Arm Exercises
By Lee Hayward
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Arm Muscle Anatomy
The arms consist of three main areas - the biceps, triceps, and forearms.
The biceps is actually a smaller muscle then the triceps. It is on the front of the upper arms. There are two heads of the biceps muscle (hence the bi in biceps).
Beneath the biceps is the brachialis, a flat muscle group that runs about half way up the upper arm bone from the elbow joint. From the rear you can see the brachialis as a well-defined band of muscle between the triceps and biceps when a muscular bodybuilder flexes his/her arm.
The triceps is a three-headed muscle that is on the back of the upper arm (hence the name tri in triceps).
There are three primary muscle groups in the forearms. The forearm flexors lie along the inner sides of the forearms. The forearm extensors run along the outer sides of the forearms. And the supinators that lie on the upper and outer sections of the forearms.
It is essential that when you do any exercise that you perform the movements correctly, if you don’t you will receive less then optimum benefit from the exercise. It is very difficult to unlearn bad exercise habits, so it is best to learn the right exercise technique from the very start.
The key to developing the arms is to avoid overtraining these small muscle groups. The arms are used as secondary muscles in almost all chest, back, and shoulder exercises. For example, the biceps are used when doing any type of rowing movement for the back. The triceps are used when doing any type of pressing movement for the chest and/or shoulders. And the forearms are used whenever you have to grip the weights.
Bicep Exercises
Standing Barbell Curls
This exercise is a basic movement that works the biceps and forearms.
Grab a barbell with an underhand grip. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Let the barbell hang in front of you at arms length. Keep your elbows close to your torso at all times.
Moving only your forearms, use your bicep strength to curl the barbell up to shoulder level. Hold this position for a second to maximize the peak contraction in the biceps. Slowly lower the barbell to the starting position. Repeat.
Tips - do not lift excess weight and use momentum to swing the barbell up. Use a lighter weight and keep the movement slow and controlled. For variety you can use different types of barbells (i.e. an ez curl bar) to work the muscles at different angles. You can also do this exercise with a bar attached to a low cable pulley.
Standing Dumbbell Curls
This exercise is similar to the barbell curl. It works the biceps and forearms.
Grab a pair of dumbbells. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Let the dumbbells hang at arms length on each side of your body. Keep your elbows close to your torso at all times.
Moving only your forearms, use your bicep strength to curl the dumbbells up to shoulder level. Rotate your hands so that your palms are facing upwards at the top. Hold this position for a second to maximize the peak contraction in the biceps. Slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position. Repeat.
Tips - do not lift excess weight and use momentum to swing the dumbbells up. Use a lighter weight and keep the movement slow and controlled. For variety you can do this exercise with one arm at a time.
Dumbbell Hammer Curls
This exercise is similar to the dumbbell curl. It works the biceps, brachialis, and forearms.
Grab a pair of dumbbells. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Let the dumbbells hang at arms length on each side of your body. Keep your elbows close to your torso at all times and keep the palms of your hands facing each other.
Moving only your forearms, use your bicep and forearm strength to curl the dumbbells up to shoulder level. Do not rotate your hands as you curl the dumbbells. Hold the top position for a second to maximize the peak contraction in the biceps. Slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position. Repeat.
Tips - do not lift excess weight and use momentum to swing the dumbbells up. Use a lighter weight and keep the movement slow and controlled. For variety you can do this exercise with one arm at a time.
Incline Dumbbell Curls
This exercise is similar to the standing dumbbell curl. It works the biceps and forearms.
Grab a pair of dumbbells. Sit back on an incline bench with your feet shoulder width apart. Let the dumbbells hang at arms length on each side of the bench behind your body. This exercise isolates and stretches the biceps more then standing dumbbell curls so you will have to use less weight.
Moving only your forearms, use your bicep strength to curl the dumbbells up to shoulder level. Hold this position for a second to maximize the peak contraction in the biceps. Slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position. Hold this position for a second to really stretch the biceps. Repeat.
Tips - do not lift excess weight and use momentum to swing the dumbbells up. Use a lighter weight and keep the movement slow and controlled. For variety you can do this exercise with one arm at a time.
Preacher Curls
This exercise isolates the biceps. Secondary stress is applied to the forearms.
