers, and Web Sites) want you to believe so they can sell you more garbage.
-- Click Here for more information about the "BottomLine Bodybuilding" eBook --
Homemade Supplements Secrets
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The most in-depth, tell-all secrets of the soft underbelly of the supplement industry!
You'll NEVER AGAIN be at the mercy of greedy supplement companies who are trying desperately to suck the life out of your bank account!
Jeff Anderson is the author of the e-book "Homemade Supplement Secrets". This is a complete user guide to deciphering all the misinformation out there about bodybuilding and fat burning supplements.
I just finished reading this e-book and I was blown away with all the valuable information that it contains. Jeff takes you on a "No B.S." journey into the most EFFECTIVE and the most WORTHLESS supplements out there and turns them INSIDE OUT!
ALL of the research has been already done for you by analyzing the REAL science behind which supplements are purely worthless...which ones show some promise...and which ones will provide you with the powerful results you're looking for 100% guaranteed!
But not only do you get the FACTS behind the popular bodybuilding supplements... You also get STEP-BY-STEP recipes that ANYONE can follow to begin EASILY making your OWN supplement formulas right in your very own home for pennies on the dollar.
Learn ALL of the shady tactics you need to be aware of so you'll be able to make an educated decision EVERY TIME you evaluate the latest "breakthrough" miracle supplement!
If you are tired of spending your hard-earned money on "hyped up" bodybuilding and fat loss supplements that promise all and deliver NOTHING, then this e-book is a MUST READ...
-- Click Here for more information about the "Homemade Supplement Secrets" eBook --
Skinny Guy Secrets Program
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Vince Delmonte's Skinny Guy Secrets Program is a relative new comer to the muscle building program world. Vince was once a student of my Customized Diet And Training Programs and he has made huge progress over the past few years, working his way up the ranks in fitness competitions and is now a national champion fitness model!
Vince Delmonte has since put together his very own step-by-step muscle building program that utilizes all the training and nutritional strategies that he has personally used to gain 41 lbs. of muscular bodyweight in only 6 months!
The thing that I like most about Vince Delmonte's Skinny Guy Secrets Program is that it is a realistic and practical program that will work for anyone, regardless of their genetics or previous weight training experience.
The program is broken down into nice bite sized chunks that Vince refers to as "Growth Principles" - there are (9) growth principles in all that build upon each other until you have a rock solid understanding of exactly how to train for maximum muscle gain in the minimum amount of time.
-- Click Here for more information about the "Skinny Guy Secrets" eBook --