Dear Lee,
I wanted to let you know about my workout progress and to thank you for all your help. I've made some amazing changes in my physique. And I credit my progress to your help expertise. If it had not been for your e-mails, website, and messageboard I would still be overweight.
I've been following the various routines from your site, and will continue to do so. But, as you know, getting into the gym and working out is actually the easy part. Your nutritional advice and diet plans helped me the most with losing bodyfat and gaining lean muscle. Over the past year I’ve lost 55lbs on the scale and I've also gotten stronger and added some lean muscle as well. So that actual fat loss is more then just the 55lbs. of bodyweight.
When I started I was 251 lbs. and could only bench press 205 lbs.
Now I’m 196 lbs. and my max bench press has gone up to 235 lbs.
So that just goes to show that you CAN gain strength and lean muscle while losing bodyfat.
I also practice mixed martial arts (MMA) and I’ve noticed huge improvements in my speed, strength, and endurance since losing all the excess bodyweight. I enjoy the sport even more now since I'm able to keep up with some of the better MMA fighters in my class.
My physique is by no means where I want it to be, but I know with your continued assistance and with consistent effort that I WILL reach my fitness goals.
Thanks again Lee.
Mathew Broughton
West Virginia