Sit on a preacher bench with your upper arms lying flat on the pad, palms of your hands facing up. Have a training partner hand you a barbell. Lower the barbell until your elbows are almost straight and you feel a good stretch in the biceps.
Moving only your forearms, use your bicep strength to curl the barbell up to shoulder level. Slowly lower the barbell back to the starting position. Hold this position for a second to really stretch the biceps. Repeat.
Tips - since this is an isolation exercise use lighter weights and really focus on using perfect exercise form. For variety you can do this exercise with dumbbells instead of a barbell. You can also do this exercise with a bar attached to a low cable pulley.
Dumbbell Concentration Curls
This exercise isolates the biceps and is good for getting a peak contraction in the muscles.
Sit at the end of an exercise bench with your legs spread. Reach down between your legs and pick up a light dumbbell with one hand. Brace your elbow against your knee and fully straighten your arm. Place your other hand on your opposite leg to support your upper body.
Moving only your forearm, use your bicep strength to curl the dumbbell up to shoulder level. Hold this position for a couple of seconds to maximize the peak contraction in the biceps. Slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of reps. Do the same for your other arm.
Tip - since this is an isolation exercise use lighter weights and really focus on using perfect exercise form.
Tricep Exercises
Lying Barbell Extensions
This exercise works the triceps, particularly the large inner head of the tricep muscle.
Lie back on a flat bench. Feet shoulder width apart on each side of the bench. Have a training partner hand you a barbell. Grip it with your hands place a bit narrower then shoulder width. Press the barbell up until it is at arms length above your shoulders.
Moving only your forearms lower the barbell in an arc motion until it is an inch above your forehead. Using your triceps strength push the bar back up in an arc motion to the starting position. Repeat.
Tips - have a training partner spot you while you are doing lying barbell extensions just in case you need help lifting the weight. For variety you can do this exercise with an ez bar or dumbbells.
Close Grip Bench Press
This is a basic tricep exercise. It works the triceps (inner and outer heads), pecs, and deltoids.
Lie back on a bench pressing bench. Your feet should be flat on the floor, shoulder width apart. Grab the bar just a bit narrower then shoulder width. Straighten your arms to lift the barbell off the rack. Position the bar so it is at arms length over you lower chest.
Lower the barbell until it touches your lower chest. As you lower the bar keep your upper arms close to your torso. With out bouncing the bar off your chest push the bar up until it is back to the starting position. Repeat.
Tips - you should always have a training partner spot you when doing the close grip bench press, just in case you need help lifting the barbell off your chest.
Tricep Dumbbell Extensions
This exercise works the triceps, particularly the long inner head of the triceps.
Grab a light dumbbell with one hand. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Lift the dumbbell so that it is at arms length straight above you shoulder. Keep a slight bend in your knees to take pressure off the lower back.
Slowly lower the dumbbell in an arc motion behind your head until your elbow is at a 90-degree angle. Slowly lift the dumbbell in an arc motion back to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of reps. Do the same for the other arm.
Tip - You can do this exercise with both arms at the same time by using a barbell, two dumbbells, or holding 1 dumbbell with two hands.
Tricep Push Downs
This exercise targets the triceps, particularly the outer head of the triceps.
Attach a bar to an overhead pulley. Stand in front of the pulley with your feet shoulder width apart. Grab the bar with a narrow overhand grip. Bend your arms fully and tuck your elbows close to your sides at all times during the exercise.
Moving just your forearms push the bar down in an arc motion until your arms are straight. Hold this position and squeeze your triceps for a second to maximize the peak contraction. Slowly lower to the starting position. Repeat.
Tips - do not let the weight plates touch during the exercise, keep the tension on the tricep muscles. For variety you can use different bars attached to the overhead pulley (i.e. ez bar, V bar, etc.) to work the muscles at different angles.
Tricep Dumbbell Kick Backs
This is a good exercise to hit all three heads of the triceps with a good peak contraction.
Grab a light dumbbell in one hand. Stand beside a flat exercise bench. Bend over at the waist until your upper torso is parallel to the floor and place your other hand on the bench to support yourself.
Keep your upper arm along the side of your torso during the entire exercise. Moving just your forearm lift the dumbbell in an arc motion until your arm is straight. Hold this position for a couple of seconds to maximize the peak contraction in the triceps. Slowly return the dumbbell to the starting position. Repeat.
Tip - you can also do this exercise with a handle attached to a low cable pulley. This variation will keep constant tension on the triceps muscles.
Tricep Bench Dips
This is a good exercise that works all of the triceps, but it emphasizes the outer head a little more then the other two heads. Secondary stress is applied to the deltoids.
Place two flat exercise benches parallel to each other and about two and a half feet apart (you may need to adjust the distance a bit after you try the movement). Place your feet on one bench and your hands on the other bench. Keep your legs together and your hands just a bit narrower then shoulder width. Straighten your arms and position your body so it is L shaped between the two benches.
Bend your arms and slowly lower your body between the benches as far as comfortable. Hold this stretched position for a second. Straighten your arms and push yourself back up to the starting position. Repeat.
Tip - you can add resistance to this exercise by having a training partner place a weight plate on your lap.
Forearm Exercises
Reverse Curls
This exercise emphasises the brachialis muscles and the supinators muscles of your forearms.
Grip a barbell with your hands placed shoulder width apart. Palms of your hands facing down. Stand up right with your feet shoulder width apart. Let the barbell hang at arms length in front of your body. Keep your elbows close to your torso at all times.
Moving only your forearms, curl the barbell up to shoulder level. Hold this position for a second to maximize the peak contraction. Slowly lower the barbell to the starting position. Repeat.
Tips - do not lift excess weight and use momentum to swing the barbell up. Use a lighter weight and keep the movement slow and controlled. For variety you can use different types of barbells (i.e. an ez curl bar) to work the muscles at different angles. You can also do this exercise with a bar attached to a low cable pulley.
Barbell Wrist Curls
This exercise works the forearm flexor muscles.
Grab a barbell with your hands narrower then shoulder width apart. Palms of your hands facing up. Sit on a flat exercise bench, let your forearms rest on the bench, your wrists should be hanging over the end of the bench.
Using your forearm strength, curl the barbell moving only your wrists in a small semicircular arc. Hold the barbell at the top position for a second to maximize the peak contraction in the forearm flexors. Slowly lower the barbell back to the starting position. Repeat.
Tips - you may want to place your thumbs on the same side of the bar as your fingers. Some people find that this helps to isolate the forearm flexors better. Instead of doing this exercise on a flat bench you can do it in a seated position and have your forearms rest on your thighs and let the barbell hang over your knees.
Dumbbell Wrist Curls
This exercise is similar to the barbell wrist curls. It works the forearm flexor muscles.
Grab a pair of dumbbells and keep the palms of your hands facing up. Sit on a flat exercise bench, let your forearms rest on your thighs, your wrist should be hanging over the end of your knees.
Using your forearm strength, curl the dumbbells moving only your wrist in a small semicircular arc. Hold the dumbbell at the top position for a second to maximize the peak contraction in the forearm flexors. Slowly lower the dumbbell back to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of reps. Do the same with the other arm.
Tips - you may want to place your thumbs on the same side of the bar as your fingers. Some people find that this helps to isolate the forearm flexors better. You can also do this exercise with one arm at a time.
Barbell Reverse Wrist Curls
This exercise works the forearm extensor muscles.
Grab a barbell with your hands narrower then shoulder width apart. Palms of your hands facing down. Sit on a flat exercise bench, let your forearms rest on the bench, your wrists should be hanging over the end of the bench.
Using your forearm strength, curl the barbell moving only your wrists in a small semicircular arc. Hold the barbell at the top position for a second to maximize the peak contraction in the forearm extensors. Slowly lower the barbell back to the starting position. Repeat.
Tip - Instead of doing this exercise on a flat bench you can do it in a seated position and have your forearms rest on your thighs and let the barbell hang over your knees.
Dumbbell Reverse Wrist Curls
This exercise is similar to the barbell reverse wrist curls. It works the forearm extensor muscles.
Grab a dumbbell with one hand and have the palm of your hand facing down. Sit on a flat exercise bench, let your forearm rest on the bench, your wrist should be hanging over the end of the bench. Place your empty hand on your knee to support your body.
Using your forearm strength, curl the dumbbell moving only your wrist in a small semicircular arc. Hold the dumbbell at the top position for a second to maximize the peak contraction in the forearm extensors. Slowly lower the dumbbell back to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of reps. Do the same with the other arm.
Tip - Instead of doing this exercise on a flat bench you can do it in a seated position and have your forearm rest on your thigh and let the dumbbell hang over your knee.
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